/ / Information support of management in modern conditions of development of society

Information support of management in modern conditions of development of a society

Without the use of information today is unthinkablequality management of various systems and organizations, since modern civilization is fully based on the management and interaction of various social groups among themselves. That is why the qualitative information support of management today is an essential part of achieving successful leadership and business. However, at present we are seeing the result that has been achieved during the technical and scientific progress of the last few decades, and in order to better understand information as such, we should take a brief excursion into the historical past.

The beginning of the development of the mathematical theory of informationThe works of the scientists N. Wiener and C. Shannon served as early as the distant 40s of the twentieth century and defined the concept of information as measures to reduce the certainty of knowledge depending on the concreteness of an event. For a better understanding, this postulate can be compared with the concretization of research on any issue, with the result that we can get the most complete knowledge on certain topics.

Management information support today is directly related to moderncomputer programs that have reached an unprecedented level of development. The latest nanotechnology has allowed the creation of such computers, which determine a particular person by voice, fingerprints, iris, and so on. In addition, automated systems have a great influence on further development, since they allow scientists to penetrate more and more into the depths of space and into the interior of matter.

Если говорить об управлении, то все это оказывает a huge impact on the development of the company, as well as the achievement of its goals and objectives. Information support of management allows you to monitor the activities of employees, track the impact of their work, take into account internal and external factors of influence on specific people. Moreover, a widely developed surveillance system allows you to reliably protect objects from intruders and detractors, for which sound alarms and light rays are also used.

Also, do not link the informationensuring management of the organization directly with the latest technological inventions in the field of information processing and ensuring its security. This concept also includes the correct work with information that goes through many stages.

The management of social systems includes the following:

- production of information in the form of scientific publications and research, discoveries, achievements, experiments and creative activities;

- selection and evaluation of information according to the degree of its importance for a subsequent action, based on the tasks set for the person;

- analytical and synthetic data processing, which consists in the specification, ordering, filtering, translation, encoding, and so on;

- search, storage, distribution and reproduction of information, as well as their transfer to specific consumers.

In addition to the foregoing, the informationensuring management also implies control over the use of data in one way or another, as well as compliance with the privacy policy. In today's world, it is almost impossible to keep anything secret, as a result of which industrial and scientific espionage has reached unprecedented heyday. This should also be taken into account by any manager, especially when introducing a new product or providing a service.

Подводя итоги, следует еще раз обратить внимание to the fact that the management information system is an extremely broad concept that includes many scientific characteristics. However, every modern person needs to constantly monitor all changes in the field of information technology, because otherwise there is a risk of simply lagging behind scientific and technological progress and not keeping up with the development of modern society.