/ / Contact lenses SofLens 59: advantages and disadvantages, reviews

Contact lenses SofLens 59: advantages and disadvantages, reviews

Do not want people around you to know that youpoor eyesight? Then, safely acquire contact lenses. The price of such a substitute for glasses is not to be frightened, because not all of these polymer materials are expensive. There are lenses that can be purchased for a very affordable price. The famous company Bausch Lomb produces such eyeglasses. Today we will consider only one model of the lenses of this company - Soflens 59. We will determine what is the peculiarity, advantages and disadvantages of this model, and also what people and doctors think about these glasses substitutes.

contact lenses soflens 59


The famous company Bausch Lomb in 2003She showed the world developed by her contact lenses Soflens Comfort. Soflens 59 - more advanced optical polymers, which were created already in 2006. The number 59 indicates the percentage of moisture. These lenses became the best also due to the fact that they received new blisters and a smooth removable label. Now it is convenient for users to open these polymer materials. And the blister of new lenses has received ergonomic design, it is convenient to hold in hands. Also the box has undergone changes. On the packaging in the new Soflens 59 lenses, the company's logo, trademark, is now clearly visible. Also on the box, the seller depicted the moisture, which, according to the developers, creates a sense of appeasement, and also indicates the comfort of wearing.

And the main difference between new lenses from old SoflensComfort is that in the first model the lens itself had sharp enough edges. And many users complained for this reason to the firm. In the new model, the developers changed the geometry and made the edge smoothed.

soflens 59 6 lenses


Lenses Bausch Lomb Soflens 59 have such advantages:

- They are ideal for those people who arenewcomers in this matter. Those users who are just starting to learn the rules of wearing these glasses substitutes will be comfortable and easy to carry. Such lenses provide a high stable visual acuity. They are also very easy to operate.

- This model of glasses substitutes perfectly combines with many solutions.

- Lenses are made of modern and high-quality material - Hilafilkon B, which is resistant to sediments.

- These glasses substitutes have a smooth transition between the edges and the central curvature of the polymer.

- In the manufacture of these lenses usedSpecial Unifit technology, which ensures a uniform weight distribution. And this allows you to achieve clarity of vision, as well as gentle interaction of the polymer material with the cornea of ​​the eye and eyelids.

- These lenses are sold in a blister pack, which is easy to open.

- Low cost.

- Elastic, perfectly preserved shape.

contact lenses soflens comfort soflens 59

Disadvantages of the new model

Lenses Bausch Lomb Soflens 59, as, indeed, other types of these polymeric materials, are not without negative sides. The disadvantages of these substitutes are:

- Short term of wearing. New lenses from Bausch Lomb can be worn for no more than 30 days.

- Such substitutes for glasses require double maintenance.Due to the fact that the lens has a moisture content of 59%, they need a more careful attitude to themselves than polymers of other types. Therefore, it is necessary to use such glasses substitutes only with silicone tips.

bausch lomb soflens 59 lenses

Lens material

A new model of glasses substitutes is made ofhalafilcona B. The advantage of this material is the complete absence of lipid and salt deposits on the lens. And also thanks to Halafilcon B, these polymeric transparent glasses substitutes are more similar to eye tissues than previous models.


Contact lenses Soflens 59 are unusual in that they are suitable for both short-sighted and farsighted people. The range of dioprids in them is from -9.00 to +6.00.


The price of the new lens model from Bausch Lomb is small.However for economy it is better to buy Soflens 59 6 lenses. So, for the whole package you will pay about 600 rubles. While for one pair, give 300 rubles. It turns out that it's cheaper to buy Soflens 59 6 lenses, then you will save 300 rubles. Trifle, but nice.

lens soflens 59 reviews

Positive assessments of people

По большей части лестные отзывы получают contact lenses Soflens Comfort. Soflens 59 - the new model of this company did not stand aside and also won its numerous admirers. So, many people note that these glasses substitutes have an ideal price-quality ratio. Also, users point to other advantages of this polymer material:

- Lenses are not felt on the eyes.

- When wearing these eyeglass replacers, the eyes do not dry out, do not hurt, no extraneous body is felt in the organ of vision.

- Such lenses are perfectly worn and removed.

- Contact lenses Soflens 59 have a bluish tint. This is necessary so that they can be conveniently removed from the container and the person could easily see them.

- These spectacle replacers are strong, resistant to damage. Many people say that they wear these lenses for more than 3 years (of course, changing them every month), and they have never been torn.

- Do not need careful care. Many users point out that this model of eyeglass substitutes is only enough to wipe with a little finger and leave overnight in the solution.

- Despite the fact that contact lenses Soflens 59provided for daytime wear, the eyes do not feel tired in the evening. And some users even sleep in them. True, it is absolutely impossible to do this. But if for some reason it is impossible to remove the lenses in the evening (for example, you stayed away, stayed overnight, but did not take the solution and container), then you do not need to worry that in the morning your eyes will be red like a vampire. No, that won't happen.

The cost of these polymeric materials also pleasespeople. Despite the fact that the price of this model of eyeglass substitutes is low compared to others, many users are trying to save money here. Some people buy Soflens 59 6 lenses - and cheap, and lasts for 3 months. Also, people advise on the forums to buy these polymeric materials for a clear view on the Internet. Then the price of the whole package will be less than in the store. True, the Internet will have to buy a whole pack, that is, 6 lenses.

Negative ratings of people

Unfortunately, lenses of Soflens 59 receive reviews anddisapproving. However, the number of such responses is small. Negative assessments are left mostly by the people who first tried these substitute points. True, their opinion then changed dramatically. Those users who previously wore glasses, could not get used to the lenses. At first it was difficult for them to understand how to put them on and off. And it turns out that many users who began to learn to wear lenses, at first they simply accidentally tore them, forgot to take care of them, pour the new solution into the container. Over time, however, everything changed, and those people who spoke negatively about these polymeric materials changed their point of view.

contact lenses Price

Evaluation of doctors

Contact lenses Soflens 59 reviews of ophthalmologistsget positive. Experts believe that this model of polymeric materials is ideal for people who first decided to try to live with a clear look, but without glasses. If a person is not yet sure or has not decided for himself what he should wear, then for the experiment it is desirable for him to buy exactly Soflens 59 lenses. Having tried to scold them for 1 month, the user will understand for himself what he will be better at, more comfortable. After all, it is not a pity to pay 300 rubles for monthly lenses. However, as noted by ophthalmologists, basically all patients who come to see them stop wearing glasses, they prefer lenses. And if the doctor immediately recommended Bausch Lomb glasses substitutes, then the person no longer wants to change them for others.


Soflens 59 Monthly Contact LensesThey are ideal for people who try to improve their vision with the help of glasses, and their substitutes. Both users and doctors recommend this lens model. Quality, comfort when wearing, as well as putting on and taking off, cheapness - these are the criteria on the basis of which the user chooses for himself these polymeric materials. A model Soflens 59 just has all the above advantages.