/ / Fixing drug "Korega" for prostheses: reviews and information for review

Fixing drug "Korega" for artificial limbs: reviews and information for your reference

With age, our body loses many of itsfunctions. Unfortunately, this also applies to the dental system. We come to the aid of prosthetics, which is designed to restore lost functions. Today there are many different orthopedic designs. They bring back the taste for life, aesthetics and self-confidence. In our article we will discuss one of the products, which is designed to make the operation of removable structures as comfortable as possible. It will be a question of the Korega dental preparation for artificial limbs. We will also study reviews of this tool, as well as other fact-finding information.

korega for dentures reviews

General information

Special preparation that reliably fixesorthopedic construction on the gums. Korega cream for artificial limbs fills all free sites. Due to this, food is prevented from falling under the orthopedic construction. Mechanical damage is no longer caused to the gum tissue. The situation is also improving from a hygienic point of view due to the use of Korega cream for prostheses. Reviews of experts say that the drug prevents the uncontrolled reproduction of pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity.

The tool is available in tubes (40 mg), hascreamy consistency. The drug contains zinc, so the patient should consult with a specialist before using the considered agent. The shelf life is three years from the date of release of the cream "Korega". The price of the drug ranges from 260 to 300 p. depending on the city and region in which it is implemented.

korega price

Indications for use

The considered drug is indicated for use by thosepeople who wear full or partial removable orthopedic designs. Typically, a specialist will advise patients after their installation. Also, the cream can be used as a temporary assistant in cases where the prosthesis has not yet been fitted or has already become loose. If it is not possible to contact a specialist for the design correction, it is possible to simply fix it with the help of the “Korega” preparation. The use of an agent for this purpose should be a temporary measure. Fit the prosthesis still have to.

Tips for safe and effective use of the remedy

Для безопасного использования продукт необходимо apply correctly. Experts recommend not only to get acquainted with the instructions, but also to consult first with a dentist. If you have any chronic diseases, it is advisable to discuss the use of the drug with a therapist.

How to apply cream "Korega"?The instruction says that with the right consumption of the drug it should be enough for three weeks. First you need to determine the dosage of the cream. Apply the drug point on the orthopedic design or thin strips. Then put the denture on the gum, press it firmly and hold it for a few minutes. Excess adhesive must be removed with a clean cloth. If the cream protrudes in large quantities, then the next time it is necessary to reduce the dose. The manufacturer emphasizes that the drug should be used only once a day.

korega instruction

Removing the prosthesis

Clean the mouth of food debrisrinsed with warm water. Next, in circular motions, loosen the orthopedic construction and carefully remove it. Carefully clean the denture after each extraction. For more effective sanitization, use Korega tablets for prostheses. Reviews of specialists and patients agree that they provide proper cleaning of the orthopedic construction.

bark for dentures

Contraindications and side effects

The drug has virtually no contraindications.In some cases, an individual intolerance of any ingredient may act as a ban on the use of a fixative. Pregnancy and lactation are not a reason for contraindications. The remedy in question is also well combined with the use of other medications, without exerting any effect on their pharmacological properties. The drug is usually well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, some side effects may occur:

1. Nausea.

2. Increased salivation.

3. Violation of taste perception.

4. Allergic local reactions.

Reviews about the tool

Of course, before you buy this or that tool, we would like to know the real reviews about it. After all, advertising can not always be trusted.

korega application

So, what do people say about the preparation "Korega" forprosthetic? Reviews of him can be found not only good. Most people speak positively. They say that the quality of life has changed.

1. Disappeared pain during a meal.

2. Prostheses firmly in place throughout the day.

3. Now you can eat solid food.

4. Patients have ceased to fear that the prosthesis will fall out of his mouth at the most inopportune moment.

There are statements that the tool is notjustified the expectations of man. This is a great expense cream, discomfort and trauma to the gums. But if you do not take into account cases with side effects from the use of the drug, it can be assumed that the designs of these people require correction. Experts say that a properly made prosthesis should not leave large gaps between its parts and the gum. A certain dosage of one-time use of the fixer is designed for such a design. Such a prosthesis will not traumatize the delicate tissues in the oral cavity.

We reviewed the general characteristics and rules of using the tool "Korega". The price of fixing cream is considered affordable for a wide range of the population. Now - the choice is yours!