/ / Large cargo: transportation features, permissions and recommendations

Bulky cargo: transportation features, permits and recommendations

Bulky cargo is a cargo, parameterswhich exceed the dimensions established by the standards. Special equipment is often required for its transportation, and special requirements are made for transportation. How to transport such goods and what you need to know with this?

The law establishes a number of rules regardingoversized and oversized cargo. The main provisions are governed by the rules of the road. There are also special regulations regarding them.

oversized cargo

What is bulky cargo?

This term can hide any cargothe length of which is more than 13.6 meters, and the width and height exceeds 2.5 meters. As for weight, this category includes the load carrying the load on the axles of the vehicle, exceeding the maximum permissible according to the technical requirements for this machine.

All these parameters are governed by the rules.transportation of oversized cargo, in which it is also indicated that when going outside the vehicle (1 m in length and 40 cm in width), the cargo must be equipped with special reflective signs.

transportation of oversized cargo

How to transport such goods?

Of course, transportation of bulky goodscarried on a special cargo vehicle. His driver must first obtain permission from the traffic police. It is issued for up to 3 months and can be both disposable and reusable. In the latter case, the number of shipments should not exceed 10. In addition, transportation is carried out strictly on the planned route, deviate from which is prohibited. It’s all a matter of the roadway capacity parameters: they are one on this route and others on the other and may not correspond to the parameters of the cargo being transported.

Before transporting it is important to correctly approach theorganization of this process. To do this, you need to choose a suitable vehicle or container, approve the necessary fastening schemes, go through loading and unloading in the prescribed manner, draw up a route and issue all accompanying documents.

bulky and heavy loads

What vehicle is used?

For shipments apply specialvehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, as well as containers with the necessary dimensions and parameters of carrying capacity. Long loads, in most cases, are transported on open platforms.

Small-sized, but heavy cargoes can be transported using trucks, tractors and low-bed semi-trailers. In some cases, cranes with increased payload are included in the work.

transportation of oversized and heavy cargo

Shipping Restrictions

Transportation of oversized and heavy cargoes is subject to certain restrictions. They concern not only traffic, but also parking. For example, it is prohibited:

  • To develop a speed higher than that specified in the permit for oversized cargo.
  • To carry out movement in the conditions of insufficient visibility.
  • Move in bad weather.
  • Move on the sidelines.
  • To carry out transportation in case of faulty cargo securing.
  • Carry out transportation if the load is loose and shifted from the original attachment.
  • To transport the cargo, the mass of which exceeds the maximum permissible values ​​by the manufacturer of the vehicle.
  • Carry a cargo that restricts visibility to the driver or makes it difficult to drive.
  • Transport cargo blocking lighting devices, such as light reflectors.
  • Carry cargo that harms pavement, picks up dust or makes noise.
  • Stay in areas not designated as parking places.

Throughout the route in chargeThe driver includes strict control of the placement of the cargo, its condition and fastening. At the slightest violation of the requirements of the instructions, the driver must immediately eliminate it, and if this is not possible, stop driving on the route.

It is worth considering: if large cargo is transported to another country, there may be its own rules and regulations, which also have to be observed.

Permits and fines

Permission for the transport of oversized cargomust be obtained in the locality designated as the starting point of the route. The documentation indicates not only the full route, but also the dimensions of the cargo being transported, as well as the axle load.

permit for oversized cargo

Carry loads that are larger thanmaximum permissible, without permission. Otherwise, you can earn a serious fine. For individuals, its size is 2.0-2.5 thousand rubles, and legal entities face a punishment much higher - 400-500 thousand. In addition, you can lose the certificate for up to six months.

Accompanying oversized cargo

Transportation of oversized cargo mayrequire special vehicles with flashing lights. This is especially required for lengthy loads, more than 24 meters in length and 4 meters in width. Requirements for the movement of the accompanying vehicle: it must move ahead of the cargo vehicle, at a distance of 10-20 meters, without closing the review to him or to oncoming cars.

Maintenance is required in any case for vehicles moving with partial occupation of the oncoming lane. At the same time, the dimensions of the transported cargo do not play a role.

Official rules and instructions

So, deliver bulky and heavyweightcargo must be subject to special rules. They are allotted a whole section of traffic rules at number 23 - “Cargo transportation”. In addition, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of the instructions for the transport of these goods by road. However, the dominant role is played by the “Rules of the Road”. In the event of an emergency on the road, it is from them that the court will repel first.

permit for transportation of oversized cargo

Независимо от указанной в разрешении скорости do not exceed the maximum permissible speed of transportation of heavy loads. For motor vehicles it is 60 km / h. If the car moves on the bridge, you can not go at a speed higher than 15 km / h.

In addition to obtaining permission from RosAvtodor, inIn some cases, it is also necessary to obtain a special agreement on the crossing of railway crossings. Registration of all this documentation takes from two days to two weeks.

ПДД каких-либо ограничений на максимальную массу car with a load does not install. It all depends on the maximum load on the axles, as well as the quality of the road surface. However, the rules clearly state: the cargo is considered heavy if its weight with the car is more than 38 tons. For a load exceeding a mass of 44 tons, it is required not only obtaining permission, but the development of a special project.

As you can see, to transport large-sizecargo, you need to take into account many rules and carefully prepare. That is why most people trust this procedure to competent carriers with many years of experience.