/ / Carburetor Keihin (Japan) for motorcycles: service, adjustment

Keihin carburetor (Japan) for motorcycles: service, adjustment

Repair, adjust and clean the carburetor israther complicated procedure. However, having penetrated into the technology of its implementation, each owner of a motorcycle or scooter will be able to perform all the actions independently. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the details of the implementation of this process, as well as allocate a sufficient amount of free time.

Carburetor Keihin Japanese-made has the samedevice in all models. For other manufacturers, the principle of cleaning and adjustment is similar. Therefore, as an example, this brand of carburetor fits perfectly. The work of the motorcycle depends on the correctness and responsible approach to the cleaning and adjustment.

The need for maintenance carburetor

Having scooter "honda", «Квасаки», «Навигатор» или прочие модели two-wheeled motor technology, you should understand the importance of periodic maintenance of the carburetor. Power, ease of start, speed and motorcycle control depend on this system.

Carburetor keihin

Чтобы в блок цилиндров подавалась одинаковая по the quality of the fuel mixture, it is necessary to properly regulate the work of the carburetor. Synchronization allows you to adjust the amount of gasoline and air, which, mixing, come to the engine.

Experienced drivers know that scooter carburetor not only need to be adjusted, but alsoclean during maintenance. In gasoline there is a certain amount of additives, impurities. When the engine is in operation, they settle on the walls of the system, forming pollution of the nozzles. To ensure that the carburetor can perform its functions in full, it is required to periodically clean it from dirt and soot accumulated inside.

When is maintenance required?

Carburetor (Keihin Pz30CVK doesn’t matter) all popular models have a similar maintenance principle. Therefore, signs of the need for this procedure in all cases will be similar symptoms.

Scooter honda

The main reason requiring implementationadjusting the carburetor, is the uneven operation of the motor. It manifests itself at idle. There may also be a pop coming from the muffler, increased gas mileage. The driver must periodically pay attention to the appearance of the candles. Significant changes in their color indicate violations of the preparation of the fuel mixture.

Candles can be considered a major indicator of performance.carburetor. If they are white, the mixture is considered poor. Too much soot on the candles indicates a rich mix is ​​made. This is a deviation from the norm. The reason may be a clogged carburetor or a failure of its settings. In this case, maintenance is carried out as soon as possible. The system should also be cleaned periodically. It depends on the frequency of operation of the motorcycle.

Dismantling the carburetor

To clean carburetor Keihin, it will need to be dismantled. To get to it, you will need to remove the airbox and gas tank. Then the clamps of the manifold pipes are loosened. The choke (enrichment cable) is dismantled.

Idling adjustment

Scooter "honda" and other models of similar vehicleshave a system of carburetors, which stand in the same row. They do not need to be separated from each other for cleaning. However, to replace the seals will have to disassemble the line.

When dismantling, a block of carburetors is removed, andalso gas cables. Now you can easily perform system maintenance. The top covers must be removed (the screws are unscrewed). Next, you need to inspect the condition of gaskets, needles and rubber bands.

The insides and the carburetor itself, as well as the parts around it, must be well cleaned. To do this, fit the bath with gasoline and a regular paint brush.

Block disassembly

If it is necessary to disassemble the block of carburetors, the next step is to dismantle the intermediate plate between them and the air filter. Next, you need to unscrew the bolts on the bar holding the unit together. Keihin CVK or another model usually requires great physical effort here. Most likely, you will need to use a screwdriver with a T-shaped handle.

Next, you need to disconnect the return spring. For this, the bolts are also unscrewed in the appropriate places. The bar will slide off easily and detach from the structure.

Carburetor setting

Between the carburetors fixes a long bolt.It must also be dismantled. You can disassemble the block. The first carburetor is removed and the spring is put aside. They should not be confused in places (differ in size). Then the case is cleaned from the outside.

Carburetor block maintenance

Scooter carburetor может нуждаться в замене диафрагмы.In some cases, it is also necessary to completely replace one of the elements of the block. The internal metal surface of the device may oxidize over time. Therefore, you will need to replace the diaphragm. It is very carefully removed with a screwdriver.

This element can be reached with a metering needle and a flap. Further, if necessary, the old components can be replaced.

Scooter carburetor

After that, you need to unscrew the screws.float chamber. Its cover is removed. Rate the work of the float, you can easily press it. If this element springs, then his work is correct. No replacement is required. When disassembling it is very important to use a screwdriver of a suitable size. All work must be done very carefully.


Carburetor Keihin after dismantling requires thorough cleaning.For this you need to purchase a special tool. It should not destroy the rubber seals. On sale are many such cleaners. Convenient if the product is in the bottle. With the help of a special tube it will be easy to spray it all over the mechanism.

Keihin carburetor adjustment

Works need to be carried out in the open air. The composition of the solvent includes many hazardous components. Therefore, indoors, such work is extremely not recommended.

Under pressure, the carburetor is purged with air.If necessary, some areas can be cleaned manually with cotton buds. If the length of the springs is significantly different (1.5 mm), they must be replaced.

Carburetor assembly

After proper cleaning and replacement of all obsolete parts, carburetor setting in the same position.Reassemble in the reverse order. At installation of diaphragms it is necessary to establish correctly a return spring in a saddle. If it is not easy to install it in place, the part just needs to be turned.

Keihin carburetor tuning

When installing the valve, you must follow the position of the needle. It should not shift to the side. If necessary, parts must be lubricated with grease.

Then, in the reverse order, the cylinder block is put together. To do this, you need to prepare the appropriate tool. All carburetors are different. Therefore, when disassembling it is necessary to number them. Carburetor setting requires scrupulous attitude. All bolts, springs, must be assembled very carefully. It is better to record the sequence when disassembling, so as not to lose a single structural element.


After cleaning is required carburetor tuning Keihin. You can start with synchronization. This is a simple procedure. But it will require a synchronizer. This device checks sparseness.

Motorcycle need to warm up to workmotor temperature. Next, remove the tank and filter. The synchronizer will help to establish the same rarefaction in the collector. The device connects to it. The engine starts.

According to sensor readings, valves needto adjust. They should react (but not much) to changes in sparseness. If the synchronizer needle does not accept the change, the valve must be released. The process is carried out with the appropriate screws on the carburetor. First, adjust the right and left screw. Only then can the central lever be adjusted.

Idling adjustment

After high-quality cleaning is made adjustment of idling. To do this, the motor must be well heated. You will need to start the vehicle and wait 10-15 minutes.

Then follow the instructions.manufacturer. It indicates where the adjustment screws are located. Guided by this knowledge, you can begin the process. It is better to mark the screwdriver with which all settings will be made. On one side you need to stick a marker. This will allow you to understand how many turns were made.

At idle, you need to twistmatching screw. If it is clamped, the momentum will increase, and vice versa. The adjustment is performed until a stable engine idling is obtained.

Adjusting the quality of the mixture

If idle adjustment was successful, you can start setting upquality of the fuel mixture. She should not be too poor or rich. The adjustment is made using the adjusting screw or by moving the needle in the throttle valve.

Before setting the motor should be warm.This procedure is carried out only for pure carburetor. Most often, for normal operation of the system, it is required to unscrew the screw from the extreme position by 1.5-2 turns. But many reasons affect this indicator.

Если винт повернуть по часовой стрелке, смесь enriched and vice versa. If the needle is lowered, the mixture is depleted. When combining both settings, it is possible to achieve accurate operation of the fuel supply system to the engine. If the procedure is performed correctly, the motorcycle will accelerate smoothly. When moving there will be no jerks

Fuel level adjustment

Adjusting the carburetor Keihin completed by checking the fuel in the floatthe camera. To do this, prepare a transparent tube. It is located at the bottom of the system. The drain screw must be unscrewed. Next, the tube goes up to the opposite side of the carburetor. Checks fuel level.

The check is made when the motorcycle engine is running. The tube should always be higher than the carburetor. The fuel should be at a level slightly lower than the lid curb.

Having considered carburetor Keihin, as well as its device and service, eachthe vehicle owner will be able to clean and adjust themselves. This will extend the life of the vehicle, make movement on it safe and comfortable. Virtually all actions the driver can do on their own, without contacting the service center.