/ / Gynecological suppositories: quickly, comfortably, effectively

Gynecological candles: quickly, comfortably, effectively

Sometimes a doctor prescribes a medicine inform of a vaginal suppository. This name is scientific for the term "gynecological candles". The solid dissolves and is absorbed through the walls of the vagina. This method has advantages, although not all women have experience in using such a dosage form.

Candles anti-inflammatory gynecologicalare used due to the fact that it is possible to directly deliver the drug substance to the focus of inflammation. Candles that fight infection are often used. They also allow to destroy the contingent-pathogenic flora that emerged from under control. For example, candida, which causes thrush.

For example, thrush effectively cure candles withclotrimazole. This disease causes fungal pathogens, and this drug suppresses the synthesis of substances that the fungus needs to synthesize cell membranes. Also, its mechanism of action is associated with increased acidity in the vagina, at high doses the fungus can not survive, as a result, a cure for thrush occurs. In the process of treatment you should also avoid sex, reduce the time spent in the bathroom, eat less sweet. Three days is enough to eliminate thrush and forget about it.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories usually also fightwith an infection. For example, antiseptic betadine successfully fights with pathogens. Candles with dalacin will help to get rid of trichomonads. Also, this disease is successfully treated, if the composition includes metronidazole.

Vaginal suppositories can even be prescribedvirgins. They do not violate the hymen, and the effect of them in this case is not less. Of course, you should not start using candles without prescribing a doctor and adult women.

Sometimes a person can not take the medicine throughmouth because of nausea, then candles become an alternative option. With the usual intake through the mouth, most of the active substance "takes over" the liver, so the candles are a more effective method.

When using vaginal suppositories, veryWash your hands thoroughly so as not to aggravate the situation. If the candles are prescribed by a gynecologist, he will give detailed instructions. After the candle is introduced, it is necessary to lie a little (about 30 minutes).

Not all gynecological candles are made withusing synthetic medicinal substances. There are candles with herbs, sea buckthorn and eucalyptus oil. These herbal substances are extremely effective against staphylococci and streptococci. Sometimes antibiotics can be avoided in this way. After all, antibiotics are medicines that you better not play with.

However, candles in gynecology are not only usedfor the treatment of vaginal diseases. They are also prescribed for endometrium and inflammation of the appendages. Some candles help normalize the natural microflora of the vagina.

A gynecologist can also prescribe rectal suppositories, for example, with uterine fibroids. Help with this disease candles with celandine, phythraxine.

Colpitis and vaginitis are helped by gynecologicalcandles with bark of oak. If the vagina is infected with bacteria, it is usually a lack of normal bacteria. In this state, bifinorm and lactonorm will help. Also these candles are suitable for dryness of the vagina, and even itching during pregnancy or after menopause.

Vaginal suppositories, that isgynecological candles can be sold not only in finished form. They can be made according to the prescription of the doctor, at the same time individually the optimal dose will be selected for you.

Не стоит покупать свечи самостоятельно, даже banal thrush requires medical attention. In general, this form is a fast, effective, mostly local method for solving your problems. Trust your reproductive health to a good gynecologist.