/ / General blood analysis. Where do they take blood from children and adults with a general blood test

General blood analysis. Where do they take blood from children and adults with a general blood test

A general blood test is the most commonA common way to diagnose any disease. When a person turns to the clinic for examination, the doctor will definitely give him a referral for blood donation. This is done to see if there are any deviations from the norm in the patient's body. You should know that only the medical worker can decipher the analysis. But approximately to estimate or appreciate results of the analysis it is possible independently, if to know norms of the maintenance of those or other components of a blood.


When a person is given a referral to a blood test?

  • To diagnose and determine the patient's treatment regimen, the doctor gives directions to a general blood test. Where a biological material is taken, the doctor also determines.
  • If a person is to plan a planned placement in a hospital, then he will definitely need to pass the material for investigation to the laboratory.
    the general or common analysis of a blood whence take
  • Before carrying out the vaccination, a referral to the general blood test is also prescribed. Where the biological material is taken from children, it will be considered below.
  • Before prescribing a course of medical treatmentthe patient should be given blood for examination in the laboratory. This is done in order to identify any contraindications for taking certain medications.

Blood test: where do they get the material and how is the fence made?

Usually a blood sample for laboratory analysisis taken from an unnamed finger. But there are variants when the blood will have to be delivered from the vein. Such a need arises if an expanded study is needed. Where a common blood test is taken from adults, the attending physician determines.

a common blood test in children from where they take

Collection of biological material for the laboratoryis done using the following algorithm. The finger is smeared with alcohol solution. Further, the lab assistant makes a puncture and takes the material into the tube. Then the blood moves into a glass flask. A small amount of it is left on a special glass. This is done for the purpose of a detailed study of the material and for making a general blood test. Where do they get the material from?

When for analysis it is required to take blood from a veinpatient, the person is pulled by the forearm with a special tourniquet. The skin on the arm in the elbow fold is smeared with alcohol solution. Then a needle is injected into the vein. Then the material is taken, which is also placed in a special flask, and a small amount is taken on the glass. There is a statistic that during a lifetime a person gives blood from the finger about 20 times.

General analysis of blood in children. Where do they take the material from the babies. Features of this study

It should be remembered that the values ​​of the test blood in infants differ from the norms of an adult.

from where they take a general blood test in adults

The first fence for small children is appointed inthe age of three months. It is believed that in this age period, children are at risk of developing a disease such as iron deficiency anemia. Therefore, to identify the development of this disease, refer to the general analysis of the blood in the infant. Where do they get the material, the pediatrician points out. Here the doctor pays attention to the level of hemoglobin and erythrocytes.

Also, from the age of three months, the child needs to be vaccinated. For its success it is necessary that the child be healthy. This analysis provides an opportunity to find out if all the indicators are normal.

Analysis in children

For older children, you need to take a blood test on an empty stomach. And for infants, this recommendation may not be followed.

The material is taken by a laboratory technician.sterile gloves using disposable instruments. Blood in children, as in adults, is taken from the fourth finger, if you count from a large one. First, a fence is taken to study the level of hemoglobin in the blood and ESR. Then the material is collected to determine the number of leukocytes and red blood cells in the blood. Next, the strokes are placed on a glass slide. They are needed for the study of cellular composition.

complete blood count in infants from where they take

It happens that parents are nervous when a childA procedure such as blood sampling for analysis is prescribed. It is not necessary to do this, since the emotional state of an adult person is transmitted to the baby and he may begin to cry. Therefore, parents are advised not to get nervous and come to the test in a calm state. If necessary, the laboratory technician will advise how to keep the child and from where they take blood for a general blood test.

Laboratory test results

According to data obtained from the laboratory, the doctor seesAre there any abnormalities in the human body? When an adult or a child has some problems, the doctor prescribes a further examination of the patient and gives direction to narrow specialists. The results of the analysis obtained in the laboratory show the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes, and platelets. The level of hemoglobin and ESR is also detected. Also calculated leukocyte formula.


What does each indicator mean? Let's consider them:

  • Red blood cells are red cells in human blood. Their function is to deliver oxygen from the lungs to all organs and tissues.
  • ESR. This abbreviation stands for erythrocyte sedimentation rate. These data are one of the main parameters by which you can determine the presence or absence of the inflammatory process in the body.

where do they get blood for general blood analysis

  • Leukocytes.If their level is elevated, it means that there is some kind of infection or inflammatory process in the body. It may also mean that there are tumor processes, for example, oncology. Leukocytes are a component of the immune system. If their level becomes higher, then this means that the body begins to fight with some disease. White blood cells are white blood cells.
  • Platelets. These cells are considered the smallest. They are colorless and are responsible for blood clotting. Their number may vary during the day and after exercise.

Some Important Points

There are certain standards for blood levels.the above cells. Usually they are listed on the analysis result form. Therefore, the patient himself can navigate whether his content is normal in one or another cell. But the exact decoding of the analysis can only give a doctor.

can you take a complete blood count from a vein

Patients who are afraid to donate material for some reason may ask the doctor if they can take a complete blood test from a vein.


Now you know how the general blood test is done, where the material is taken from. We also talked about the features of collecting material from an adult, a child and a baby.