How to remove a tumor

Bruises, sprains, insect bites - frequentphenomenon in the conduct of an active lifestyle. Often, such injuries are accompanied by swelling of soft tissues in the area of ​​injury. Therefore, in order not to cloud your mood from the unsuccessful fall or bite of a bee, you must know how to reduce pain and how to remove a tumor quickly, with the help of available means

Treatment of a tumor after bruises, sprains and dislocations

With a trauma of soft tissues, due to rupturedcapillaries, the outflow of blood is disrupted and a bruise and edema are formed on the site of the injury. When the tissues cool, the blood flow decreases. Therefore, immediately after getting the injury, a cold should be applied to the site of the injury and the rest of the body should be protected. If it is a hand or a leg, then to reduce puffiness, they should be raised. In case of dislocation and stretching, a pressure bandage must be applied.

Холод обычно применяют в первый день, прикладывая for 10 minutes, at least every half hour. In the following days, to improve blood circulation and accelerate healing to the injured area heat is applied, use a contrast shower, light massage.

Treatment of tumors from bruises by folk remedies is carried out using the following recipes:

  • Bodjaga or ointments on the basis of a body sponge.The action of the body-water is based on irritating effects on the skin areas and restoration of blood circulation. Powder of the bodywort is necessary, following the instructions, dilute with water and apply as a compress to the site of the bruise until it dries completely.
  • A good remedy for bruises is the onion, which should be grated and applied to the bruised area. Top with a bandage or cellophane.
  • Tincture of a golden mustache, in addition, also quickly removes pain, removes a bruise and sucks bruise in a short time.
  • A compress from the leaves of cabbage or plantain, tied to the place of a bruise, proved to be a positive one.

How to remove a tumor after an insect bite

When bitten by poisonous spiders, tarantulas,phalanxes, scorpions, first of all, it is necessary to draw a tourniquet above the site of the bite, suck out the poison from the wound and wash it with ammonia. At the first opportunity, consult a doctor.

When a bee, a wasp or a bumblebee stings - the first thing to do is remove the poisonous sting. Then rinse the bite with cold water and apply a damp cold towel on it.

Often the cause of a tumor from a bee sting is an allergy to bee venom. In such cases it is necessary to treat the bite site with a solution of potassium permanganate or ammonia.

Не дожидаясь, когда появятся признаки опухолей, on the wounds from the bites of bees should be drunk juice onions. The poison from a bite of a wasp can be neutralized with juice of a lemon or table vinegar. Redness and swelling can be removed with a slice of fresh cucumber.

How to remove a tumor from the eye

Causes of eye tumors may be allergic reactions, eye trauma, hitting litter, bite bumps or other irritating effects on delicate tissues.

In case of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to move away fromsource of the allergen and take an antihistamine (claritin, suprastin). Then rinse your eyes with cold water and make a lotion from tea leaves, tinctures of chamomile or calendula.

When an insect bites for the first two hourswill help ice compress and the above mentioned lotions. In no case can you rub or scratch your eyes, or use substances that can damage your eyes.

Bags under the eyes can be a consequencean unfavorable state of the circulatory system, impaired renal function or other factors. Therefore, to find out how to remove a tumor in the form of bags under the eyes, it is necessary to examine the entire body.

As a temporary measure for removing edema under theeyes can use a pack of grated potatoes on a fine grater, overlaid for 15 minutes. A freshly sliced ​​fresh cucumber or a tea-tea compress will also help.

Before removing the tumor, it is worth considering,that the edema itself is often the result of restorative work of the organism on the damaged part of the body. Therefore, sometimes it is better to endure the inconvenience associated with edema, than accidentally by their actions disrupt the health process.