Normalized milk

Milk, oddly enough, the product is seasonal.Udoi begin to rise in spring, reach a peak in summer and decrease significantly by winter. You can go around dozens of stores in search of "real" or "live", or, as technologists say, "raw" milk, but never find it. Instead, in the dairy departments bags of different manufacturers with mysterious inscriptions will flaunt themselves: "normalized milk" or "pasteurized milk". We, ordinary people, are puzzled: what does this inscription mean?

А на самом деле все просто.Normalized milk is processed milk. The goal of technologists at dairy plants comes down to solving problem number one: do not let the milk sour for as long as possible. And it is quite enough such methods. The toughest and most common is sterilization (repeated boiling). The second method is pasteurization. The method is more gentle: 30 minutes the milk is aged at a temperature of 65-70 degrees. Marking (icon) UHT speaks of high-temperature treatments: rapid heating (for a few seconds - 135 degrees), and then - instantaneous cooling.

But pasteurization is commonplace for the whole world.But the "revival" of milk from powder is in doubt. And behind the phrase "normalized milk" is often hidden just such a pseudo-milk. How do technologists explain this?

Normalized milk can be of two types.

1. Whole fresh milk in accordance with a certain technology is brought to the fat content set by the standard.

2Normalized milk (either recombined or reconstituted) is made from powder. I remember an old advertising for the "Invite" juices with the funny phrase "just add water". Here is the same principle: the manufacturer adds water to the powdered milk. But for some reason he forgets to inform the buyer. Or do not forget?

The presence of powder in the purchased liquid canshow only spectral analysis. The usual traditional analysis of the results will not give. Here only special expertise is needed. But those who know the taste of natural milk, recognize it and taste, without analysis: powdered normalized milk has a sweetish specific flavor, characteristic only of dry milk.

A strange thing - it would seem, the implementation of milk onSpill is beneficial to all: the manufacturer, the buyer, the seller. Dairy farms are constantly delivering fresh milk to stores, the buyer knows for sure that the milk is real (whole), and the stores themselves receive (could receive) a percentage of sales more than they get from packaged milk.

But there really are problems.

First, milk refers to perishable foods. So, it can turn sour before it reaches the counter. This is a loss. Straight.

Secondly, milk, not thermally processed,can give "surprises" in the form of salmonellosis and tuberculosis. And if suddenly the suspicion falls on at least one animal, you will have to stop sending the goods completely. Processing also removes these issues.

Thirdly, for the sale of milk on the street (onmarkets) need to get a lot of different references and testimonials. And for each batch. From the permission of veterinary services to SES, which will confirm the safety of products. It costs money. Everything depends on the availability of time and finances. And the milk "wait" will not. Here the terms are tight. Therefore, the villager is forced to hand over milk to the first buyer at the proposed, obviously low, price.

Both milk suppliers (villagers) and consumers deprived of choice are losing out. It turns out, as in Russian fairy tales: it seemed to flow through my mustache, but it did not get into my mouth.

It remains to hope only for decencymanufacturers and do not forget to carefully read the inscriptions (especially those with small print), with the hope that the milk is normalized, which we have on the shelf, refers to the "type number 1" - whole and fresh ...