/ / Medicinal preparation "Laspeflan": instructions for use

Medicinal preparation "Laspeflan": instructions for use

Medicinal products intended fortreatment of chronic renal failure, are represented in pharmacies quite widely. The pharmaceutical product "Laspeflan", the instruction to which is given in the presented material, represents a certain interest in this plan.

Pharmacological properties

Medicinal product "Laspeflan" is produced inRussia by the company DALKHIMPHARM. The composition of the preparation includes a purified extract of two-color lepidhedia shoots on a water-alcohol basis. Recommended medication for chronic and unspecified renal failure, acute hyperazotemic nephritis, which are characterized by excessive content of nitrogen in the blood. Also, the drug is prescribed for the prevention of atherosclerosis. It has a diuretic effect.

The drug is issued as a solution for the admissioninside. About the product "Laspeflan" instruction says that it is recommended to take three to four times daily from five to fifteen milliliters. The duration of the course of treatment can be from three to four weeks. In some cases, treatment can be extended up to six weeks. If necessary, after two or three weeks of treatment can be repeated.

The drug increases urination,removes sodium salts from the body, reduces the nitrogen content in the blood in case of kidney failure. In patients with atherosclerosis, the drug lowers cholesterol in the blood.

Side effects and contraindications

Unfortunately, there are no medicines,which would not have side effects. This is also the drug "Laspeflan", the instruction to which indicates its contraindications and possible negative reactions of the body. It is forbidden to use it during pregnancy, when breast-feeding infants, if hypersensitivity is present. Do not give the drug to children under the age of fourteen. Since the drug contains ethanol, it can not be taken concomitantly with sedative drugs, nonselective MAO inhibitors. It is forbidden to combine its reception with such drugs as "Disulfiram", insulin, "Sulfonamide", "Metformin". To the side effects that the medication Lesdesflan can provide, the instruction relates hyponatremia and possible allergic reactions. Due to the fact that the drug contains ethanol, its administration can cause a decrease in psychomotor reactions, so during treatment, this drug should not be used to drive cars and engage in activities that require rapid reaction and increased attention.

Customer Reviews

In Soviet times, patients who sufferedsevere kidney diseases, dreamed of buying a medicine called Lespidlane, which was made from a plant that grew up in the Far East. But now, when the drug has become public, there have been conflicting responses about its effectiveness. It is worrying that the medicinal solution is prepared on the basis of alcohol, and this can not but affect the health with prolonged intake of the drug. However, Leszeplan's medication is not only critical, but also positive.

Skeptics still note that the drug removesinflammation, which was observed in the urinary tract. But not all indicators are improving. Thus, the composition of blood still contains a high level of urea. Therefore, an individual approach to each case of the disease is necessary. Taking medication should always be controlled and recommended by a doctor.

Experts recommend for serious diseaseskidneys receiving the drug "Laspeflan". Analogues of it are also available and can be taken in cases where a person lives outside of Russia. Analogues include the drug Lespenefril, which is produced in France in the form of a solution.