/ / What is useful for the mountaineer bird (sporish)?

What is useful for the mountaineer bird (sporish)?

Highlander bird (sporish, anthrax, kuroed, gusyatnitsa,ostudnik) is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the buckwheat family. Its root is woody, thin. Stem - thin, elastic, branching from the base, recumbent or raised, densely seated with small reed leaves (lanceolate or elliptical) and thin membranous funnels. Fruit is a dark brown matt trihedral nut. Flowers are small, hardly noticeable, five-membered, pinkish or white, located in the axils of the leaves. Blossoms sporish all summer and until frost, for this and is called sporish (from "spiro" - rapid restoration of damaged shoots). The herb grows until late autumn.

This unpretentious grass grows everywhere,literally underfoot: it overgrew field and forest paths, village streets, wastelands, banks of streams and rivers, parks, courtyards, stadiums, airfields, dry pastures, hippodromes, curbs,

You can meet a birdwalker on all continents (there is no one only in the Arctic and Antarctica).

Procurement of sporrows for medical purposes

For medicinal purposes, the above-ground part of spores is used - grass, less often - roots.

The above-ground part (without roots) is collected duringflowering period or pulled out with a root. Do not collect it directly on the paths, in the places of grazing animals and in other places too polluted. After collection, it must be dried at a temperature of no more than 50 °, in the shade, on clean paper or sackcloth, and then put in a place protected from sunlight.

Chemical composition

In the grass, spores contain tar, mucus,tannins, fats, bitter, carbohydrates (fructose, sucrose, glucose), essential oil, hyperin, coumarins (scopoletin, umbelliferone), mycithin, kaempferol, phenolcarbonic acids (salicylic, gallic, coffee, acetic, chlorogenic, valeric, apple, , formic), flavonoids (avicular, quercetin, hyperin, isoramnetin), anthraquinones, vitamins (E, K, provitamin A, ascorbic acid), trace elements (calcium, copper, vanadium, iron, magnesium, silicon, silver).

In the roots were found anthraquinones (emodin with its glycosides and chrysophanol), anthocyanins.

Properties and application of sporality

From ancient times to today the people of the mountaineerbird is used as a hemostatic, astringent and anti-inflammatory agent. He also proved himself well as an antispasmodic, diuretic, antipyretic, restorative, diuretic, choleretic, antiseptic, tonic, wound healing, diaphoretic, anthelmintic, laxative, hypotensive.

Infusions and decoctions of the mountaineer are used for bronchitis,colds, tuberculosis, gastrointestinal diseases, bronchial asthma, hemorrhoids, kidney diseases or urinary tract problems, headaches, gout, liver and bladder diseases, long-term ulcers and wounds, tumors. It has also been established that the birdwatcher reduces the permeability of the walls of our vessels and increases the coagulability of the blood.

Use grass sporisha and in violation of the exchangesubstances or water-salt metabolism, inflammation of the mucous lips and oral cavity, with urolithic or cholelithiasis (prevents and treats the formation of stones), avitaminosis, pneumonia, peptic ulcers, scurvy, pleurisy, any kinds of gastritis, with stenocardia, diarrhea, catarrhs , malaria, neuralgia and radiculitis, dysentery, thrombophlebitis, bleeding (intestinal, hemorrhoidal or uterine), infertility and diabetes.

Recently, the plant is used even withtreatment of tumors of different origin; it is included in the collection of Zdrenko, which is used in the treatment of malignant tumors. It is also present in the "Breast tea", used in whooping cough and other coughing-related illnesses.

Highlander preparations are good for heart diseases: they accelerate the pulse and reduce blood pressure, and fresh juice, moreover, has a powerful phytoncidal activity.

In children's skin diseases, baths are recommended from grass sporyches.

Outer mountaineer bird is used for skin diseases (boils, eels, etc.), in the treatment of bruises, ulcers and wounds.

Broths of spores on milk help with cramps of different origin.

And now I bring to your attention some time-tested recipes with sporish.

For use inside make a decoction or infusion.

To get a decoction of 20 g of the aboveground part is crushed and poured with boiling water, half an hour, insisted on a water bath, then cooled and decant. Take two tables. spoons before meals, thrice a day.

With cholelithiasis, the infusion is prepared:take a glass of boiling water on a table. spoonful of spores. Half an hour in a water bath and drink 100 ml of this infusion after 10 minutes after drinking decoction from the root of the dog rose.

With gynecological diseases of inflammatory(due to the normalization of metabolism), with weakness or nervous exhaustion, to strengthen the strength of the elderly and after illness, as well as for the ability to conceive will help such a recipe: half a liter of boiling water take 3-4 table. spoons of spores and 4 hours insist in a thermos or just in a warm place. Take half an hour before meals for half a cup, 4 r. in a day.

In painful menstruation:1 part grass sprouts and herbs field horsetail, 3 parts of the herb gold thousand and 5 parts of the goose grass goose. They make a table. a spoonful of this mixture in 200 grams of water, insist hour, set and during the day drink sips.

When infertility Highlander bird is used as follows: a glass of water is brewed 20 gr of grass, a quarter of an hour is heated in a water bath and 45 minutes. insist, press and take up to meal on 2 table. 3 r. in a day.

To treat old or bleeding ulcers and wounds, use the juice of fresh grass of the bird's mountaineer: moisten them with a napkin and, after washing the wound in advance with the same juice, lay it on the damaged tissues.

Contraindications to the use of a bird mountaineer

The birdwatcher is low-toxic, but incases of acute inflammation of the urinary bladder and kidneys, it is contraindicated. It does not apply to pregnancy, because it has an abortive effect. Care should be taken when using varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hypotension and angina pectoris, and with an excess of sputum.

Treated with natural remedies, this is inexpensive, and effective. But before using sporicha, consult a doctor.