/ / City Oncology Center on Baumanskaya: photos and reviews

City Oncology Center at Baumanskaya: photos and reviews

Cancer has become a scourgeour time. Their occurrence often occurs asymptomatically, and this means that the patient for some time does not know anything about his terrible diagnosis. But when the secret becomes clear, and the person realizes the deadly threat hanging over him, what to do, where to turn for help? Many recommend the medical center, located at: Moscow, Baumanskaya street, 17/1. The oncologic dispensary is one of the most respected and respected in the country. Thanks to the effective work of the staff of this institution, thousands of patients restore their health every year and get a chance to return to full-fledged life.

Oncologic dispensary on Bauman

Historical reference

Oncologic dispensary on Baumanskaya opened in1946, when on the basis of the hospital number 2 for invalids of the Patriotic War in the Basmanny district an oncological hospital was established. It was designed for 135 beds and included a central urban advisory clinic and organizational and methodological department. Thus, in fact, the main oncological institution, which was later reorganized into Clinical Oncologic Dispensary No. 1, arose in the urban health care system.

Dispensary number 1 on Baumanskaya at various stages of its development offered the services of leading oncologists of the country - B. V. Milonov, F. M. Lampert, S. L. Mints, B. V. Petrovsky, Yu. Ya. Gritsman and others.

In 1967-1977 at the disposal of thisOncological institutions turned out to be two new buildings intended for the polyclinic and diagnostic services. Later, in 1981, the buildings of the city hospital No. 48 on Volochayevskaya Street were handed over to him.

At the moment, there are 260 beds in the Oncology Center at Baumanskaya. Every year more than six thousand patients get help here, more than three thousand complex operations are performed.

dispensary 1 on Bauman

Scientific base

Консультативная поликлиника при описываемом нами The dispensary is the only institution in the capital that provides counseling for cancer patients. Every year, this medical institution is visited by more than one hundred and fifty thousand patients.

Since 1954, the Oncologic Dispensary hasBaumanskaya is the base for clinical urban residency in oncology, and also serves as an institution designed to improve the skills of employees with secondary medical education.

Since 1998, this cancer center has becomescientific base for some universities of the capital: the Moscow Medical Academy. IM Sechenov, Moscow Medical and Dental University, Russian Medical Research University. N.N. Pirogov. In addition, in the clinic № 1 various seminars and scientific conferences are held.


Now Dispensary number 1 on Bauman offersits patients 260 places for treatment in the hospital, on its basis formed as far as clinical departments. Below is a comprehensive information on the structure of this medical institution.

At the address: Moscow, st. Baumanskaya, 17/1 are located:

  • Surgical Department No. 1 to combat breast pathologies, skin tumors and soft tissue sarcoma (30 beds);
  • radiology department (50 beds);
  • chemotherapy department (60 beds).

In the clinic at Volochaevskaya, 36 are functioning:

  • surgical ward number 2, focused on the healing of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (30 beds);
  • Surgical Department No. 4, specializing in thoracic surgery (30 beds);
  • surgical ward number 3, created for the treatment of neoplasms in the female reproductive system (30 beds);
  • surgical ward number 6, dealing with the healing of neck and head tumors (30 beds);
  • operating unit;
  • Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation.

Baumanskaya 17 1 oncologic dispensary

Surgical Department № 1

Here, patients are helped to get rid of melanoma.skin, soft tissue sarcoma, breast tumors and a variety of benign tumors. The main treatment method in the department is surgical. It involves radical surgical intervention in the treatment of various pathologies, as well as reconstructive plastic procedures using microsurgical techniques.

Work requiring special attention isradical surgery in the treatment of patients of senile and elderly. The first oncologic dispensary on Baumanskaya has established itself as the country's leading institution in this field.

If necessary, the department can be madethe whole range of diagnostic measures: ultrasound and R-logical diagnostics (including computed tomography). In addition, immunohistochemical and histological laboratories are functioning here.

All specialists of the department, in addition to active practical work, are engaged in scientific activities in their profile. They regularly publish their articles in various medical journals.

first oncologic dispensary on Bauman

Department of Radiology

Oncology Center on Bauman possesseswell-equipped radiology department. Here, radiation therapy is performed to eliminate malignant tumors of the brain, breast, esophagus, lung, organs of the neck and head, and rectum, as well as in the treatment of oncourological and oncological and gynecological diseases.

The main methods of healing in the department are:

  • Brachytherapy.
  • Remote gamma therapy. It is used by specialists of the dispensary both as an autonomous type of treatment and as a component in the case of complex and combined treatment.
  • Gamma therapy combined with photodynamic therapy.
  • Chemotherapy treatment.

In addition, it uses all the diagnostic capabilities that the City Oncology Center at Baumanskaya has.

The treatment in the department is carried out at the very best.gamma-therapeutic devices: "AGAT-S" and "ROKUS-M"; Brachytherapeutic system Microselectron, produced by Nucletron (Holland); radiation therapy equipment of the same company; X-ray simulator "Simulux".

All doctors of the radiology department are part of the Moscow Cancer Society and are engaged in active scientific activities.

Chemotherapy department

The first oncologic dispensary on Baumanuses advanced techniques of targeted and chemohormono-immune therapy in lung cancer, dairy and pancreas, ovaries, cervix, stomach, as well as in oncourological diseases, melanoma, colorectal cancer and other pathologies. In addition, systemic, local, regional chemotherapy is used here.

The staff of this department are actively involved ininternational clinical trials of phase II-IV of the latest anticancer drugs. They are true experts in their field of healing and regularly publish scientific articles in well-known medical journals.

Surgical Department № 2

Services of several more specializedThe surgical department offers its patients an oncologic dispensary on Baumanskaya. Polyclinic on Volochaevskaya, 36 contains 4 of them. Surgical Department No. 2 is focused on the provision of medical care for tumors of the stomach and esophagus, pancreatoduodenal zone, retroperitoneal space, mammary gland, abdominal wall, colon, etc.

The department uses surgical and combined treatment, various types of extended operations are used, as well as complex therapy and laser healing.

Moscow Oncology Center at Baumanpractices advanced disease recognition techniques such as computed tomography, endoscopy, ultrasound. The doctors of the surgical department No. 2 are respected among their colleagues and are members of the Moscow Cancer Society, the Association of Endoscopic Surgery of the Russian Federation and other prestigious medical associations.

Surgical Department № 3

Here are all kinds of surgicalsurgical interventions for tumors of the body and cervix, vagina, ovaries. In this case, predominantly organ-preserving methods are used, which allow patients after treatment to restore their reproductive functions with time. In addition, advanced techniques are used in the department using photodynamic therapy and physical methods.

oncologic dispensary on Bauman doctors

Surgical Department № 4

Здесь также трудятся специалисты высших врачебных categories, enjoying good fame among patients. In their work, they use modern medical equipment, as well as their own many years of practical experience, which allows them to evaluate the patient’s condition at a glance and assign appropriate diagnostic and medical procedures to them.

The main treatment method in the department is surgical.Here, patients are offered a full range of radical surgery for mediastinal and lung cancer tumors using angioplastic and bronchoplastic technologies.

For quality diagnosis in the department, computed tomography, X-ray and endoscopic methods, as well as high-precision ultrasound examinations are used.

Thousands of patients annually gain their lost health thanks to the art of doctors working at Dispensary No. 1.

Surgical Department № 6

In the treatment of patients here is applied a widea range of surgical interventions in the framework of high-tech medical care, including the removal of tumors and reconstruction of damaged organs of the neck and head of any complexity, including endoprosthesis and microsurgical tissue autotransplantation.

The staff of this department are the authors.original techniques for the treatment of head and neck oncological diseases, confirmed by patents and published in foreign and domestic scientific journals.

Moscow Oncology Center at Bauman

Operating unit

Qualified medical carethe oncologic dispensary on Bauman is famous. The doctors of this institution are doing everything to alleviate the suffering of their patients and bring them back to a full life. The most complicated operations to eliminate cancer pathologies are performed in the operating unit. It employs competent medical personnel with the highest qualification categories. Many employees have a certificate of specialist in nursing operations.

In addition, the operating unit is equipped withmodern medical equipment and instruments. All therapeutic measures are carried out here in compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms and requirements. Annually 1 Oncologic dispensary on Baumanskaya performs more than three thousand surgeries.

Highly qualified medical staff and sufficienta fleet of advanced medical equipment helps the dispensary's doctors to do the most time-consuming surgery, to treat patients with poor functional reserves or running comorbidities.

Resuscitation and Anesthesiology Department

Отделение реанимации и анестезиологии provides counseling, anesthetic management of emergency and planned surgical interventions, conducts resuscitation and intensive therapy for patients in an oncologic dispensary who are in critical condition.

The structure of this structural unit includes six resuscitation beds, eight anesthesia workplaces and intensive postoperative treatment rooms for eight patients.

It actively uses the latest methodsintensive care and anesthesia, including low-flow inhalation anesthesia, intravenous total anesthesia at the final target concentration, various methods of regional and postoperative analgesia and anesthesia: epidural, conductive, spinal-epidural and spinal.

In the intensive care unit is offered a fullcomplex resuscitation services and various types of intensive care, used in a surgical hospital that meets the highest requirements. In addition, there is a well-equipped express laboratory, which provides all the research around the clock to monitor the patient's state of health.

Paid services

Free services for residents of Moscow providesOncologic dispensary on Bauman. Paid services are offered to Russian residents who do not have a permanent residence permit in the capital, and to foreign citizens. They are provided at the expense of the personal savings of the patient, as well as funds of organizations, enterprises, institutions and other sources. Paid medical care is provided to patients with benign and malignant tumors of all organs, with the exception of pathologies of the brain and the hematopoietic system.

Among other things, paid medical care is provided to Muscovites in the case of:

  • self treatment;
  • referrals for consultation by doctors of other specialties (not by oncologists);
  • the desire to operate in conditions that can provide the institution, located at: Moscow, st. Baumanskaya 17/1 (oncologic dispensary);
  • conducting preventive examinations under contracts with various enterprises.

The price list can be found on the official website of the institution.

City Oncology Center at Bauman


It is popular amongOncology Center patients on Bauman. Feedback on this medical institution is always positive. Many people owe their health, excellent well-being and even their lives to their specialists. They note high professionalism, excellent service, excellent equipment and an excellent material and technical base at Dispensary No. 1 on Baumanskaya and advise everyone to apply (if necessary) for oncological help there.