/ / Landscape gardening and landscape construction: specialty features

Garden and park and landscape construction: specialty features

В сфере строительства и дизайна есть много разных specializations. Each of them is important because only teamwork of specialists leads to the desired result. Landscape gardening and landscape construction are becoming more and more popular, because besides comfort, the aesthetic aspect is also important for modern people.

To study this specialty is worth those peoplewho want to express themselves and are eager to change the world for the better. Experts transfer their ideas to paper, and then create full-fledged projects to improve the space.


To create an expressive, environmentally healthyenvironment allows landscape gardening and landscape construction. The specialty involves the study of landscape design parks, public areas and interior design of buildings. Creative individuals with the makings of artists are ideally suited for this work. The master of landscape gardening and landscape construction should be able to ennoble the area, and it should be done beautifully.

landscape gardening and landscape construction

Training is carried out according to a special plan.A theoretical part is necessary, which allows you to get the necessary knowledge in the field of landscape design. Also, practice is conducted in landscape gardening farms, architectural and landscape studios, in organizations engaged in landscape design. In this area you can get a qualification technician, engineer-designer, florist.


After mastering the program “Landscape gardening andlandscape construction "graduates are issued an education certificate. Specialty is in demand. The modern world can not do without professionals who are doing everything to improve the urban environment, increase comfort and environmental friendliness. Moreover, many large developers today use the services of landscape designers.

landscape gardening and landscape construction specialty

Graduates can work on municipalenterprises, institutes and workshops, construction firms. Specialists are needed in forest parks, greenhouses and flower companies. Masters improve the territory of the city.

Landscape gardening, landscape construction -quite complicated, but interesting field of activity. A professional may well work for himself, because such knowledge makes it possible to open his own business. In this area, originality, creativity and creativity will help. This area is constantly evolving, so the demand for specialists is always high.

Basic principles of work

Landscape gardening and landscape constructiondeveloped under the influence of two directions. Regular (architectural, geometric) style focuses more on the decoration of the territories and is intended to cause a person to delight. In this case, there is no reference to the natural characteristics of the relief or features of the local flora. Landscape and scenery are created almost from scratch.

Для озеленения территорий используются живые hedges and other plantations, which are combined with neatly cut lawns. For geometric construction, borders are set, ordering is done from trees and shrubs. The territory can be decorated with pools and fountains.

master of landscape gardening and landscape construction

The second, landscape method of improving the areaIt is considered more natural, since the natural environment is taken as the basis here. The relief remains original, and the local plants blend in well with the landscape. The landscape, of course, has artificial details, in particular, lawns, sandy hills. The area looks great with ponds, trees and shrubs.

Objects are arranged naturally. Such landscape construction is intended for the construction of parks and gardens. These are the main places of recreation for people. In the landscaping of the regions they occupy an important place.

Arrangement of the city park

Landscape gardening and landscape constructionprovides for the construction of cozy parks. Of course, the location of the park area depends on the terrain. Unfortunately, parks are often overloaded with various facilities, for example, playgrounds, amusement rides. Designers prefer to decorate the territory with fountains, artificial ponds, small secluded groves.

landscape gardening and landscape construction work

Парки служат для проведения разных мероприятий, therefore, of course, the necessary buildings and access roads should be present here. The zoning of the territory is important, which implies the delimitation of the place for mass events and recreation. Properly landscaped area allows people to feel comfortable even in a big city. This is exactly what landscape gardening and landscape construction are doing. The work of specialists helps to improve the world around us.