/ / "Viferon 150000": instruction (candles for children). "Viferon": application, prices

"Viferon 150000": instruction (candles for children). "Viferon": application, prices

During seasonal temperature differences, coldsdiseases are normal. In the first place, children with unformed immunity suffer. To put the baby on his feet are helped by numerous antiviral drugs. There are also complex action medicines that not only perfectly remove the symptoms of the disease, but also reduce the temperature, improve the overall condition of the patient. The drug "Viferon" (candles 150000 IU) is popular. This remedy quickly restores the health of a child of any age. But before using, you should consult your pediatrician and also carefully read the instructions.

Packaging, composition and form of release

Candles "Viferon" is an immunomodulating drugwith antiviral action. You can apply it from an early age. The main active ingredient is interferon. The medicine is issued in the form of rectal suppositories of a bullet-shaped light shade. The preparation may have uneven color and a depression on the longitudinal section. The diameter of the suppository is about 10 mm.

wiferon 150000 instruction candles for children
As excipients in the preparationare used: α-tocopherol acetate, polysorbate, cocoa butter and confectionery fat, disodium edetate dihydrate, benzocaine, sodium ascorbate, and ascorbic acid. These elements are absolutely safe for newborn babies. Some adults may develop hypersensitivity.

The drug may have a different dosageactive ingredient. "Viferon 1 150000ME N10" (candles) for preschool children are used most often. Adults are offered a medicine in an increased dosage. In pharmacies, candles are dispensed without a prescription. You can buy a medicine package of 10 candles. Also on sale you can find gel and ointment "Viferon". But candles are more often used for infants.

pharmachologic effect

"Viferon" is a combined preparation, influenceon the body of which is determined by the main active elements that make up its composition. The drug has a systemic immunomodulatory effect. Due to this, the patient quickly regains strength after an infectious disease that is viral or bacterial in nature.

wiferon candles for children instruction wiferon 150000
Interferon has a negative effect onviruses and microbes. If the disease is joined by a bacterial infection, treatment should continue with the use of antibiotics. Candles "Viferon" can be used only as an auxiliary.

Benzoin, which is part of the drug"Viferon", plays the role of local antiseptic. It is this component that can reduce the permeability of cell membranes for sodium ions. This significantly reduces the likelihood of pain impulses. In addition, benzocaine promotes the rapid regeneration of tissues and the restoration of the patient's normal health.


Excellent anti-inflammatory effectpossess gel, ointment and suppositories "Viferon". The instruction for use states that the drug can be used in combination with other medicines in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases in preschool and infants (including newborns and prematurity). Candles can also be used to treat ailments that are bacterial in nature. Candles "Viferon" can be prescribed for such diseases as pneumonia, influenza, SARS, meningitis, intrauterine infection, sepsis, mycoplasmosis, candidiasis.

The medication is prescribed for adults and children in the compositioncomplex therapy of various forms of hepatitis. Candles quickly restore the normal state of the patient's body and help fight infection. In addition, a specialist can prescribe plasmapheresis and hemosorption. The drug can also be used if the ailment is complicated by cirrhosis of the liver.

wiferon candles for children
Adults with urogenital infection can alsobe prescribed a drug in the form of ointments or suppositories. The drug "Viferon" can be used to treat pregnant women. The composition of the drug is absolutely safe and does not affect the normal development of the fetus. Assign a medicine for diseases such as cytomegalovirus infection, chlamydia, vaginal candidiasis, microplasmosis, a herpetic infection of the skin and mucous membranes.

The instruction "Viferon" (for children) informs thatthe drug is not used as a monotherapy. The drug has only an auxiliary effect in the treatment of infectious diseases. In addition, the specialist should prescribe drugs in accordance with the form of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient's body.


The drug is absolutelysafe. It is not accidental that it is used to treat newborn babies and pregnant women. In some cases, only hypersensitivity to the components of the drug may develop. It appears as an allergic reaction. On the skin, the patient may develop hives or rashes. This condition is often accompanied by itching. Special treatment does not require an allergy, and unpleasant symptoms go away after 72 hours after stopping the medication.

viferon for children
In rare cases, patients may appearswelling of the extremities or face. This condition requires special attention. The most dangerous is the angioedema. If the patient begins to swell the tongue or mucous larynx, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance. When hypersensitivity appears, immediately stop using "Viferon" (suppositories). The instruction tells about the main signs of hypersensitivity.


The drug is taken only rectally.Use candles can only be a part of the complex therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases. A drug "Viferon" for children may be prescribed. Instruction, use, dosage - all this will be able to tell the doctor. Newborn children or premature babies who were born after 34 weeks of gestation are prescribed a drug at a dosage of 150,000 IU. Daily enter one suppository 2-3 times a day (depending on the severity of the ailment). The course of treatment usually lasts a week. If the child quickly goes on the mend, the drug can be stopped on the fifth day.

Preterm babies who were born before 34weeks of gestation, the dosage can be reduced. Pediatricians recommend using the drug no more than twice a day. Each time you need to enter only one candle.

Complex diseases complicated by bacterialinfection, are treated in several courses. To eliminate the symptoms of pneumonia, for example, the drug is taken within 5 days. Next, you need to take a week off and start the five-day course again. This is due to the immunomodulatory properties of the drug "Viferon". Initially, the drug on the basis of interferon helps to fight the disease, and then already helps restore the defenses of the body.

viferon 1 150000me n10 candles

With chronic viral hepatitis can alsoappointed "Viferon" (candles) for children. Instructions, dosage - all this can be clarified by the pediatrician. The daily norm is established depending on the age of the patient, as well as the individual characteristics of his organism. Children of the first year of life are prescribed no more than 500 thousand IU per day. Children older than 7 years of age, the dosage is determined according to body weight and can be 3 million / m2 body surface area. Children over 14 years of age are prescribed 5 million / m2 body surface area. The whole daily norm can be divided into 3-4 receptions.

Children whose chronic hepatitis is complicatedcirrhosis, a drug based on interferon can also be prescribed before plasmapheresis. Reviews of rectal suppositories "Viferon" 150000 IU show that babies feel much better after the procedure. Take the drug is necessary for two weeks before carrying out plasmapheresis. Two suppositories are administered daily with an interval of 12 hours.

Overdose and side effects

To date, there is little data onan overdose of drugs based on interferon. It can be assumed that the use of a medicament in large quantities can lead to an increase in side effects. Most often they appear as allergic reactions. Patients may experience pruritus or urticaria. Less often there is puffiness of the extremities, the face, the mucous membrane of the mouth.

Babies in the first days of taking the drug may becapricious and whiny. But this can be connected, first of all, with the child's morbid state. Pediatricians recommend not independently use any medication for the treatment of children. Cost specify all the necessary information before taking the drug "Viferon" (user, application). Candles though are safe, but must be taken strictly according to instructions.

Drug Interactions

Interferon-based medications are excellentare combined with medicines that are used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases. Antibacterial agents are not an exception. Despite this, the patient should consult a doctor before the treatment is started.

instructions viferon for children
People suffering from various chronicdiseases requiring constant drug therapy should clarify the physician all the necessary information about "Viferon 1" (suppositories 150000ME №10). The instruction does not describe the negative interaction with other medicines. But the patient should consult with a doctor to avoid the development of side effects.

Are there analogues?

Pediatricians most often appoint "Viferon" (candles)for children. The instruction "Viferon 150000 IU" says that the drug is completely safe and can be used to treat many infectious diseases that are bacterial in nature. What if the patient had a hypersensitivity, or the right drug in the pharmacy was not there? A specialist can always assign a qualitative analog. To treat infectious diseases, children often use Genferon candles. The composition of the medicine includes just three active ingredients. They are interferon, taurine and benzocaine. In addition, elements such as solid fat, dextran, polyethylene oxide, purified water, citric acid, sodium citrate, and also emulsifier T2 are used.

reviews about suppositories rectal viferon 150000 me
The drug "Genferon" can easily replacemedicine "Viferon 150000". Instruction of a candle for children advises to use for the treatment of newborns and premature babies. In adult patients, the drug is used as part of complex therapy for the treatment of such ailments as adnexitis, balanitis, vulvovaginitis, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, viral candidiasis, etc. Have a positive effect of the candle also in genital herpes.

Candles "Viburkol" - another popular drug,having an anti-inflammatory effect. The medicine is used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of bacterial and viral infections for children. This is a homeopathic remedy. Therefore, there are no contraindications. The medication in rare cases can cause hypersensitivity. Candles "Viburkol" can completely replace the drug "Viferon 150000". Instruction of a candle for children calls not only an antiviral, but antipyretic. The very next day after the beginning of therapy the child begins to feel much better.

Reviews about the drug "Viferon"

Experts often recommendchildren use the drug "Viferon 150000". Instruction candles for children advises to apply without any fear, since the drug has a minimum number of side effects and contraindications. It may not be suitable for patients with hypersensitivity. Many people who are prone to allergic reactions, also prescribe the drug "Viferon". Some of them do notice the appearance of rash and itchy skin. If the situation does not improve after taking antihistamines, the supplements "Viferon" have to be canceled.

A lot of positive reviews about the drugcan be heard from the parents of newborn babies. At the age of one year it is quite difficult to choose a drug that would positively affect the body and did not have a lot of contraindications. To babies the medicine "Viferon 150000" perfectly approaches. Instruction of a candle for children recommends use from a very young age. They are suitable even for the treatment of premature babies.

Негативные отзывы можно услышать по большей мере from patients who have not studied all the necessary information about the drug "Viferon" (candles for children). The instruction "Viferon 150000" describes how to take the medicine correctly. It is necessary to strictly observe all the rules and adhere to the dosage prescribed by the doctor. If you use less medicament, it will not show a good result in the treatment of the disease. Overdosing can lead to the development of side effects.

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

The drug "Viferon" is released without a prescription.Therefore, for its acquisition, there is no need to consult a doctor. In order to buy immunomodulatory suppositories, as well as to find out all the necessary information about them, you need to contact any pharmacy. Medication refers to medications of an average price category. For one package of candles "Viferon 15000ME" will have to pay about 300 rubles.

Прекрасно экономить можно, если приобретать medicines in real time. Everyone can buy a medicine 15% cheaper. In this case, it will be delivered right to the door. In online mode, patients can also consult about medications. But it is better to trust doctors of real institutions.