So today we have to figure out whatare contact lenses Ciba Vision. This product is usually not particularly advertised and advertised by doctors. Only he is still kept in fairly high positions among the means for correcting vision. Let's try to understand whether it is worth paying attention to them. Maybe, not without reason, the doctors do not advertise contact lenses Ciba Vision? Or are they really as good as some shoppers claim?
Первое, на что стоит обратить внимание - The proposed range of available diopters for vision correction. Not all manufacturers produce contact lenses that can help with severe farsightedness or myopia. But only our today's product does not apply.
The fact is that contact lenses Ciba Visioncorrects vision ranging from -8 to +6 diopters. The step is 0.25. This means that you can easily and easily pick up the lenses. But in the running versions of Ciba Vision are powerless. Only glasses will help. Fortunately, such cases are extremely rare. So, we can say that Ciba Vision contact lenses are universal. Each buyer will be able to use them to correct their vision. And all this, according to the manufacturer, without harm to health and with comfort.
What do they promise us when buying thisproduct? Ciba Vision Air Optix Aqua contact lenses are nothing more than soft lenses that help you correct your vision. This fact already means that your eyes will be comfortable. After all, the "soft" options are really more convenient than the outdated and almost unseen hard lenses.
Кроме того, для глаз данная оптика почти imperceptible. Its thickness is not more than 0.08 millimeters. Yes, there are such lenses that you can forget about them at all - with a thickness of 0.05 millimeters. But this option is quite good. Ciba Vision Air Optix Aqua contact lenses can cause discomfort only in extremely sensitive eyes.
Also worth considering - this optics is designedonly for day socks. At night you should definitely remove them, and then put in a special solution for lenses. In the case of non-compliance with these rules, as noted by many buyers, you can simply “drive” the lens under the upper eyelid, from where it will be extremely difficult to get it. Sometimes you even have to go to the doctor for help.
The manufacturer claims that contact lenses CibaVision Focus Monthly Softcolors (and other Ciba Vision variants) do not cause allergies and are absolutely safe for the eyes. Practice and reviews confirm this. Exceptions, of course, happen, but they are extremely rare.
Term of use
We must not forget that contact lensesby themselves there are different actions. And we are talking only about their service life. Contact lenses Ciba Vision Focus Monthly Softcolors reviews (like all other "Ciba Vision") in this regard are very good. After all, the manufacturer offers a diverse time of operation. Each buyer can choose the appropriate option.
The most popular are daily lenses.replacements, and also calculated for a month of wearing. True, the price they have is quite high. In addition, you can find Ciba Vision Dailies Aquacomfort Plus contact lenses for a week, 3, 6, and 12 months of use.
Plus, Ciba Vision has no lensesonly daily wear. You can also find and order one-day night options. They are not very popular. There are reasons for this. Someone is just uncomfortable, someone pushes the price. Nevertheless, such an approach to vision correction takes place. So, you can easily pick up what you think is most beneficial and suitable for you. Freedom and the almost complete absence of restrictions are what attracts buyers to the product.
Wearing time
Время дневного ношения линз тоже играет в вопросе vision correction is a big part. Most manufacturers simply indicate that their product can be worn for no more than 6-8 hours. This, as practice has shown, is not entirely convenient. Especially if you work a lot and do not follow the time. In the middle of the day, changing lenses for glasses is pretty stupid, isn't it?
Therefore, before buying a Ciba Vision,you should know that you can wear them for about 12 hours. That is all day. The exception is contact lenses Ciba Vision Air Optix Night Day Aqua. As you might guess, this round-the-clock option is what millions of people dreamed of dreaming about.
But in the case of day lenses, as has already becomeclearly, there are no particular limitations. Remove them before bedtime. Or earlier, if they felt discomfort. But buyers claim that such cases are extremely rare. This means that you can wear Ciba Vision Air Optix Aqua contact lenses for as long as you wish. And all this without causing harm to health. There will also be no bad influence on the quality of vision correction.
Ciba Vision receive a variety of reviews inregarding their convenience. Nevertheless, most of them are positive. After all, these are hypoallergenic lenses that can be worn all day without fear for the condition of the eyes. So you should pay attention to them.
True, for particularly sensitive people this is notthe best option optics. After all, the thickness of the product is 0.08 millimeter. In the case of increased sensitivity of the cornea, you will feel some discomfort while wearing. Therefore it is necessary to look for other lenses, thinner.
But to insert and remove Ciba Vision is extremelyconveniently. After all, their diameter is not more than 14.2 millimeters. With such optics is quite easy and simple to handle. You should wear lenses, and you will not be able to notice that you have something in your eyes. Ciba Vision is completely invisible on the cornea. This is a definite plus, pleasing buyers.
The price tag is one of the determining factors that canpush away from the purchase. In our case, Ciba Vision contact lenses have mixed reviews in terms of cost. Some argue that the price tag is not so scary. For monthly lenses, for example, you will have to pay about 800 rubles, for three months - 600-800. And someone, on the contrary, says that the cost is too high.
Here everyone can stay with his opinion.But, as practice shows, Ciba Vision is far from the cheapest lenses. Rather, they have an average cost. Day and night options for this company are expensive. A set for a week will cost about 1,500 rubles. Not really good numbers. Especially if you have a permanent vision correction.
Как видите, контактные линзы "Сиба Вижн" имеют quite mixed reviews. Doctors also can not give any specific information about this product. But, nevertheless, it is worth paying attention to it, if your eyes are not particularly sensitive.
Generally, before buying a Ciba Vision, askadvice from your ophthalmologist. Explain why you decided to use this particular optics option, and then ask the doctor more details about the product. Most likely, it is the oculist who will help you make the right choice. If you want to experiment on your own, you can buy Ciba Vision of a monthly action for a sample. They are not so expensive, then to regret buying, if the lenses do not suit you.