/ / Neodyvakin soda treatment: how to take and in what quantity?

Neodyvakin soda treatment: how to take and in what quantity?

Alternative medicine has always been a reason forcontroversy and attracted the attention of the press. Now and then one can come across information that someone has been treated with honey, someone has infusion of spruce cones, etc. However, despite a very skeptical attitude, treatment with folk methods usually leads to certain results. Whether they are positive or negative is another question. A vivid example of this is the soda treatment according to Neumyvakin. How to take the remedy? How often? And as far as this method is effective, we discuss in this article.

soda treatment neomyvakinu how to take

Briefly about the beneficial properties of soda

Professor Neumyvakin is a person who isfollower of alternative medicine. It is he who is considered the developer of several folk methods, many of which, he said, help to get rid of all diseases, including cancer.

One of these methods is considered the treatment of sodaNeumyvakinu. How to take soda, and in what dosage to do it safely, we will tell you a little later. The professor has devoted a lot of video and print publications to this method.

Если говорить вкратце, то сода, как считает A method developer is a special chemical that can work wonders in tandem with ordinary water. It is believed that soda + water when released into the human body is able to thin and renew blood.

Как утверждает профессор Неумывакин, лечение soda makes it possible to get rid of salt deposits, kidney stones, excess cholesterol in the vessels and completely restore the entire body. He also says that the reaction after taking a soda solution occurs in about 15 minutes. After this time, the blood cells are completely renewed, the acid-base balance is restored, and all human organs are cleaned and normalized.

Professor Neumyvakin Soda Treatment

What should be remembered when using the Neumyvakin method?

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the presence of contraindications. As with any therapeutic method, this technique is best used after prior consultation with a doctor.

In this case, it will be possible to minimize the negativeeffect on your body. For example, this concerns the third stage of cancer, when such treatment with soda may not lead to positive results, but, on the contrary, harm. You should also not use soda for people with allergies or people who have an intolerance to it.

Если же после ряда анализов и консультации с No contraindications have been identified by your doctor, Professor Neumyvakin treated with soda recommends starting with small doses. In this case, it is necessary to follow a certain schedule and rules for receiving this "life-giving drink."

baking soda treatment neumyvakin

How to start drinking soda by the method?

Start drinking soda, as we said before,needed with a small dosage. So, at the first stage, take a teaspoon and scoop the soda with it in such a way that it remains only at the very tip of the spoon. Then you should observe the reaction of the organism and in a couple of days increase the dosage to half a spoon. Subsequently, at one time you can drink up to 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon of soda, diluted in 200 ml of plain water.

What kind of treatment water can I use?

Treatment with baking soda Neumyvakin advisesperform in strict sequence and select, in his words, "the right water." What does this mean? This means that it is strictly prohibited to use soda with hot water. This combination of boiling water and NaHCO3 leads to damage to the mucous membranes of the larynx and serious burns.

Not suitable for treatment and cold water, asfor its processing and heating the body will take too much energy. Therefore, the water for soda solution should be at room temperature or slightly warm. If desired, soda can be mixed with preheated milk, and for taste add a spoonful of honey.

Dr. Nemyvakin treatment of soda

How many times and when to take soda?

Treatment with baking soda Neumyvakin adviseshold on an empty stomach three times a day. Only if such a regime is observed can the desired result be achieved. If you take soda, pre-densely having lunch or dinner, there will be an accumulation of gases in the body, and indigestion is not excluded.

What should be the course of treatment?

Согласно теории профессора, лечение при помощи Soda is an excellent prevention of some gastrointestinal and heart diseases, as well as a cure for many more complex diseases. Soda itself is harmless. The only exception is a possible allergic reaction and individual intolerance to NaHCO3.

Именно поэтому, говорит доктор Неумывакин, Soda treatment and the duration of the use of soda solution - a matter of purely individual. Therefore, everyone will be able to set their own dates and the frequency of repetition of the course of treatment. For example, some adherents of this theory use soda throughout their lives.

neumyvakin soda treatment recipes

Is it possible and necessary to check the quality of soda?

It is not only possible to check the quality of soda, but alsonecessary. To do this, first of all, pay attention to the shelf life. And secondly, the easiest way to check the quality of soda is to take vinegar and drip it on a spoon with soda. If at this there will be a violent reaction with a large number of bubbles, then the soda is fresh and uncorrupted, if there is no similar effect - you should not drink such soda.

Neumyvakin: treatment of soda. Recipes

In his lectures and videos the professorNeumyvakin not only talks about the beneficial properties of soda, but also gives recommendations on the preparation and use of soda solutions. For example, the doctor claims that it is best to drink soda about half an hour before the main meal.

Next, you need to observe the frequency of use of NaHCO3advises Neumyvakin. Soda treatment (you will find the recipes in this article) is best done in several approaches. At the first stage, the soda solution is drunk for exactly three days.

Then a break is also made for three days.Further, the dosage of soda solution is increased and the initial treatment regimen is repeated (drink 3 days and 3 days break). Such a scheme, the professor says, will help avoid the negative reaction of the body to an external chemical mixture.

neumyvakin treatment with soda and peroxide

Should I mix soda with water or not?

Many have heard that there is a soda treatment according to Neumyvakin. How to take NaHCO3, diluted or not diluted with water, almost no one knows. From here and a number of the questions connected with feature of application of soda solution.

According to the professor, to breed or notdiluting soda with water is a purely personal matter. The effect will be the same as when water-sodis cocktail is taken inside, as in the usual soda water flush (without stirring).

How else can soda solution be used for treatment?

Dr. Neumyvakin treatment of soda recommends to allpeople who want to improve their health. In this soda solution can not only drink, but also to do with it enemas. To do this, heat to a warm state 1-1.5 liters of water, add soda and make syringing using an Esmarch cup.

This procedure is best done every day. Later, do it in a day, even later - in two, and so on.

In addition, soda solution is often used torinsing the mouth. This approach allows you to get rid of stomatitis, caries and restore the acid-base balance in the mouth. Soda is also used in case of sore throat (rinsing), as well as to relax and refresh the skin (bath). This is a slightly different soda treatment according to Neumyvakin. How to take the healing solution: inside or not - you decide.

soda treatment neomyvakinu reviews

What is the basis of hydrogen peroxide treatment?

In addition to soda, the professor talks about the benefits of hydrogen peroxide. As it turned out, H2ABOUT2 - it is a chemical for the bodyelement. The fact is that, up to a certain age, a special acid similar to peroxide is released in human intestinal tissues. At a more mature age, it ceases to be produced and needs to be replenished from the outside.

That is why Professor Neumyvakin suggestssoda and peroxide treatment. Features of the method - the simplicity and availability of the main component, which can be purchased without a prescription in a regular pharmacy. Begin to use peroxide with a quarter cup of water, in which you need to first drop a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Next, you need to observe the state of your body and gradually increase the dosage to 4-5 drops. With proper use of the method, says the professor, you can add 10-15 drops of H2ABOUT2 in every glass of water you drink a day. During the day, the amount of peroxide drunk in diluted form should not exceed 150-200 drops.

In the treatment of any diseases can be used peroxide?

Traditionally, hydrogen peroxide isanti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. That is why this solution copes with inflammatory and purulent formations in the throat, ears and nose.

Например, при лечении гнойных воспалений уха It is necessary to make a solution from a quarter cup of warm water and 20 drops of peroxide. Next, the solution is poured into the syringe without a needle, and the next step is washing the nasal sinuses.

Can I take peroxide and soda at the same time?

Treatment of cancer with soda according to Neumyvakin, as well as othersdiseases, involves the use of components such as soda + water or soda + milk. The same applies to the use of hydrogen peroxide, which is diluted with water.

Together soda and peroxide can not be drunk, becausean unnecessary reaction will occur (an identical reaction is observed in soda and vinegar). Ideally, drink diluted soda should be after half an hour from the moment when you drank peroxide, and vice versa.

What do people say about the methods of treatment of professors?

If you are just thinking, take advantage of the tipsdoctor or not, ask about what people say about the method. Read, in order to evaluate the treatment of soda by Neumyvakin, user reviews. For example, some of them say that they are completely satisfied with the use of the treatment method. Thanks to her, they managed to get rid of insomnia, headaches, constipation and digestive problems. And some even insist on effective treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction.

Therefore, use the professor's method or not, decide for yourself, just take it very seriously, because your health is at stake!