/ / How to apply "Neo-pentotrans" candles

How to apply candles "Neo-pentotrans"

Candles "Neo-pentotrans" in its composition haveantibiotic and antifungal agents, so they have antimicrobial, antiprotozoal and fungicidal action. Metronidazole and miconazole are the main components that make up the drug "Neo-pentotran suppository." The analogue to the indicated medicinal product is "Klion-D 100".

Метронидазол имеет противогрибковое действие и effectively fights against protozoa. After the interaction of this substance with proteins, the DNA of microorganisms is destroyed, since the synthesis of nucleic acids is inhibited. It is effective in the destruction of most protozoa that cause vaginal infections.

Candles "Neo-pentotrans" in its composition have andmiconazole, which has a fungicidal effect. This component causes a violation of the synthesis of components of fungal cells, which leads to their death. Miconazole is effective against pathogenic fungi, and it also has some bacteriostatic action against gram-positive microorganisms.

During intravaginal administration, a little metronidazole enters the systemic circulation, after which it is excreted in the urine for 7-12 hours, and miconazole in the blood is not detected.

Candles "Neo-pentotrans" - indications for use

This medication is used forlocal therapy of trichomoniasis, as well as bacterial vaginitis, vaginal infections caused by fungi or mixed flora, which is sensitive to the components of this drug.

Mode of application

Duration of treatment, as well as dosesThe administration of the drug is selected by a specialist in each case individually. Usually take one candle a day, preferably at night, while you need to put it as deeply as possible into the vagina. The full course of treatment with this drug is 14 days.

In some cases, to obtain a fasterthe doctor can prescribe the candles "Neo-pentotrans" 2 times throughout the day. But we will remind that to accept them it is necessary only after consultation and inspection at the corresponding expert. This mode of taking medication continues for seven days, 7 days.

During the introduction of the drug is best to use a special cap, which is put on the finger. The use of "Neo-pentotran" suppositories for the elderly does not require adjustment in doses.

Side effects when using "Neo-pentotrans"

Perhaps in some patients the manifestation of localside effects, while systemic development is extremely rare. Among the common reactions should be noted the appearance of burning, itching, hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the perineum and the vagina. If there are infections of the vagina, then on the first and third day of taking the drug irritation may increase. But all these symptoms pass very quickly, but if they are pronounced, then stop taking the drug.

Among the systemic side effects most oftenthere is dizziness, headache, ataxia, increased irritability. Nausea and vomiting may also occur, stools may appear, as well as pain in the epigastric region, liver enzymes may become more active, or taste disorders may occur.

Candles "Neo-pentotrans" for pregnancy applyis not recommended, especially in the first trimester, in the future they are prescribed only in cases of extreme necessity, and the reception is carried out exclusively under the supervision of the doctor. During lactation with the reception of "Neo-pentotrana", breastfeeding should be stopped and restored only two days after the last time the drug was taken.

Contraindicated the use of "Neo-pentotrans" for epilepsy, severe liver disease and for the treatment of children.