The drug "Vermox" is an antihelminthic agent. The active substance is mebendazole.
"Vermox" remedy (reviews and comments)specialists testify to this) has the ability to selectively disrupt the activity of the microtubular cellular system of the intestinal canal of worms. The drug disrupts the function of cells, slows down the secretory transport and absorption of nutrient components (depresses the utilization of glucose). The drug "Vermox" (reviews and comments of experts point to this) provokes irreversible violations in the intestinal canal of helminths and their death.
After intake from the digestive system absorbed a small part of the drug. It is metabolized in the liver.
The "Vermox". Application
The drug is indicated for trichocephaliasis, enterobiasis, ankylostomiasis, ascariasis, teniosis, strongyloidiasis, as well as mixed invasions provoked by these species of helminths.
The drug "Vermox" (doctors' reviews are unambiguous in this) is not allowed for use with increased sensitivity to its components.
The gestation period does not apply tocontraindications. However, the appointment is made only by the doctor in accordance with the indications. If necessary, use the drug "Vermox" during lactation, feeding should be suspended.
In some cases, the drug may causenegative reaction of the body. In particular, the drug "Vermox" (reviews of some patients confirm this) provokes a transient abdominal pain, an allergic reaction, diarrhea. In some cases, nausea and vomiting were noted.
The drug "Vermox" is taken internally. Wash down with a small amount of liquid.
When enterobiosis patients from the age of tenis recommended for one hundred milligrams once, from two to ten years - 25-50 milligrams once. If there is a risk of developing a re-invasive lesion in two or four weeks, take the remedy a second time in the same dosage. It is recommended to treat all family members simultaneously.
In the case of shadows, trichocephaliasis, ankylostomiasis, strongyloidiasis, ascariasis, and combined lesions, one hundred milligrams are prescribed in the morning and evening for three days.
When echinococcosis in the first three days are prescribed forfive hundred milligrams twice a day, for the next three days the dosage is kept the same, and the number of receptions per day is increased to three times. After a dose, raise to 25 or 30 milligrams (maximum) per kilogram per day and divide into three or four doses.
In case of an overdose, the patient develops a spasm inabdominal cavity, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. To wash the stomach apply an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate (twenty milligrams per hundred milliliters of water), take activated charcoal.
It should be noted that experts do not recommend the use of the drug "Vermox" for the prevention of helminthiases.
Many of those who took the medicine noteits effectiveness. The drug is easy to use. The medicine does not need to be taken for an extended period. The drug is good tolerability. One of the advantages of a medicine is its availability.
The drug "Vermox" has no effect onspeed of psychomotor reaction. In this regard, it can be used by drivers and people whose work is related to working with complex machinery or equipment.
The drug "Vermox" is suitable for use for five years. However, after this time it should not be used.
Before taking the drug "Vermox" should consult with your doctor, pass all the necessary tests to confirm helminthiasis. At the end of treatment it is recommended to retake tests.