/ / Hemangioma in adults: causes and methods of treatment.

Hemangioma in adults: causes and methods of treatment.

Adult hemangioma isbenign neoplasm, which in form has no clearly defined boundaries. Of course, most cases of this disease are observed in children, but it can also occur in adults. And there is no specific size of the tumor: it can reach the size of a small point or a sufficiently large spot. The location of the lesion is also differentiated, therefore, it appears both externally, that is, on the skin and on the internal organs.

The main symptom is the changeskin color from a barely noticeable pink to red or even blue. This disease is considered safe, since the tumor cannot develop into a malignant tumor. But, as in any rule, there are exceptions. For example, a large-sized tumor is regarded by the body as a foreign body, which should be eliminated. In this regard, platelets are actively produced in the blood, which leads to a significant reduction in its clotting.

In rare cases, hemangioma of internal organs.may cause bleeding due to injury to the affected organ. Usually, specialists immediately carry out the operation, otherwise the risk of death of the patient increases. According to statistical data, a lethal outcome was recorded in 70% of such situations. A similar effect has an internal hemangioma in adults when the internal organs are squeezed, which disrupts normal blood circulation. A swelling of the skin is an excellent conductor of infectious diseases.

Hemangiomas: causes.

Currently, scientists can not come toa single point of view about the true causes of the disease. It is known that in patients at a young age the neoplasm passes by itself. But hemangioma in adults requires surgical intervention, especially in the event of any complications.

When asked how to treat hemangioma, can giveA qualified answer is only a specialist, so when the first signs of the disease appear, you should immediately consult with your doctor. In earlier times, the tumor was subject to immediate removal, that is, only a surgical method was used to get rid of the disease. Now there are different methods that are less painful and radical. For example, radiation therapy is often used, that is, a swollen place is treated with a special laser. He has some drawbacks. Firstly, the complexity of the procedure. And secondly, the result can be obtained only after several repetitions.

В случаях, когда применение столь кардинальных means to combat the problem is not possible, for example, when a tumor spreads to the face, the use of ethanol injection is considered effective. This method is characterized by painful procedure and a rather long duration. If the hemangioma in adults has a small size and is located on the surface of the skin, it is often resorted to cauterization of the affected part of the body.

А если наблюдается динамика роста опухоли, Prednisone is used. Such hormonal treatment lasts about 28 days and is used as an adjunct to other methods aimed at imparting a cosmetic effect. Common and frequently used means cryotherapy. It involves freezing with liquid nitrogen. Its main advantage is painlessness and ease of the procedure.

Thus, an adult hemangioma maybe removed as a medical method, and by surgical intervention. Currently, some specialists offer plastic surgery services. Any patient choice must be approved by the doctor, and then the expected result will be achieved.