In construction, manufacturing, insurancecompanies and banks, as well as in IT companies, the position of the project manager is very in demand. From the person of this post, special professional skills are required. The project manager determines the business requirements for the project, and develops project documentation. He must have good organizational skills, be able to solve many problems at the same time.

The project manager should be able to set clear andachievable goals. Communication with people and conducting business negotiations is also included in his job description. Any enterprise needs a project manager focused on achieving high results. Management and control over processes, risks, quality and timing of tasks - all this is necessary for a clear and well-coordinated work of the enterprise. This is the responsibility of the project manager.
In addition to profound knowledge in professionalhe needs professional certification in the field of project management. The manager is engaged in the development of goals and objectives, market analysis, a miscalculation of economic efficiency, determines the requirements for performers. Its tasks include uniting all the participants into one team and creating an enabling working environment.

The project manager has a huge responsibility. He must certainly be well-versed in any of the industries associated with his work.
Personal qualities play an important role in thisprofession. Ability to confidently negotiate and make decisions, analytical abilities, organization and discipline, the existence of ethical principles, high efficiency are the features that the manager of Internet projects must possess. You can become such a specialist after obtaining an appropriate education in the field of project management, by systemizing your knowledge and improving your skills, increasing your special skills.
Currently, there are many differentsystems of qualification and certification, helping to establish uniform rules for all, including a single glossary of terms. To test the level of knowledge of the future manager, as well as to determine his skills, a computer test is used.

The success of the executed projects lays a solid foundation for future high results. Project managers here are key players.
The presence of a system of continuous development,the definition of a clear structure of the roles of all project participants, their high competence, the developed system for evaluating team members (as well as the system of their training) is an indispensable condition for the development of the company.
The effectiveness of the work depends on the developedsystem selection and monitoring, from the system of staff motivation, the mentoring system. Successful projects can significantly improve the efficiency of the work, because the process is associated with the introduction of innovative technologies, the reorganization of the enterprise, its restructuring. According to analysts, in the future the profession of project manager in the labor market will be even more urgent.