/ / Fresh and pickled cucumbers: useful and not so good properties.

Fresh and pickled cucumbers: useful and not very good

Many people believe that there is absolutely no cucumberno good But, however, fresh and pickled cucumbers are constantly present in our diet. In winter, pickles are a very good and favorite snack, in the summer we make salads with fresh cucumbers almost every day. So, cucumbers are just food? Or do they still have some useful properties? By the way, there are even such people who claim that cucumbers are harmful, whether they are fresh or salted. Let's see what qualities conceal these vegetables.

On hot summer days, fresh cucumber perfectly quenchesthirsty, because it consists of 95% water. And the frequent use of cucumbers in food contributes to the natural removal of sand and stones from the bladder and kidneys. A fresh cucumber before lunch or dinner will certainly raise your appetite. And besides a good appetite, cucumbers contribute to more rapid and complete absorption of food. It is even said that cucumbers can prevent hair loss. True or myth, hard to say. This is probably an exaggeration but it is quite possible that this is true. As you can see, eating cucumbers for food is accompanied only by benefits and does not cause any harm.

But these wonderful vegetables are not only eaten.Useful properties of cucumbers are very actively used by cosmetologists. Surely everyone knows how to remove fatigue from the eyes with the help of a cucumber. It is enough to cut off two slices, put them in the eyes and sit like this for about 10-20 minutes. Tiredness from the eyes immediately as a hand will remove! Even the unhealthy redness will disappear. But, this is just the simplest example of applying fresh cucumber in cosmetology. In fact, there are a lot of recipes for face masks and not only, based on cucumbers and their juice. Well, and here only advantage. And where is the harm? Can pickles conceal something insidious?

Let's see, than salted cucumbers are useful.Not many people know that they contain a large number of easily digestible iodine compounds. And iodine, as is known, is simply necessary for man, especially in the winter season. People who often eat pickled cucumbers are much less likely to suffer from thyroid disease. Salted cucumbers contain lactic acid bacteria, which undoubtedly improve digestion. If you have high blood pressure, then these vegetables can help here. You can still list a lot of useful properties, but it is already clear that pickles, the benefits of which are obvious, are simply obliged to be present on your table.

Well, now let's talk about the most important thing - whatharmful cucumbers. Harm as such, can cause only cucumbers grown in greenhouse conditions, where they do not care much about their beneficial properties. Such vegetables are grown, not caring about the quality, and thinking only about the quantity. Therefore, you should be wary of such products. You may not feel anything after eating such cucumbers, but over time they will make themselves felt. If you suffer from any disease that imposes restrictions on fluid intake, then of course you should not eat cucumbers in large quantities. But this is only a contraindication, not a harm.

Summarizing this whole article, you canconfidence to say that cucumbers are useful. And it doesn't matter at all whether they are salty or fresh. Only those cucumbers that were grown using harmful substances such as sodium nitrates are harmful. In some diseases, doctors can limit the number of cucumbers eaten. But with the same success it is possible to limit the use of any other product. So, you should not listen to delusions about the harm of these wonderful vegetables. If doctors do not limit you in anything, then feel free to eat them, but, of course, in moderation.