/ Viral infection in the child. How can I help him?

Viral infection in a child. How can I help him?

Modern medicine knows a lot of money,which can reduce the risk of infection with viral infections in young children. But the number of diseased babies still does not decrease. This situation is explained by the fact that medicinal and preventive agents are not always able to cope with new types and forms of infection.

child viral infection

The danger of any disease lies in its negative impact on the growing body and the possibility of serious consequences.

A viral infection in a child can get to the baby in several ways:

- airborne;

- through insect bites;

- through eating contaminated food;

- through infected blood (for example, during transfusion).

Вирусные инфекции у детей, попадая в организм, choose one cell and infect it. Independently without the "owner" they can not share. The cell dies, but in its place the infection begins to spread. It is worth noting that viruses are very selective, they stop their choice only on those cells in which it is easier for them to survive.

All infections in children can be divided into several types: intestinal, diseases of the skin, blood and respiratory diseases.

viral infections in children
To protect your baby from them, you need to strengthen its immunity.

A viral infection in a child has the following symptoms:

- Heat.In infants, it may also be accompanied by vomiting. If it does not exceed the mark of 38 degrees, then you should not knock it down. During this period, the viruses are less active, and the child's body is easier to deal with them. Protect from dehydration will help the child use of any liquid. The more he drinks, the better.

- Weakness.

- Headache and tearing.

- Pain in the joints and muscles.

- Nasal congestion and runny nose.

- Hoarseness in voice.

- Sore throat.

- Cough (wet or dry).

- Disruption of appetite and general malaise.

infections in children
Viral infection in a child should bediagnosed by a doctor who should be called immediately with the first signs of the disease. He will prescribe antiviral drugs, and if necessary - antipyretic and analgesic. Do not self-medicate. If there are other diseases at the moment, then a viral infection in a child can cause various complications.

The room in which the baby is located mustwell ventilated. Most of the time he is better off in bed. He will recover faster if he eats well and receives additional vitamins.

To avoid recurrence of the disease and reduce the risk of infection, it is necessary to remember about prevention:

1. Compliance with the rules of hygiene will significantly reduce the likelihood of the disease. Ventilation and wet cleaning are essential.

2. During the peak of infection (usually in the cold season) it costs less to be with a child in crowded places.

3. If someone close or familiar recently had a viral disease, it is worth refraining from visiting them for a while. There may still be germs in the living space.

3. From early childhood, the child must be hardened. This will allow his body to be more resistant to diseases in the future.