When a person after an ultrasound scansay that he had a cyst discovered on his kidney, he at first grasps the bewildered concern that quickly grows into a painful suspiciousness. However, recently, in people, especially the elderly, the kidney cyst is quite common. Treatment in this case the patient could not even carry out, since he had not previously suspected his illness. The disease does not affect the person's health and does not pose a danger to life. The idea of a kidney cyst as an unexpectedly plunging on humanity misfortune has developed as a result of widespread introduction of ultrasound in hospitals and clinics.
Most often, the kidney cyst is pathologicalformation in the form of a spherical cavity with dense walls filled with liquid contents. Simply put, it's a bag of connective tissue with a transparent, yellowish liquid. The kidney cyst often acts as a congenital disease, it can also be formed due to prolonged inflammation and has the ability to gradually increase (can reach 10 cm in diameter).
Over the years, the disease itself may evennot show. A hidden development of the kidney cyst is observed in almost a quarter of patients. However, to think about how to cure a cyst on the kidney, they begin only when the first symptoms are detected, which are manifested when the cyst is enlarged (usually more than 4 cm) or suppuration:
- Pain felt in the hypochondrium or lumbar region on the side where the affected kidney is located;
- Renal colic;
- high blood pressure (arterial hypertension).
In contrast to cancer, the kidney cyst -benign neoplasm. That is why, if the doctor discovers that the patient has a kidney cyst, he does not always prescribe treatment. In 70% of cases it is easy to observe it without resorting to surgical active actions. If the size of the cyst is not large (diameter not more than 5-6 cm), and it gradually does not increase gradually, or increases slightly, but it does not contribute to impairment of the circulation of the kidney and urine outflow, in this case, usually absolutely no treatment is required. It should only be once a year to undergo an ultrasound examination.
In general it is necessary to say that any person,which has been identified kidney cyst, treatment should be selected strictly individually, if, of course, the presence of a cyst does not make itself felt, i.e. does not manifest itself, and there is no indication for her surgical removal. In the case of the presence of protein or erythrocytes in the urine, with a disturbed outflow of urine and severe pain, the question of how to treat a cyst on the kidney becomes more serious.
The most common and often encounteredmethod of treatment of a single kidney cyst (not larger than 5 cm) - percutaneous puncture, performed under the supervision of ultrasound using a thin needle, drainage cysts, i.e. Evacuation of the contents and the introduction of sclerosing agents (gluing agents) into the cavity, resulting in the walls of the cyst stick together. In the renal tissue at this site, the cyst is no longer formed.
However, with this method of treatment, the likelihood of recurrence of the disease is high. In addition, from a technical point of view, not all cysts can be punctured (depends on its location in the kidney).
Other methods are used if it is revealed thatvery large size reached the cyst of the kidney. Treatment in this case is carried out by means of a percutaneous operation with the help of an X-ray nephraxcope or ultrasound - the entire contents of the cyst and its wall are removed. An open operation is performed in rare cases: with a rupture or suppuration of the cyst, its degeneration into a tumor or the death of the kidney, and also when the cyst is deep in the kidney. Determining the indications for an open-type operation (especially if the cyst is multi-chambered or there are partitions), it is necessary to carry out not only ultrasound, but also computer tomography of organs located in the retroperitoneum, with ascertaining to exclude oncological disease.