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Neonatologist - who and what does it

neonatologist who is it
Before the baby's health begins to take care ofa district pediatrician, a newborn falls into the hands of a specialist called a neonatologist. Who is this and what is his work? This is the doctor who creates the most favorable conditions for the birth and growth of babies. Usually control lasts for 28 days of life of a little man. This month is the time of great risks for the baby. In the first moments of birth, the baby's condition is assessed on the Apgar scale. The five main criteria give the doctor to know whether the child needs immediate help. If the crumb was born healthy, the doctor closely follows the features of his development and growth, helps the tiny creature to adapt to the new reality for him. Well and if competent medical support is necessary, especially it is good, if nearby the neonatologist. Who can do it better than he does?

The science of newborns

The word "neonatology" originated from two different languagesroots: Greek νέος (new) and Latin natus (birth). As an independent direction in obstetrics and gynecology, this medical science was distinguished at the beginning of the last century. The term was invented by the American doctor A. Schaffer. In the center of attention of neonatologists were primarily pathological conditions of infants. Babies born with low weight, premature, with delays and defects in development, with respiratory disorders and congenital infectious diseases - that's who the neonatologist is vitally important. Who is this in a situation where you need to pull a child from the other world, you do not have to tell! Only special knowledge and skills of such a specialist give the child the opportunity not only to survive, but also to catch up with the development of peers.


The knowledge and responsibility of micro-therapists (so theirsometimes called), as well as modern hardware equipment for nursing babies made it possible that today, as the main neonatologist of Russia Dmitry Ivanov assured the public, 80 percent of premature babies born with too little weight survive. The uniqueness of the neonatologist's work lies in the fact that he has to work exclusively on the indicators of the tables and instruments, rely on his professionalism and "sixth sense", because a newborn child can not show where and what it hurts.

The first doctor in the life of a baby

Pregnant women are also observed by a neonatologist.Who is this for the woman in childbirth? A professional who controls intrauterine growth of a baby, because to prevent possible complications is better at the very beginning. From the 28th week of the life of the fetus in the mother's womb, medicine can not allow the development of endocrine, cardiovascular and other ailments. The neonatologist does not take birth, although he owns midwifery skills, but he can tell at a problematic moment the best way to give birth. The first application of the baby to the mother's breast is also his prerogative. A specialist of this profile teaches the newly-born mother to take care of the baby properly, advises on nutrition, bathing, walking and other things.

chief neonatologist

Until the stork arrived

Maternity homes are different.Some specialize in difficult births, others do not even have resuscitation, focusing on the norm. But complications can happen with the most ordinary births, promising to pass without problems. And here it is important that a neonatologist is next. When choosing a maternity home, it is best to ask in advance whether there is such an expert in it.