/ / Cardiomagnyl - application in clinical practice

Cardiomagnet - application in clinical practice

Undoubtedly, in modern clinical practicethe drug "Cardiomagnyl", the use of which is increasing every day, is one of the best drugs used to prevent unwanted thrombosis. But in real life, different drugs can be prescribed to prevent thickening of the blood, which include a small dose of aspirin - it is important to understand which drug is actually indicated in a particular case.

Aspirin: cardio and its analogs

Acetylsalicylic acid is trulyunique medicine - the history of its use has more than 100 years, and almost every decade it becomes known about the next area of ​​successful use of the drug. Initially, this drug was used to quickly and effectively reduce the temperature in patients with various types of fever, then the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of the drug became known, and this medicine was prescribed to treat rheumatism and other diseases with active joint damage. The next step, oddly enough, was the use of the preservative effects of aspirin - they began to actively add domestic housewives instead of vinegar to marinades, and it became very difficult to buy acetylsalicylic acid in pharmacies in the period of massive household preparations.

But in the early 70s of the last century it becameWe know about the possibility of using aspirin to prevent unwanted thrombosis - cardiomagnyl was created, the use of which in patients with diseases of the heart and blood vessels has saved several million lives. It was at this time that various cardiomagnyl analogs were created, which had one major drawback - the irritant effect of the molecules of the active substance on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Therefore, any drugs that included acetylsalicylic acid and other salicylates could not be prescribed for the treatment of patients with concomitant pathology of the digestive tract or could become the cause of ulcerations of the mucous membrane. In this case, the appointment of any dosage form of aspirin became like a time bomb - it was known that complications would develop anyway, but there was a chance that after the main goal of using the drug was achieved. Cardiomagnyl, the use of which is really safe, has turned many concepts in modern surgery, therapy, obstetrics, rheumatology and other fields of medicine.

Cardiomagnyl - a revolution in the use of antithrombotic agents

That is why attempts to create the perfect drugAspirin was never left - doctors and pharmacists tried to develop a safe regimen. For this purpose, diets, special regimens, a continuous course with ultra-low doses or massive administration of a sufficiently large amount of the drug in a short period of time were used, there were even attempts to create a dosage form for parenteral administration, but there was no particular success.

That is why a special medicinalform - cardiomagnyl, the use of which made possible even prolonged use of the drug in problem patients. The main feature of this tool was the connection in one tablet of acetylsalicylic acid and magnesium hydroxide, which protects the mucous membrane of the digestive tract from the detrimental effect of the main component.

Кроме этого, это лекарство на настоящее время is the only form in which the minimum amount of aspirin is offered in two dosages, 75 and 150 mg each, so when deciding whether to prescribe cardiomagnyl or thrombosis, most doctors are inclined to the first option. This allows you to select the really necessary amount of acetylsalicylic acid, depending on the situation (prevention or treatment of thrombosis) and the patient does not need to divide a small pill, which is very inconvenient.