/ / Do you need to pass a technical inspection - it's up to you!

Do you need to pass a technical inspection - it's up to you!

Many car enthusiasts may be interested in the questionabout whether you need to pass a vehicle inspection. According to experienced girl drivers, this process is very much like the first acquaintance with the parents of a potential groom. To look, of course, is necessary not even for 100, but for 300%, to produce the most favorable impression on his family and to please his future mother-in-law.

Do you need to pass a technical inspection

If your car is brand new and nearThe inspection procedure threatens you no less than 3 years, you can draw an analogy. In this case, you can say that you have a very good, and most importantly a safe guy, because his parents live somewhere very far away. And absolutely there is nothing to be afraid of undergoing this procedure, since there is absolutely nothing to worry about, and since 2012 this action has become as simple as possible. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that for your own safety it is worth to pass a technical inspection. The validity period can be significantly different. It depends on many parameters.

We are setting the marathon. As some motorists say - we clean feathers.

vehicle inspection expiration date

State technical inspection is a verytroublesome. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to provide every detail. So, is it necessary to pass a technical inspection? Naturally, if you want to feel more confident during any trip. In this case, do not ask if you need to pass a technical check-up. There you will correct, twist, pull up and replace everything that does not shine, does not blink, thunders and even wash - in a word your "bride for marriage" will come out. It also does not hurt to check the presence of a warning sign and a first aid kit in your car.

What are the parameters for checking

According to the old rules, the machine can be said to have been dismantled before the cog, but now only those nodes are inspected, the incorrect operation of which may pose a threat to your life and health:

  • Check the effectiveness of your brake system.
    State technical inspection
  • Check the steering.
  • Check the washer and wiper of the car.
  • Also external light devices are subject to verification.
  • The content of harmful substances in the exhaust gases should not exceed the norm.
  • The fuel line must be working properly.
  • Marking of units and assemblies of your car should correspond to norms.
  • Door locks and seat belts should also be in good order, because your safety depends on it.

Provided that you come to the traininginspection with all responsibility, no problems should arise. But in case of detection of any problems, you can repeat the procedure only after their elimination and only within 20 days from the moment of detection. A second inspection is carried out at an additional cost, and only the inspection of the problematic parts of your car will be performed.

After passing the inspection you will be issueda special document - a technical certificate, in the presence of which your car can be insured, and do it every year before the expiration of the insurance policy.

We express our sincere hope that the question of howpass inspection, after reading the article will exhaust itself and will cease to be relevant, and without fear and doubt you will be able to do this procedure with the grace inherent only in women. Every motorist, if he cares about his health, will not ask himself whether it is necessary to pass a technical inspection. The answer can only be one - yes!