/ / Prestarium. Instructions

Prestarium. Instructions

"Prestarium" contains as activeingredient of perindopril arginine. Auxiliary components: copper chlorophyllin, lactose monohydrate, maltodextrin, magnesium stearate, hydrophobic colloidal silica, glycerin, macrogol 6000, sodium starch glycolate (type A), titanium dioxide.

"Prestarium". Description

Active component of the drug contributesan increase in the level of bradykinin, which provokes vascular relaxation and improvement of endothelial function. This plays a leading role in improving fibrinolytic blood balance and reducing cardiovascular remodeling.

Perinidopril is involved in the expansionperipheral vessels and a decrease in their resistance. The increase in peripheral blood flow in this case occurs without an increase in heart rate. The use of the drug promotes an increase in renal blood flow, however, no changes in glomerular filtration rate occur.

A complex mechanism of action of the active component provides a reduction in elevated blood pressure.

"Prestarium". Instructions. Indications

The drug is prescribed for cardiacinsufficiency, arterial hypertension, as a prophylaxis in patients with cerebrovascular disorders of repeated stroke, to prevent cardiovascular complications in persons with established stable ischemic heart disease. Medication "Prestarium" instruction allows you to take a long period. This reduces the likelihood of heart failure and myocardial infarction.

"Prestarium". Instructions. Dosage

The drug is taken orally before meals once a day,recommended in the mornings. Dosage is selected individually, taking into account the indications and blood pressure level. Tablets of 5 mg are subject to division, 10 mg - can not be divided.

With arterial hypertension, take the drug Prestarium instruction recommends with 5 mg. It is possible to combine the drug with antihypertensive drugs of other classes.

With good tolerability, if necessary, the doctor can prescribe a gradual increase in dosage from 5 to 10 mg.

With heart failure specialistsrecommend starting the drug with 2.5 mg before meals once a day in the morning. After two weeks with good tolerability, the dosage can be increased to 5 mg.

If the effectiveness of taking the drug is insufficient, additionally indapamide or a fixed combination of perindopril and indapamide may be prescribed in the preparation "Prestarium arginine combi".

Long-term therapy reduces the likelihood of heart attack and heart failure.

To prevent cardiovascular complicationsIn patients with established CHD, treatment starts with a dosage of 5 mg per day in the morning. After two weeks with good tolerability, the dosage gradually increases to 10 mg.

"Prestarium" 10 mg is prescribed for one tablet for prolonged therapy of patients with established CHD, regardless of age, concomitant pathology and additional therapy.

Contraindicated drug with increased sensitivity to any of the components, angioedema in history.

Various forms of medication, including, "Prestarium A" instruction does not recommend prescribing during pregnancy and lactation.

Overdose of the drug manifests itself in the formarterial hypotension, tachycardia, circulatory shock, electrolyte imbalance, renal failure, bradycardia, anxiety, hyperventilation. In this case, the patient must be hospitalized and ensure that he is constantly monitored by the doctor. Treatment is selected depending on the severity of the symptoms. As a rule, as a first aid, gastric lavage and reception of enterosorbents are prescribed.