Intestinal diseases

In the modern world, together with the emergence of newopportunities and the development of technology, new diseases have appeared. It is difficult to find a person who does not have any chronic disease or problems associated with the stomach and intestines. Snacks on the go, neglect of hot food, food in fast food, sweet carbonated water, alcohol, naturally, the benefits of this lifestyle, are much smaller than the flaws. Keep on growing and lists of diseases, and lists of medications, and other various ways of treating illnesses.

The most common intestinal diseases

Duodenitis - inflammation of the duodenal membraneguts. With ulcers of the duodenum, sharp pains are noted, in any of the abdominal regions. As for the peptic ulcer, bruises are said, but they can be detected only by laboratory tests, if blood becomes too much, the feces acquire a black color.

Enteritis - inflammation of the small intestine.Most often, such intestinal diseases occur due to infection with E. coli. The intestinal stick is always in the intestine, but under the influence of unfavorable microflora, it begins to intensify and release toxic substances. Also, pathogens can be enterococci and streptococci. The main sign of inflammation of the small intestines is not very frequent, foamy and with a mucus stool, with no sharp odor. There are pains of a different nature throughout the abdomen.

Colitis is the inflammation of the colon of the large intestine.Symptoms of colitis can coincide with signs of peptic ulcer, abdominal pain, dark feces. There are also distinctive signs: very frequent scanty excrements, with a lot of mucus and foamy secretions, with an unpleasant putrefactive odor, accompanied by spasms. As a rule, colitis does not exist separately from enteritis.

Proctitis is an inflammation of the rectum.In the process of defecation, pains are felt, often the feces come out with bloody discharge, which may indicate cracks, hemorrhoids, in the region of the anal opening.

Tiflit is an inflammation of the cecum.Accompanied by sharp pain in the abdomen, which can give to the left side. Other indications of bowel disease, for example, stools, chills, and spasms often appear.

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix.Acute inflammation is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, fever and depending on the location of a different kind of pain. The process can be located in the iliac region, near the intestinal loops and even in the intercostal space. Pain is worse when coughing, laughing, sneezing, if the patient lies. Especially there is a sharp pain in the lying position on the left side. Symptom can be a white scurf in the tongue. Treatment - surgical removal of the appendage.

Functional violations - violationperistalsis. The work of the intestine is the promotion of digested food with the help of muscles in the walls of the intestine. Various intestinal diseases can accelerate or vice versa slow down peristalsis, which can lead to constipation or diarrhea. Although diarrhea is not always a sign of inflammation, sometimes this phenomenon can be triggered by excitement, rare food or food that is not digested (bran, rind of vegetables and fruits). Constipation may indicate a general weakening of the muscles, as can the hasty way of life (there is constantly no time and the body adapts), the sedentary lifestyle, the constant nutrition of easily assimilated food (meat, eggs, dairy products), the intestines get used to the absence of irritating food, and against the background this muscle is weakened, in addition, such food is fully absorbed. Also, constipation may also be symptoms of a disease (eg, colitis).

All intestinal diseases have common symptoms - abdominal pain and upset of the stool.

All symptoms of intestinal diseases can beare associated with other diseases, for example, in women, abdominal pain can be associated with gynecological problems. The treatment of each of the diseases of the abdominal cavity can only be said after qualitative diagnosis, for each disease there are their most effective methods. As with any disease, in time unnoticed intestinal diseases can aggravate the condition and lead to surgical intervention where medicines could be dispensed with.