In the history of management development,a huge amount of versatile and extensive information about practice and management theory in all spheres of human activity. In this article, we will talk about what modern management is, and also about theories and governance models that dominate the global economy.
The very concept of "management" can be viewed withThere are several definitions. First of all, this is the management process. In addition, management is called a discipline that studies the management of enterprises and summarizes the experience and results of research.
Modern management has a number of tasks liketactical (maintenance of the functioning of the enterprise) and strategic (development of the organization and its transfer to a new level). There are several types of management: production, supply-marketing, innovation, financial, marketing-management, personnel management and others.
Modern theories of management are presentedwest and east directions. The first lies at the heart of the management of the economy of the United States of America and the countries of Western Europe, the second - of China and South-East Asia.
Among the characteristic features of the Western modelmanagement - individual responsibility, lack of attachment of an employee to work, self-assertion of managers at the enterprise, independent decision of one leader, incompatibility of business and personal relations. In addition, this style of management does not accept investment funds and banks as an investor. Within the limits of the western theory separate styles and models of management are allocated.
For example, modern management in Englandis distinguished by increased attention to production costs, the development of high technology products, the rapid modernization of new technological processes, as well as the relatively low cost of labor.
The German model is characterized by foresight andhigh discipline, and innovations in the modernization of the production process are longer. The management of the organization is carried out by the supervisory board and the board, between which functions and positions are divided. In comparative studies, such features of this model become visible, such as stimulating vocational training, respect for competence, technical preparedness of employees, a wide range of powers and responsibilities, the effectiveness of labor relations, employee loyalty.
Modern management of the American modelapply not only in the US, but also in New Zealand, Australia, Canada and other countries. It is known that it was in the United States that a science of management was formed. American management has such features:
- the actions of businessmen are straightforward;
- managers often resort to pressure and orders;
- they do not make digressions, but go immediately to the essence of the matter;
- the main goal is a comprehensive agreement.
American management is development-orientedcorporations that use strategic management in their activities. It is based on situational and system analysis of the external and internal environment.
Management in Japan is different in that contactsbetween firms are built on friendly and kinship relations between leaders. The level of education of all staff is quite high, in addition, there is a constant improvement of professional skills. Partners trust each other and are confident of success. It is interesting that all employees in Japan do morning exercises right at work, they wear uniforms and bring up the company's devotion. For success in work they receive rewarding. Practice lifelong employment, and pension benefits are granted to all family members of the employee after his retirement.
Thus, the management of a firm or organizationin different countries is determined by a number of factors, including both legislation and the existing structure in a particular country. The general theory of management does not exist, and therefore at the present stage there are several theories, styles and models of management with their own characteristics and peculiarities