/ / Use of the drug "Diprospan": analogues, features of treatment

The use of the drug "Diprospan": analogues, treatment features

Среди лекарственных средств, способных оказать anti-inflammatory effect in combination with the maintenance of immunity, there are not many specific tools that do better than Diprospan, whose analogues are also widely used in various diseases. When selecting a medicine, it is necessary to take into account similar pharmacological properties and to take into account the individual tolerance of drugs.

The features of this group of drugs includePerhaps the combination of anti-allergic effects with anti-inflammatory effect. When the immune function of the body is depressed, it would be logical to assume that the inflammatory processes from this will progress, however, this is not true. Doctors prescribe "Diprospan", analogues of this drug and additional medicines in the presence of the following diseases.

Inflammatory processes in soft tissues, muscles,joints and bones, this includes all kinds of arthritis, arthrosis and bursitis. Well the drug has shown itself in the treatment of torticollis, ankylosing spondyloarthritis, coccygodynia, fasciitis, epicodilitis, ganglion cyst. No less successfully used "Diprospan", drug analogues and additional drugs in the treatment of various allergic reactions, including skin rashes and respiratory tract. For dermatological diseases of various kinds and diseases of the connective tissues, including atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and lupus erythematosus, injections of the drug can be used in the dosage prescribed by the attending physician. "Flosterone", "Diprospan" and other drugs of this group are widely used for the treatment of adrenal insufficiency, here the use of mineralocorticoids in combination is imperative. If necessary, glucocorticosteroid drugs are prescribed by the doctor for GCS therapy in accordance with the course of the disease, the patient’s personal characteristics and medical indications.

The active substance used in the SCStherapy, is betamethasone sodium phosphate, it is the drug "Diprospan", whose analogues are also assigned strictly in the form of deep intramuscular injections. The active substance is excreted, mainly by the kidneys, literally within 24 hours, therefore, if necessary, a rapid cessation of the use of the drug has the therapeutic effect of withdrawal immediately. The same effect is observed in the appointment of the drug, within an hour, all the injected drug undergoes hydrolysis and enters the circulatory system. Thus, "Diprospan", the synonyms of which are usually represented by such names as "Flosterone", "Diprofos" and "Betamethasone", can be considered a medicine with a rapid onset of therapeutic effect.

Diprospan is available as a solution orsuspension for injection, the substance can be injected into the joints, but the usual use is considered a deep intramuscular injection. A large muscle is chosen for the injection, and it is highly desirable that the adjacent tissues are not damaged. In no case should be allowed intravenous or subcutaneous injection. Be sure to take into account the specifics of GCS therapy, which is assigned to "Diprospan": this drug is prescribed in critical situations when a positive effect is needed as quickly as possible. If a positive effect is not observed after a certain time period has expired, then the prescription is reviewed, and the medication with the active substance of another group is administered. The introduction of an anesthetic with Diprospan is possible, but in most cases this is not necessary. In contrast, in acute bursitis with a pronounced pain syndrome, the introduction of the suspension in the articular bag contributes to the rapid relief.