/ / The best ointment for acne and acne on the face

The best ointment for acne and acne on the face

Cosmetic defects on the skin not onlysignificantly spoil the appearance, but also reduce self-esteem. Acne, acne, acne - a problem with which a huge number of people of all age categories are struggling. Modern medicine offers many different ways for this. Most often, dermatologists prescribe to their patients an ointment for acne and acne on the face. Choose a remedy depending on the causes that provoked the inflammatory process. Consider the most effective drugs.

Causes of ailment

Rashes on the epidermis in the form of acne and acnethey worry not only teenagers, but also people in more mature age. The skin disease is associated with inflammation of the sebaceous glands located around the hair follicles. The glands develop a secret that serves as a lubricant for the growing hair. If fat from the pores can not get out, the inflammatory process begins.

ointment for acne and acne on the face

The causes of the pathological phenomenon can be the mostdifferent. Most of them are connected with the disruption of the work of internal systems and organs. Therefore, the treatment should begin with the establishment of a true etiology of the inflammatory process on the skin. For frequent reasons are:

  • hormonal changes - can be associated with age, pregnancy, disruption in the endocrine system;
  • pathology of the digestive tract;
  • climate change;
  • violation of lipid metabolism;
  • use of comedogenic cosmetics;
  • stressful situations;
  • use of harmful food;
  • constant extrusion of acne (leads to the spread of infection).


Independently determine the causes ofSkin ailment is quite difficult. To do this, you should contact a specialist and take a survey. In complex therapy, an ointment is applied to acne and acne on the face. Photos before and after treatment will allow you to assess the effectiveness of a particular remedy in a particular case.

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The pharmaceutical industry offersa wide range of products for external use, able to rid of acne. All of them have different active components and indications for use. The main task of such drugs is to eliminate inflammation and pathogenic microorganisms in the outbreak. It should be borne in mind that the doctor can choose the most effective remedy.

Choose an ointment from acne and acne on the face

Cheap antimicrobial ointment can be at leasteffective, than more expensive means. It is important to pay attention to the composition of the drug. Antibacterial components will prevent further spread of infection and eliminate bacteria.

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To inexpensive external means withAntibacterial effect includes synthomycin, tetracycline and erythromycin ointment. In addition, "Tsinovit", "Kuriozin", "Skinoren" are popular. Their advantage is a rapid therapeutic effect. However, for the skin of the face it is too aggressive preparations, besides they can only be used for a short time. Antibacterial ointments have many contraindications and are not suitable for every patient.

Hormonal ointment from acne can be usedonly on strict indications. Despite the fact that the positive effect of such drugs can be seen within hours after application to the inflamed skin area, prolonged use leads to addiction. Hormonal ointment from acne and acne on the face can really help if the rash is allergic or has occurred against a backdrop of severe stress. "Advantan", "Sinaflan", "Ftorokort" - representatives of this group of medicines.

Anti-inflammatory properties are possessed by such means as zinc, sulfuric, heparin and ichthyol ointment. They have antiseptic and bactericidal action.

Retinoids in skin diseases

Retinoids are called vitamin A derivatives.For the treatment of acne and other skin problems, two types of these substances are used: adapalene and isotretinoin. Preparations based on them can inhibit the processes of increased epithelial growth in the area of ​​the sebaceous gland ducts. This helps prevent clogging. This ointment from acne and acne on the face (the reviews confirm this) significantly reduces the production of sebum, reduces inflammation on the skin.

To eliminate skin pathologies useretinoic ointment, preparations "Differin" and "Tretinoin". Doctors warn that retinoids are potent components. Therefore, they should be used only on special indications.

What ointment is suitable for teenagers?

In the transition age with the problem of rashes onAlmost all teenagers face the face. The main cause of this phenomenon is hormonal restructuring, which causes increased production of sebum. Depending on the stage of the inflammatory process and the nature of the rash, an ointment is selected from acne and acne on the face. For teenagers, remedies based on retinoids, local antiseptics and antibacterial drugs will work.

ointment for acne and acne on the face for teens

When treating adolescent acne is importantto minimize the work of the sebaceous glands. In addition, topical preparations should help cleanse the dermis from dead cells that clog pores and provoke inflammation.

Synthomycin ointment

Does this tool help cope with acnea rash on the face? According to feedback, sintomycin ointment is one of the most effective drugs and is often used to combat various inflammatory processes on the dermis. The drug contains levomycetin, castor oil and chloramphenicol. Ointment has a wide spectrum of action: relieves pain, it stops inflammation, prevents the propagation of pathogenic bacteria.

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Synthomycin ointment for acne and acne on the faceIt is used only if there are no wounds on the skin. Otherwise, the drug may trigger the development of an allergic reaction. When applied to the inflamed area, the ointment exhibits antimicrobial properties. The antibiotic in the composition affects microbes and prevents their reproduction at the local level.

Indication for appointment

Synthomycin ointment should be used for skin pathologies and cosmetic defects. The drug will be effective with the following ailments:

  • demodicosis;
  • shingles;
  • dermatitis;
  • acne;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • furunculosis.

Before using the product, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist.

How to apply?

Synthomycin ointment can be applied to the outbreakinflammation is already at an early stage. Before using the drug, you should thoroughly wash your hands and cleanse the skin from dirt. For this you can use cosmetics.

Apply the ointment on acne with a cottonsticks. The agent absorbs quickly enough into the skin. It is highly not recommended to apply ointment from acne and acne on the face daily so as not to become addictive. The maximum duration of treatment with the drug is 10 days. Synthomycin ointment can not be applied to large areas of the skin.

The use of the "Differin"

Ointment for acne and acne on the face "Differin"effectively removes skin defects. The therapeutic properties of the drug on the basis of retinoids help to control the work of the sebaceous glands and the keratinization of the skin. The French pharmaceutical company specializing in cosmetic products with a curative effect produces the medicine.

ointment from acne and acne on face photo

For the treatment of acne and acne doctorsrecommend the cream "Differin". Also, the drug is released as a gel, but it causes dryness of the epidermis. The composition of the cream includes adapalene (active substance), glycerin, perhydrosqualene natural, cyclomethicone, carbomer 934P, methyl glucose sesquistearate and other components.

Apply "Differin" only on preliminarycleansed skin. After washing, the skin must be allowed to dry completely. The agent is applied a thin layer on the inflammation focus, and the excess is removed with a clean cloth. Use cream or gel only before bedtime. The maximum course of treatment "Differinom" - 90 days.

Skinoren: ointment for acne and acne on the face

At home, cope with acneit is possible with the help of an effective "Skinoren", which is specifically designed to combat youthful skin problems, seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea. The main active component of the ointment is azelaic acid. "Skinoren" produces simultaneously anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, keratolytic and depigmenting effect.

ointment from acne and acne on the face at home

The agent in the form of a cream can be used fortreatment of acne in adolescents from the age of 12 years. Apply it twice a day. To cope with skin problems with this cream, you need to undergo a full course of treatment (at least 2 months).