Мотоцикл Yamaha TDM 850 относится к той a variety of motorcycle equipment, which can not be written into any category. It represents a new branch of the class, category and type. That is, before it entered the market, such equipment was not yet available.
However, it was worth it to appear in the world, as immediatelyfound a niche for him, whose name is a fan-bike. In short, the purpose of this "mocik" is to please its master. To do this, it was equipped with everything that it needs: the Enduro's running gear and the layout of a steep off-road vehicle. Therefore, such a bike can, if necessary, replace any of the listed names.
At the same time he embodied all the advantages of these categories. After all, the ease of control, dynamics, energy intensity of the suspension - the advantages are suitable for both urban and rural areas.
- increased noise during gearshift shifting;
- sharp grip;
- increased gas sensitivity, etc.
Such innovations reassured drivers, it gavecomfort to passengers. After all, a dense transport stream requires increased gas sensitivity. Therefore, the changes had a positive effect on the Yamaha TDM 850 model. The changes also affected the appearance of the motorcycle.
The dashboard has been completely redesigned.An analog speedometer was installed in it, as well as a digital counter for total and daily runs. The new model has lost a fuel crane, which was replaced by a red eye, located in the corner of the fuel level indicator.
Seeing such problems, Yamaha was forced in 2002year to provide for all to see motorcycle Yamaha TDM900, which turned out to be more technically advanced, closed the problems of the previous design.
However, “popular love” is preciselyYamaha TDM 850. This is also explained by the fact that over time, prices for such a bike fall, so it becomes more affordable. However, it is not that simple. It even seems very tall, big and wide. Processing into a fan-bike still went to the benefit of such a motorcycle, giving it attractiveness and solidity.
It should be finally said that the motorcyclereally tall - 85 cm relative to the saddle. Special surprises scale steering does not bring. I would especially like to express an opinion about the engine. Although he is not perfection itself, however, he draws solidly, reliably, and quietly “rumbling” extremely rarely.