/ / Hardened lips. Destruction of legends

Hardened lips. Destruction of legends

hardened lips photo

Looking at the hardened lips, photos of which are floodednewspapers and magazines, you simply marvel at how much this unpleasant operation in most cases has become popular. Today every second girl wants a "sensual lips" in the spirit of Angelina Jolie and is ready to give them a fair amount of money.

Myth # 1. The hardened lips are beautiful

Strange, but only girls think so.Most of the men do not like hardened lips. They are compared with the consequences of a wasp sting. Many representatives of the male are even afraid to kiss a girl with such lips. And in general, in fashion, men now have natural beauty, and not "inflatable women."

Myth number 2. The hardened lips are more sensitive

And again deception.Hardened lips only create a visible effect of sensuality, which in no way reflects on the sensations (perhaps unpleasant) of both men and women. How can a piece of silicone or an injection of a synthetic substance increase the sensitivity of any zone? By filling? But then on the contrary, at least a feeling of numbness is created, and even a complete loss of sensitivity of such zones.

hardened lips
Myth No. 3. The hardened lips are preserved for life

This is possible only after the introduction of siliconeimplants, but they will not give any guarantee that they will not "go" to the side after a certain period of time. That is why after the operation it is recommended to constantly monitor doctors who, if there are symptoms of displacement, can always slightly "correct" the situation. In the case of injections, correction should be carried out at regular intervals. And, having started such a "transformation", it is no longer possible to stop - if you do not make the injection on time, then the stretched lips will resemble chewed dumplings or the consequences of trauma.

Myth No. 4. The hardened lips look natural

In some cases this is possible, but inmost do not. The mania of the female half of mankind make itself "more sensual" and get a lot of new sensations, as it turned out, knows no bounds. As a result, instead of a small adjustment, despite the advice of a plastic surgeon, total reincarnation is ordered. The opinion of the male half on this issue was already voiced at the beginning of the article.

Myth No. 5. The hardened lips are a corrective operation

hardened lips before and after
Вовсе нет."Blowing" lips with silicone using implants is just a new squeak of fashion. But the plastic surgery, which allows you to correct the wrong shape of the lips or almost complete absence of them - contour plastic lips. And it is in no way aimed at increasing the volume of the lips.

Myth No. 6. Immediately after the operation, you can go outside and enjoy the impression produced

Partly true.Only now the pleasure from this is unlikely to be obtained (unless with a few perverted tastes). Who will take pleasure in looking at your swollen, pumped lips? Before and after the operation, the appearance of the lips varies significantly. First of all, there is a huge swelling, but not the result of the surgeon's work. Edema will subside in a couple of weeks, at this time the best option is home pastime in a quiet environment, away from prying eyes.