/ / Treatment of varicose soda and other folk remedies

Treatment of varicose soda and other folk remedies

Varicose veins in recent years are growing more and more.getting younger. It appears outwardly with ugly blue knots under the skin, but in fact the veins become wider and longer, their walls become less elastic, as a result of which the legs (they are subjected to a greater load, and therefore are predominantly affected by varicose veins), swell up, swell up on them ulcers may form.

treatment of varicose veins soda

Varicose veins can be caused as a sedentary way.life, and work, which involves the constant presence on his feet. Excess weight and smoking are also provoking factors. Love for high heels and tight models in clothes is another way to make varicose veins. And if with sex (women are more prone to varicose veins) or unsuccessful heredity, nothing can be done, then it is worth fighting against such risk factors.

Understandably, as soon as they appearedthe warning signs - it's time to go to the doctor, and also to change the outlook on life: to accustom yourself to eat correctly, go in for gymnastics, give up bad habits, fight obesity. And observe the doctor's appointment!

But with the help of folk recipes you can helpimagine at least suspend the disease. And one of the ways to provide such assistance is the treatment of varicose veins. There are several ways to use this simple, well-known substance. The most common and simplest of them is baths for 15 minutes, during which 7 tablespoons of regular soda are diluted 200 liters not hot (no more than 40 aboutC) water. Remember that high bath temperatures for varicose vein are contraindicated!

soda varicose vein treatment

Treatment of varicose soda with alum receivedThe name "recipe Zalmanova." This is also a bath, but this time the foot. For them, 200 g of soda itself and 70 g of the second component per 5 l of water are taken, the temperature of which is again about 40 ° C. Foot bath lasts as much as usual.

Вообще сочетание соды с другими ингредиентами во The treatment of this disease is very common. Traditional medicine advises more such recipes. Good results were shown by the treatment of varicose soda in compresses of white bread. Its pulp is soaked with apple cider vinegar, sprinkled with soda itself and applied to the affected areas. From above - parchment or polyethylene, cotton wool, an unnecessary rag, and all this is wrapped with an elastic bandage. Keep the compress should be 8 hours, so it is better to do it at night. The course is 10 days.

soda for varicose veins

An interesting recipe is also where treatment is applied.varicose soda - also a compress, but only with cabbage leaves. The principle of creating a warming bandage is the same, that is, parchment, cotton wool and bandage are preserved. But as a therapeutic component are soda, which is applied directly to the skin, and cabbage leaves, smeared with soap and put on top of the soda.

Treatment of varicose soda brings noticeablerelieved and fully justified. This is understandable - traditional medicine stores only effective recipes. But it is worth remembering that even such an effective tool as soda with varicose veins is only an auxiliary method and should be used in combination with traditional types of treatment.