The drug "cryopharma": reviews

Warts are unpleasant formations on the skin,the appearance of which causes the papilloma virus, living in the body of each person. As a rule, warts affect hands and feet. On their hands they are less harmless, they deliver, rather, aesthetic discomfort. But warts on the legs, the so-called plantar ones, cause pain while walking.

It is said that these tubercles on the surface of the skin,outwardly reminiscent of cauliflower, pass by themselves in a few years. But you can wait a very long time for this to happen. It remains to try to remove these formations yourself. You can resort to the help of folk remedies, for example, celandine, or go to a clinic where they are most likely to be removed with liquid nitrogen. Not so long ago, the sale of the drug "Cryopharma", the reviews of which have already been posted on various sites on the Internet. Should I trust him? Is it effective in fighting warts? Let's try to figure it all out. First, let's see what the mechanism of its action is.

"Cryopharma" preparation: instruction

The active substances aredimethylether and propane. These substances are located in an aerosol can with a capacity of 35 ml. The mechanism of action on warts is to cool them. Actually, the same method is used in clinics where liquid nitrogen is successfully used for these purposes. True, experts say that you should not compare both of these methods. Liquid nitrogen is more effective, since it freezes the wart at a temperature of 196 ° C, and the preparation "Cryopharma" - only at 57 ° C.

Developers of this tool assure buyersin that warts begin to disappear after the first application. By the way, for the application of active ingredients, an applicator with an aperture is used, the use of which is described in detail in the instructions. All in the same instruction is given information that the drug "cryopharma", the reviews of which we now consider, effectively fights with both ordinary warts and plantar. Usually, one application is enough to remove them on the hands, and two or three - on the feet. In case of successful treatment, the warts will disappear within two weeks.

The drug "cryopharma": testimonials

The cost of this tool is rather big, thereforemany do not dare to buy it, fearing that the treatment will be ineffective. To understand the feedback of consumers. And having analyzed a large number of reviews, it can be concluded that the preparation of Cryopharma is completely ineffective. Wrestlers with warts say that they did everything according to the instructions, resorted even to a second session of therapy, but the result was not received. It turns out, they just threw their money away.

Other reviews provide information thatthe "cryopharma" remedy for warts was useful after all, but in part, as it removed unpleasant knobs only on the hands. On sale it is possible to find a special preparation "Cryopharma" for feet, but also it is not very flattering about it.

Tried the parents with this drugto remove warts in children. But even here the treatment was useless. And yet some positive reviews on the Internet were found. They say that after applying the applicator to the wart the latter, in view of the cooling effect, began to turn white, and after a few days it completely disappeared. The drug "Cryopharma", the reviews indicate this, proved effective only in the case of the removal of young warts, including on the legs.

After the numerousreviews, doubt crept in over whether it is worth buying this drug for the treatment of warts. In any case, this is the decision of each of you, dear readers.