/ How to Draw Lips. Instruction for beginners

How to draw a lip. Instruction for beginners

The mouth is an integral part of the human face.With its help, food comes to us, mouths we can taste, we can talk. But the mouth itself covers lips, the drawing of which often causes difficulties for novice artists. In this article, you will find a wonderful instruction on how to draw your lips with a pencil. This is much easier than it seems at first glance. Here, the front lip pattern is considered. Experiment and try to paint your lips yourself in other angles. This is remarkable for the ability to see the object from different angles. But let's not go deep into the theory. Let's get started.

how to draw lips

Step 1. Let's start the sketch from the sketch.It must accurately reflect the shape, size and fullness of the lips, observing the proportions, and remember, we are learning how to draw the lips of a person. If it is more convenient for you, make only outlines. They are easier to fix, if something does not suit you. Also, do not put too much pressure on the pencil. By the way, to draw a sketch, the pencil of medium hardness (HB) or soft (H or 2H) is best. Sketch such a sketch so that the upper and lower lips are clearly visible. As a rule, the upper lip is smaller and more curved, while the lower one is bigger and denser. Make a few strokes on the lips to indicate where the wrinkles will be.

how to draw a man's lips

Step 2. Start lightly darkening (toning) the lips.Try to have more white on the area in the middle of the lips (especially on the lower lip). This is the surface on which light is reflected. To denote such places, there is a special term - "glare". This is the brightest spot in the picture.

how to draw lips with a pencil

Шаг 3.Due to the fact that there are many folds and microcracks on the lips, drawing them is quite problematic. First, it is necessary to impose irregular chaotic strokes to show the structure of the lips. Secondly, you can not tint flare. If you nevertheless shaded it, gently lighten this area with an eraser. When correcting the picture with an eraser, make uniform movements in one direction and do not rub too hard. So you do not spoil the structure of the paper, and the picture will look clean. By the way, do not worry if you paint over some folds. Just keep hatching.

how to draw lips

Step 4. Continue to tint the lips.To make them appear softer, you can shade graphite with your finger or a small soft napkin. Repeat the second and third steps until the result satisfies you. By the way, it is better to try to paint the lips a couple of times separately before “attaching” them to the face. This will help you to train, and the finish pattern will be more attractive. Here, in fact, is the whole secret of how to draw a man's lips so that they seem more realistic.

how to draw lips

Step 5. Add details.To make the folds more distinct, draw a softer pencil. Also, do not make the folds too dark, it is better to make others lighter. To do this, use the eraser. Cut it diagonally to form a sharp corner. So it will be more convenient for you to wash or correct small parts.

how to draw lips

Step 6. It's time to darken the area around the mouth.As a rule, a darkened area under the lower lip (the fuller the lip, the more darkened it is). Also, the space between the lower and upper lip is much darker than the folds on the lips. In addition, the “septum” between the mouth and the nose is slightly darker than the skin of the face (because of this, the figure gives the impression of volume).

how to draw lips

Congratulations, now you know how to paint your lips correctly. Creative success to you!