Every person in life is surrounded by many of thoseor other products. We almost every day make purchases, without thinking about what refers to non-food products, what is their specificity, what are the rules for their purchase and return. We will talk about what kinds of such things exist, what constitutes the concept of their quality. Let's try to make a list of non-food products and build their classification.
The concept of
Traditionally, it is customary to divide all goods bya sign of the possibility and impossibility of eating. According to this criterion, food and non-food products are distinguished. The list of items that are not eaten and are not raw materials for cooking is extremely long and varied.
Non-food products satisfymultiple human needs, both biological (protection from the cold, safety, sleep) and social (prestige, fashion, belonging to a group). Different industries produce more and more goods. In connection with the growth of the range and product categories, the task of dividing products into types is becoming increasingly difficult.
All non-food items listedhuge, can be divided into groups according to different characteristics. Historically, a classification has been established in which goods are classified into household, sanitary, haberdashery, construction, furniture, carpet, hardware, tools, electrical goods and household appliances, clothing and footwear, fabrics, jewelry and watches, stationery, music and photo goods, sports, books and printed materials.
According to the frequency of demand and its features emitgoods of daily and special as well as impulse demand. Non-food items can be divided into trendy, seasonal and related. To destination allocate products of wide use and production and technical purposes. All these classifications have intersections and cannot always cover the whole variety of non-food items.
For the convenience and uniqueness of the assignment of certain goods to certain groups, an economic-statistical classification has been developed, in which they are divided into aggregated categories.
All non-food items listedpractically inexhaustible, divided into groups in accordance with their purpose, composition, features. The categorizer offers a complex group coding system and can only be used by specialists in commodity studies. For educational purposes, a simplified classification was developed, which became widespread due to its convenience and a fairly high degree of universality. It assumes the allocation of 9 large commodity complexes:
- Household goods. This complex includes glass, ceramic, plastic and glass products (dishes, building materials, tools, etc.), as well as household chemicals and furniture.
- Oil and refined products.
- Clothes and shoe products, including fur products.
- Perfume and cosmetic products.
- Jewelry.
- Haberdashery goods (bags, wallets, combs, belts, ties).
- Electrical goods (household appliances, lighting, food storage).
- Cultural and household (televisions, musical instruments, books, sports equipment, watches, vehicles, cameras, phones).
- Crafts products.
Features of non-food products arethat they usually do not require special conditions of storage and transportation. But non-food items are often items of high complexity or danger. Therefore, some of them require special training during operation, so the consumer must be trained in the use of such goods - this is their specificity. Therefore, there are special rules for the sale and quality assessment of non-food items.
The concept of quality non-food items
Features of non-food products are in the way they are produced, purchased and consumed. During the operation of things and devices show their properties, by which their quality is evaluated.
Non-food items listedcovers a variety of products, from combs to cars, do not have uniform criteria for assessing the quality due to their high diversity. The properties of each category of goods are governed by state standards and technical regulations. At the same time, the inconsistency of quality with the required standards can be proved only with the help of expertise. This assessment is carried out using the following methods:
- organoleptic, i.e. external examination with the help of the expert's sense organs;
- registration, instrumental and settlement, which allow to evaluate the physico-chemical characteristics of the product;
- sanitary-chemical;
- microbiological and environmental.
The expert interview method is also used to assess the aesthetic properties of the product.
Consumer properties of non-food items
When purchasing a product, the consumerdoes not use special methods of evaluation, but bases its choice on the evaluation of its properties. Of course, they are very different for products of different categories. So, the consumer chooses sporting goods in completely different parameters than the new refrigerator. But there are common consumer properties characteristic of all non-food items. These include:
- Durability. The goods must, in accordance with the standard, serve a specific term. The consumer assumes that each product will last for some time, for example, a refrigerator - 10 years, and sneakers - 2 years.
- Security. The product must be made of environmentally friendly materials.
- Ergonomic. The product should create a sense of convenience for the consumer.
- Physical and technical properties. The consumer carries out his own methods of assessing the condition of the product and its ability to perform specified functions.
- Aesthetics. The buyer, based on his ideas about beauty, evaluates this indicator of the product.
- Maintainability. When purchasing a complex vehicle or a used car, the consumer thinks about the availability and cost of repairs if necessary.
- The image of the manufacturer. Many consumers under the influence of advertising believe that some brands are better than others, and choose products based on their ideas about the prestige and reliability of the manufacturer.
Purchase and operation
Торговля непродовольственными товарами obeys independent rules. They regulate the requirements for packaging and transportation of products. Special rules apply to fragile items such as televisions or glass vases. Also, the seller must provide the established conditions for the storage of goods with a certain humidity, temperature conditions. For example, electronics require adherence to strict storage parameters. Also, the store must ensure the correct service process: in the sales area the buyer must be met by a competent seller who is ready to give expert advice about the properties and functions of the product. For example, when purchasing sports goods, the buyer should be informed about the purpose of the product and the conditions of its operation.
Exchange and refund
Unlike foodnon-food items are subject to return and exchange. Although there are a number of limitations. Clothing, shoes, accessories (bags, belts) should be returned if the products did not fit the customer in size, color, style, etc. At the same time, the product should not have been in operation. Within 14 days from the date of purchase, the buyer can return the goods to the store if there is a check and the packaging is safe, without explaining the reason for the return. Also, the consumer can exchange goods of inadequate quality for a product that meets the requirements of the standard. If 14 days from the date of purchase have passed and a defect has been revealed in the goods, then it can be returned or exchanged after the examination. It must prove that damage to the product was not caused by the consumer during operation.
Non-returnable and exchangeable goods
However, there are restrictions on return andexchange. In the list of products that are not subject to such procedures, there are some non-food items. These are jewelry, pharmacy equipment and medicines, household appliances, fabrics, animals and plants, perfumes and cosmetics, books, building and finishing materials.
Special conditions apply for returns and exchangestechnically complex products. They can not just bring to the store, if you do not like the colors. In this case, expertise will be required; this may be an on-site assessment by the seller or a procedure ordered from specialists. For technically complex products include cars, computers, refrigerators, washing machines, boats and yachts, motorcycles, tractors.