/ / First Aid for Electric Shock

First Aid for Electric Shock

First aid for electric shock is in several stages and with extreme caution.

When you touch the wires and cables,under tension, the muscles convulsively contract. Therefore, it is not possible to detach yourself from the wire. To do this, you must disconnect the power from the cable by turning off the switch or unscrewing the fuses.

During the execution of these actions should be insee some features of this situation. Together with the power of the wire, you can turn off the room lighting, so you need to have an additional light source.

Being at altitude, the victim may fall when the power is turned off. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the stability of the unfortunate.

First aid for lesionselectric current can be dangerous even if a person, separating the victim from the wire, can get under voltage. Therefore, do not use wet or metal objects. You must be armed with a wooden stick or board, because the tree does not conduct electrical current. In addition, the "liberator" must be in rubber gloves and galoshes. If there are no gloves, then they will be successfully replaced by dry silk or wool fabric, and you can stand on dry clothes or some kind of rubber object. If the victim is wearing dry clothes, he can be pulled away from the cable for her. At the same time it is necessary to avoid contact with metal objects. With the passage of current through the body of the victim under his feet, he needs to put a board to interrupt the flow.

First aid for electric shockvoltage above 1000V is necessary to turn off the power or, dressed in insulating gloves and bots, arm yourself with a barbell or tongs that are designed for such a voltage.

The victim may lose consciousness whenseparating it from the wire. Therefore, it is necessary to stock up ammonia, as well as touch the pulse and check breathing in humans. If a person is unconscious, then he should be put on the ground, unbuttoned clothes on him, to ensure a free flow of air. Then you should bring ammonia and slightly sprinkle the face of the victim with water. If necessary, the body should be pounded and warmed.

If there is no breathing, there is a need for artificial respiration and a cardiac massage. Breathing is stimulated by the system "mouth-to-mouth" or with the help of a special apparatus.

Before you perform the procedure, you needmake sure that nothing interferes with breathing. Often the tongue sinks or mucus accumulates. To release the oral cavity affected by mucus, you should turn his head to the side. In the presence of dentures - they should also be removed from the oral cavity.

Затем первая помощь при поражении электрическим it turns out to be a current, putting the victim on his back, freeing his chest from clothes and putting a cushion under his back. The head is thrown back so that the chin and neck are in one line. Having a quick training, you can begin to artificially stimulate breathing. Taking a deep breath, you need to breathe air through the mouth into the victim's lungs. Action should stop when the chest expands sufficiently. Air must be blown no more than fifteen times per minute.

First Aid Electrocutionalso performed as a heart massage. The victim needs to be laid on a hard surface and sit on the side of him. Hands one over the other fold on the last third of the chest of the victim. Energetic hand jerks should move the front wall of the chest four to five centimeters to the spine. It is necessary to do this very delicately, otherwise it is possible to break the ribs and injure the internal organs.

Dynamics of movements should not exceed sixty times per minute. Massage is carried out before the appearance of the patient’s pulse.

First aid for electric shock will be more effective if both rehabilitation methods are combined with each other.