Hyundai Galloper - full size KoreanSUV. The company Hyundai took the concept of the popular Japanese jeep, which was withdrawn from production and created its own car. In this review you will learn about all the features, advantages and disadvantages of this machine.

History of creation
It all started with the Japanese company Mitsubishi and theiroff-road vehicle Pajero. The concept and platform of the Japanese were a win-win option. First, the Japanese automakers of those times made their cars for ages. The same Pajero is released to this day. Secondly, Korean companies of those times still did not create fundamentally new own cars. All of their production looked something like this: the foundation was taken from the successful model of another firm, everything was copied, up to the design and produced under its emblem. Hyundai Galloper - one of these cars.
In 1991, Mitsibishi withdrew from theproduction of the first generation of Pajero, what the Koreans used. For the Japanese manufacturer it was time to create a new modern model, and for Hyundai it was an ideal option for both the second-tier brand.
The release of this SUV under the Korean emblem began in 1991. Sunset production of cars fell in 2003. Now we turn to the overview of the car itself.
Hyundai Galloper: photo and description of appearance
The appearance of the car from its ancestordiffered not very much. The common square shape of the body is preserved. The front optics, the bumper and the rear part have changed. The design of the car corresponded to all the canons of the off-road class of that time: rough rough-hewn forms, high landing, which is comparable to a truck, and a spare wheel covered with plastic protection is located on the tailgate rear door.

But you can not say that the car is completea copy of the first generation Pajero. Korean designers have made a lot of efforts to create a new image of the car. In 1998, Koreans at one of the international auto dealers introduced the so-called Hyundai Galloper 2. The smoothed corners of the clumsy Pajero gave the car a friendly appearance.
Vehicle interior
But before the interior decoration, Korean engineersand the designers, unfortunately, did not get there. Looks the front panel SUV is too cheap: rough plastic, poorly adjusted parts and a constant script give out a cheapness of 100%.
Reviews of owners claim that ergonomicsis also on a disgusting level. The dashboard is maximally inconvenient: the tachometer and speedometer are too far apart, which prevents them from reading. Even relying on the fact that the car is budgetary, the creators could add more quality materials and equipment. Even the rear-view mirror is unsuccessful - the review is hampered by large headrests, and behind the rear window the whole picture is covered by a huge spare tire. In general, the ergonomics of the car interior users put the top three with a big stretch.

There are many places inside the car, but trips are unlikelycan be called comfortable. Many car enthusiasts believe that all convenience is lost because of uncomfortable seats without lateral support. The third row of seats in the version with 5 doors is too "pulled by the ears" - it is extremely inconvenient to sit on it. Sometimes customers come up with the idea that it would be better for him and not installed in this car, but focused on the capacity of the trunk. But in any case, for trips with friends to the country and back - it's almost an ideal option.
The choice between a three-door and a five-door version
The Hyundai Galloper was produced in these two body styles. The choice of modification by the buyer depends entirely on the operating style of this machine.

To overcome rough terrain andcountry roads are better suited three-door version. Due to the short base, this car is much lighter than the 5-door option. But for urban operation and family trips it is preferable to choose a five-door model. Still, customers claim that this car in two versions is not very confident on the asphalt: the non-informative steering wheel, the "floating" suspension do not allow the driver to feel safe. Since the difference in price is minimal, it is better to choose in favor of a large version. The additional passenger places, although so close, will be superfluous. A huge saloon in disassembled condition can serve for the transportation of bulky goods. The car is great for farming needs with a sparing state of roads.
Another disadvantage in the piggy bank SUV - it's hisunreliability. With a careless attitude to the technical part, the car will quickly begin to crumble right before your eyes, and if you take into account the age of the Korean, it will happen so quickly that you do not have time to leave completely even one summer season.

Hyundai Galloper: specifications
A fairly scanty car and in terms of choicemotors - there are only two options. The first is a gasoline unit with a volume of 3 liters and a capacity of 146 horsepower. The second engine is a 2.5-liter diesel with a power of 86 or 105 horsepower for the buyer's choice. On both motors Hyundai Galloper reviews are very positive. Marriage in the engines of these cars happens rarely. The SUV was equipped with either a five-speed manual gearbox, or a four-speed automatic. The transmission of the car is reliable and does not cause censures in stable operation.
But what can you find fault with, so it's a hugeconsumption - about 19 liters to overcome the route length of 100 kilometers. With such an appetite, the whole idea of the budget off-road vehicle is lost. In service, the car can be called cheap. Consumers though have to change too often, but their price range is much lower than that of competitive cars. Yet the 10-year experience of PAJERO production did not go unnoticed by the Koreans. You can find fault with the body condition only, which is what the users say in their reviews. But, if you make an amendment to the age, the car is not so bad compared to other models of those years.
In general, Hyundai Galloper, whose characteristicsnot quite impressive modern motorists, is still the same Pajero first generation, only slightly improved. In addition, improved forms, thanks to which the car can be looked at with pleasure. Users are disappointed with several things. Firstly, this is a meager package and equipment of the salon. Secondly, unscrupulous assembly of panels inside the car, as well as poor quality of materials, which does not correspond even to the declared price. And the last is a scant choice of engines. Just one gasoline and one diesel engine - this is too little for a full-size frame SUV. Hence the huge fuel consumption, which, together with the replacement of the components, pours out into a round sum for the owner.

Some customers believe that instead of HyundaiGalloper it is possible to get alternative variants of cars. For example, Toyota Land Cruiser 100 is a newer and more modern SUV, but its cost is much higher. The second option is the Jeep Grand Cherokee, and the latter is the successor to the Galloper off-roader, the Tuscon model. The described Korean wins in terms of value, but loses to competitors in quality, design and equipment.