/ / Turpentine oil: what is it, how to apply it and where to buy?

Turpentine oil: what is it, how to apply it and where to buy?

Some associate this phrase with technology andpaint. Others - with natural varnishes and repair of premises. So all the same, what is turpentine gum? This concept also has a biological, medical value and purpose. Moreover, traditional healers and some official doctors carry out treatment with turpentine gum from various ailments and successfully use the remedy as a preventive measure.

gum turpentine

Turpentine Tree

Tree grows in Mediterranean countriesturpentine (genus of pistachios) with small greenish flowers and reddish fruits. But not only because of its fruits, it became famous. If you make an incision on its trunk, a resinous substance, greenish and pleasantly smelling, is released. It is called the Cypriot, or Chios, turpentine. Resin wood is similar in properties to turpentine, so the tree is called turpentine.

Coniferous turpentine and turpentine

In our latitudes, where traditionally growsmany coniferous trees, turpentine is made from gum turpentine. Resin represents the same resinous discharge from the trunks, only conifers. Turpentine oil (or turpentine oil) is a volatile substance. It is spread in the hot season through coniferous forests in pairs of terpenes, giving these massifs a characteristic aroma. However, turpentine gum and turpentine differ in their composition. The second substance also contains resinous acids, rosin, water and impurities.

turpentine gum use

How to get it?

In modern industry, this substanceget a variety of ways. This is a product of spruce (pine, cedar, fir) fermentation of fresh resin, wood, and pine needles. Extraction is extracted with organic solvents from stump chips and trunks. Sulfate - is formed as a by-product when boiling wood and making pulp.

purified gum turpentine

Healing properties

Turpentine zhivichny in antiquity was considered a littleDo not a panacea for all diseases. In some treatises on medicine it was even said that it cures any ailment, only so that it is not chronic (no more than 3 years). Certainly looks like an exaggeration. But modern science has proven that, nevertheless, turpentine refined gum has a lot of useful properties that affect a wide spectrum of the entire human body. And the therapeutic effects are due to the presence of terpenes (alpha and beta pinenes) contained there in abundance. The substance can have an activating effect on the metabolism, normalize blood pressure, heart and blood vessels. By the way, it is noticed that in reasonable doses turpentine has practically no contraindications.

turpentine gum treatment

Turpentine gum. Application

  1. In essence, this substance can be consideredessential oil, which is obtained from various trees (their parts) of the pine family. The historical tradition of its use for medicinal purposes goes back thousands of years. So, the Sumerians, for example, used turpentine oil to stop bleeding and heal wounds. The Egyptians and the ancient Greeks gave as a medicine to improve the overall tone and immunity of the body. The Chinese have treated bronchitis, toothache, dermatitis. Hippocrates and Galen prescribed it for urinary infections and lung diseases, as an external remedy for healing and speeding up the recovery process.
  2. It is proved that with regularly heldInhalation procedures with this drug irritate the mucous membrane and stimulate its secretory functions, sputum that occurs in pulmonary diseases is diluted (it was not for nothing that turpentine was considered to be almost a panacea for incipient tuberculosis).
  3. With arthritis, gout, radiculitis and osteochondrosisGum turpentine is also used. The use is due to the fact that it has an irritating and at the same time anti-inflammatory effect (this is recognized not only by folk medicine, but also by official medicine).
  4. Recently, very popularturpentine baths (the so-called Zalmanov baths). They help to relieve stress caused by high speeds of modern life. It is proved that such procedures, carried out regularly, increase the overall tone of the body, improve performance, strengthen joints and regenerate the skin. There are white and yellow turpentine baths, depending on the consistency of the substance.
  5. And also turpentine gum is used whenproduction of substances such as camphor, fragrant substances, pine oil, insecticides, terpinghydrate. It is used as a solvent ingredient for varnishes and paints, some enamels.

A spoon of tar

But not everything is as rosy as it would seem at firstsight. And in the application of this substance has its negative sides. First, you should remember before you know where to buy gum turpentine, which is a rather toxic and concentrated substance. And it can, especially when applied topically in treatment, cause an allergic reaction and even chemical and biological burns. And with prolonged use and to benign tumors nearby. Be careful with inhalations: they can cause poisoning and kidney failure in large quantities. And injections of turpentine, until recently widely used in the fight against varicose veins and furunculosis, can cause an abscess.

where to buy gum turpentine

Where to buy gum turpentine?

Today buy this substance for various purposes.not difficult. One has only to go online, and many shops will offer you their services directly delivered to your home. You can still buy it also in hardware stores and pharmacies.