Human liver has an amazing property -ability to recover on their own. However, in modern conditions of life, it becomes inscrutable. The organ is especially vulnerable for those people who do not adhere to the correct lifestyle: they drink alcohol, junk food, various pharmaceuticals. It is not surprising that many patients, doctors recommend taking hepatoprotectors - drugs, the list of which is quite long. All of them perform an important function - help protect the liver.
General information
Medicines that have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and contribute to its restoration are hepatoprotectors.
The preparations, a list of which will be given below, perfectly protect the organ from:
- aggressive medicines;
- exposure to poisons;
- of alcohol.
Using them allows you to improve metabolism.They provide the performance of liver cells. Thus, the main function of drugs is to protect the body from the negative effects of various damaging factors.
Modern pharmacologists have developed the mostvarious hepatoprotectors. The list of drugs is subject to separation according to the principle of action and composition. However, all these medications benefit the liver. But they should be taken only after consulting with a specialist.
In addition, it is important to understand:hepatoprotectors are not able to fully protect the body from the harm that alcohol causes. The only way to prevent the damaging effect is to protect the body from alcohol-containing beverages.
Not only for treatment, but also for prophylactic purposes, hepatoprotectors (drugs) are prescribed.
The list of medications included in this group has rather broad indications for use:
- It is advisable to use them to people who are constantly interacting with chemical, radioactive, toxic components.
- Such drugs are useful for people of age, because their liver often needs medical support.
- In addition, these tools are beneficial in combating diseases of the digestive tract, biliary tract.
But the most important thing is to remember that it is possible to apply hepatoprotectors only after prescription of a doctor.
Mechanism of action
The liver is able to function normally the event that the cell membranes are complete. If they are clogged, the organ cannot perform the cleansing function. In this case, hepatoprotectors are assigned to the liver. The list of effective drugs that can accelerate the exchange process in the cells is very wide. However, to apply them at your discretion, without the appointment of a doctor, it is not necessary.
Гепатопротекторы улучшают функционирование enzyme systems of the body, accelerate the movement of substances, enhance the protection of cells, improve their nutrition, participate in division. This all provides recovery of the liver. In addition, the biochemical indicators of the functioning of the organ are significantly improved.
Basic properties
It should be remembered that there are the mostvarious hepatoprotectors. Drugs, a list of which is classified depending on the mechanism of action and the main substance, perform various functions. Some medications repair damaged cells much faster. Others cleanse the liver better.
Despite these differences, all drugs have common properties:
- Hepatoprotectors are based on natural substances, components of the normal natural environment of the body.
- Their action is aimed at restoring the impaired functioning of the liver and normalizing metabolism.
- Drugs neutralize toxic products entering the body from the outside or formed inside, due to impaired metabolism or disease.
- Medicines promote cell regeneration and ensure their resistance to harmful effects.
Use of medicines
So, hepatoprotectors are drugs,have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver. However, they all differ in the mechanism of action. Such agents can provide the following properties to the body: anti-inflammatory, antifibrotic, metabolic.
These drugs are widely used for:
- liver diseases (alcoholic and non-alcoholic);
- hepatitis (drug, viral, toxic);
- cirrhosis;
- psoriasis;
- cholestatic lesions;
- toxicosis during pregnancy.
Drug classification
Unfortunately, until today there is no single system that allows hepatoprotectors (drugs) to be divided into groups.
The classification, which has found application in medicine, is as follows:
- Essential phospholipids. The drugs in this group are derived fromsoybeans. These are excellent hepatoprotectors of plant origin. The list of drugs belonging to this group: Essentiale Forte, Phosphogliv, Rezalyut Pro, Esliver Forte. Plant phospholipids resemble those found in human liver cells. That is why they are naturally embedded in the diseased cells and contribute to their recovery. Medicines have almost no side effects. It is extremely rare that they can cause an allergic reaction if a person has an individual intolerance to the medication, or a weakened stool.
- Vegetable flavonoids. Такие медикаменты являются природными compounds - natural antioxidants. The action of drugs is aimed at neutralizing free radicals. Medicines are obtained from medicinal plants: celandine, dymyanki drug, milk Thistle, turmeric. This is a fairly popular hepatoprotectors. The list of drugs that make up this group: "Kars", "Gepabene", "Silimar", "Legalon", "Gepatofalk Planta." Such medications have a small list of side effects. In some cases, they can provoke allergic manifestations or weakening of the stool. These drugs have not only hepatoprotective effect. They perfectly relieve spasm of the gallbladder, help to improve the outflow of bile and its production. That is why these drugs are prescribed for hepatitis, accompanied by biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis.
- Amino acid derivatives. These medications are based on protein components.and other essential substances for the body. This ensures the direct participation of these drugs in metabolism. They complement and normalize the metabolic process, have a detoxification effect and contribute to the support of the body. In severe forms of intoxication, liver failure, such hepatoprotectors are appointed. The list of drugs included in the number of amino acid derivatives is as follows: Heptral, Heptor, Hepa-Merz, Hepasol A, Hepasol Neo, Remaxol, Hepasteril. These drugs often provoke side effects. Among them are found: discomfort in the abdomen, nausea, diarrhea.
- Medications ursodeoxycholic acid. These medicines are based on naturalcomponent - bile of the Himalayan bear. This substance is called ursodeoxycholic acid. The component helps to improve solubility and the withdrawal of bile from the human body. The substance leads to a decrease in damage and death of liver cells during various ailments. Ursodeoxycholic acid has an immunomodulating effect. In cholelithiasis, fatty hepatosis, biliary cirrhosis, alcoholic illness, such hepatoprotectors will benefit the liver. The list of the most effective drugs: "Ursodex", "Ursodez", "Ursosan", "Ursofalk", "PMS-Ursodiol", "Urdoxa", "Urzofalk", "Urso 100", "Ursodeozoxycholic Acid", "Ursolev", " Ursolizin "," Ursorom S "," Ursokhol "," Choludeksan ". These medicines are contraindicated in patients with severe hepatic and renal failure, decompensated liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, acute ulcer, calcium stones in the gall bladder, acute inflammation of the bladder.
In addition to the drugs listed above, there are other drugs that have hepatoprotective properties.
These include dietary supplements:
- Gepaphor.
- "Sibektan".
- "LIV-52".
- "Gepagard".
- Tykveol.
Some homeopathic medicines also have a hepatoprotective effect:
- Hepel.
- Galstena.
- "Syrepar".
However, in these drugs, the concentration of the necessary substances is insufficient. Therefore, they are not recommended for use in diseases.
Consider the most effective hepatoprotectors - a list of the best medicines, according to doctors.
Drug "Galstena"
This tool is one of the bestdrugs to combat liver ailments in children. This drug can be used from the first days of life of the baby. The drug is a member of the group that includes combined hepatoprotectors (drugs).
The instructions indicate that the drughas a protective effect on liver cells. It promotes the production of bile in a normal consistency. This prevents the formation of stones. The drug relieves pain in the liver, relieves spasms.
Used medication in the treatment of hepatitis.It is also prescribed to prevent damage to the liver cells. This remedy is recommended for patients who are undergoing chemotherapy or antibiotic treatment.
The drug has practically no contraindications. It is not recommended to use only those who have an individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.
Drug "Essentiale"
The tool is based on highly purified phospholipids.They perfectly normalize the metabolic functions in the gland, protect its cells from external influences. In addition, this drug stimulates the restoration of the liver.
The tool is used for the following ailments:
- fatty hepatosis;
- cirrhosis;
- hepatic coma;
- hepatitis.
The drug "Essentiale" in the form of a solution is allowed to use for children from 3 years. The medicine in capsules is recommended for use from 12 years.
Means "Antral"
The medicine is used to combat variousforms of hepatitis. The drug perfectly allows you to reduce the level of bilirubin, liver enzymes, which penetrate as a result of cell damage to the bloodstream. In addition, it is used for the prevention of immunodeficiency or chemotherapy.
The tool has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, contributes to the activation of regenerative processes in cells.
The drug has a small number of contraindications and side effects. It is not recommended to use it in case of acute renal failure.
No medicine is prescribed for children under 4 years old.
Milk thistle
This is one of the popular hepatoprotectors of plant origin. Mature thistle fruits get the necessary substance - silymarin. It is contained in many effective drugs.
Milk Thistle Hepatoprotectors:
- "Legalon".
- "Hepabene".
- "Carsil".
Such medicines are used in toxicliver damage, hepatitis, fatty disease. In addition, it is scientifically confirmed that milk thistle has antioxidant properties. It protects the liver from the development of connective tissue, provides an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.
Such features allow these hepatoprotectors (herbal preparations) to be prescribed to patients suffering from chronic pathologies of the gland.
Silymarin-based medications are approved for use by children from the age of five.
Hepel Medicine
Homeopathic medicine allows you to shootspasms, restore liver cells, improves the functioning of the gall. The tool is used for various gland ailments due to a variety of therapeutic effects. In addition, this medication is effective for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, some skin diseases.
The drug can be administered even to newborn crumbs (with jaundice). However, only under the supervision of a physician.
Medicine "Cholenim"
The tool is an effective combination drug. It combines bile and certain pancreatic enzymes. This drug enhances the outflow of bile, significantly improves digestion.
Средство используется при холецистите, chronic hepatitis and certain pathologies of the digestive system. Contraindications to the administration of the drug "Holenzim" are: obstructive jaundice, acute pancreatitis. In some cases, there may be side effects in the form of allergic manifestations (itching, redness).
This remedy is contraindicated in children under 12 years.
Medicine "Ursosan"
The active ingredient of the product is ursodeoxycholic acid. It provides liquid compounds with cholesterol. As a result, the body is protected from the formation of stones.
In addition, this substance reduces the production ofcholesterol is an effective protection for liver cells. The tool is used to combat gallstone disease. Effectively eliminates the symptoms of biliary cirrhosis.
The drug is contraindicated in the case of acute cholecystitis, obstruction of the biliary tract, the presence of calcified stones.
The drug can be used only for those children who have already turned 5 years old.
Drug "Heptral"
Средство основано на адеметионине – аминокислоте, taking part in many biochemical reactions occurring in the body. This substance improves the physical qualities of bile, reduces toxicity and facilitates its withdrawal.
The drug is prescribed for:
- cholestasis
- fatty degeneration,
- cirrhotic liver disorders
- chronic hepatitis.
The drug has side effects.It can provoke dyspeptic disorders of the digestive tract, sleep disorders, psyche. Sometimes it causes allergic reactions. This tool is not intended for persons under 18 years of age, pregnant and nursing mothers.
The best drugs for children
All of the above allows us to conclude which hepatoprotectors are used for babies.
The list for children contains the following drugs:
- From the newborn period. Drugs are used: Galsta, Hepel.
- Kids from 3 years. It is allowed to use the drug "Essentiale".
- Children from 4 years. Assign means "Antral".
- Five year old children. The following drugs may be included in therapy: Karsil, Legalon, Gepabene, Ursosan.
- With 12 years. Prescribe the drug "Holenzim".
- Especially since the age of 18. You can take the means "Heptral".
However, do not forget that any medication should be taken only after his appointment as a doctor.