/ / Main stages of child development

Main stages of child development

Еще находясь в утробе матери, закладываются the first stages of the development of the child, after birth, a little man begins to learn the world through the sense of smell and touch with each month he acquires new skills. It is believed that up to 3 years the child develops a psyche, character, skills - this is facilitated by the surrounding situation, the conditions and care of parents. The child, like a clean sheet - absorbs all the information received from outside - the task of adults to bring out a full-fledged personality from him, to teach him interpersonal communication.

Для каждого возраста существуют свои развивающие games and classes in the development of mental and physical development. The stages of infant development are radically different from the rest of the stages and require special attention and approach. In this main period of life the newborn has a mastery of motor skills, which closely interacts with the mental and motor function. Most pediatricians, psychologists and neuropathologists adhere to the theory that a person in order to achieve maturity consistently goes through several stages of mental development.

Each stage prepares the foundation for developmentfor later. Stages of development of the child from birth to 2 years are fundamental, it is during this period that the baby learns to listen, beat, push, move, look. Also, a significant role is played by the hereditary mechanism, which connects the first acquired abilities with each other and leads to the achievement of new goals. Thus, the sensory stage is divided into six main stages:

1. The first month of life is a congenital reflex, which eventually becomes more effective and expressed.

2. From 2 to 4 months - conditional skills: grasping and sucking movements.

3. From 5 to 8 months - circular reactions, are formed on the basis of motor functions and coordination.

4. From 9 to 12 months - all the actions of the baby become more conscious, he already knows how to get the object of interest, a toy.

5. From year to 1.5 years - inadvertently discovers new abilities. For example, by opening the doors of the cabinet, the child can get the thing lying there.

6. From 1.5 to 2 years old - based on the acquired skills, the kid is able to study the world in new colors, moving independently and finding ways of solving to eliminate any obstacles.

The subsequent stages of development of children from 2 to 11 yearsaimed at studying specific situations and actions. The child discovers that by building a tower, it can be easily destroyed and recreated, this game improves memory, movement function, mental activity. Attention of the kid at this age is very scattered, he is all interested and wants to try and touch new items on his own.

After two years, the baby has a favoritetoys, classes (drawing, music, cars, dolls) with the right approach to the child can develop some of his abilities. But in no case should the child be forced to engage in the same occupation for a long time. You can forever alienate him from this hobby. Due to a narrow range of thinking and self-centered disposition, the toddler is unstable in actions and deeds, he is quickly bored with toys, same-type occupations - this aspect should be taken into account by young parents. The early stages of child development are a kind of preparation for adulthood.

Growing up, the kid begins to imitate everythingparents, copy their actions, adopt the role of an adult. For example, the stages of development of a child of three years of age are the most difficult, requiring patience from parents. His consciousness becomes more complicated, needs are increasing - a small person needs even more attention and support from his parents. The kid is overly curious, everywhere he tries to climb, shows independence in some moments, is unstable in actions - during this period the kid should be under the constant control of adults.