/ / How to dry mint and lemon balm at home

How to Dry Mint and Melissa at Home

Peppermint and lemon balm widelyused in medicine, cooking and in everyday life. Essential oils are obtained from these plants, tea blends and drinks are prepared. Fresh leaves are used for salads, and dry ones are included in the composition of medicinal plant collections. Knowing how to dry mint, lemon balm, villagers, gardeners and garden garden enthusiasts provide the family with useful leaves for the whole autumn-winter months.

Peppermint and lemon mint (lemon balm)

It is necessary to properly prepare fresh raw materials tolong-time friends of man - food and medicinal plants - have not lost their beneficial properties. Peppermint, lemon balm and other essential oil crops require careful attention to the collection, drying and storage of raw materials. Plants with the wrong methods can lose the wonderful aroma and their valuable healing properties.

how to dry mint

Конечно, химический анализ каждой порции dried leaves to carry out at home is not necessary. It is enough to follow the rules when harvesting fresh plants, drying and storage. The question of the timing of all the above works is also important. When to collect and dry mint and lemon balm? We will understand the intricacies of dealing with the favorites of folk and scientific medicine.

How to procure raw materials

Mint and lemon balm leaves are harvested in June – August.(the period depends on the geographical location of the region). The signal to the beginning of the workpiece is budding and the beginning of flowering. Collect mint in dry weather. Preparation is usually carried out before lunch, after evaporation of the drops of the last rain or dew. Otherwise, you will not have time to think about how to dry the mint, the raw materials will be spoiled, and all the work will go down the drain. It happens that the leaves are covered with a layer of dust, then the plants are sprayed in advance and collected after the evaporation of water droplets.

when to collect and dry mint

If the plantation is large, you can cut the shootsto the base or to the bottom of the leaves. Then from the remaining buds on the rhizomes will grow new stems. Used for the work of the sickle, scissors or a special pruner. Small plants in the "garden room" require careful handling. In this case, only mature intact leaves are cut off by hand.

How to dry mint and lemon balm

Cut and Harvestfolded into small bunches or sheaves, left in the shade so that the leaves would set in, but not lose color. Then you need to expand the raw material in a thin layer under a canopy, on a balcony or terrace.

how to dry mint

It is important to observe the temperature during drying.So, indoors and outdoors should not be more than +35 ° C. It is better to place bunches of plants suspended in the open air or in a ventilated room (cut ends up).

If the leaves are harvested separately from the shoots, thenlay them out in one layer on a clean cloth or paper, left on the table, the windowsill. Occasionally, the raw materials must be turned over and inspected so that there is no blackening. Under favorable conditions, the vegetable harvest will be ready in less than a week. Direct sunlight should not fall on the leaves, otherwise valuable essential oils will evaporate!

how to dry mint and lemon balm

How to dry mint in the refrigerator and microwave

Each of the methods of harvesting, drying plantshas disadvantages and advantages. The main thing is that the finished collection has a natural color and aroma. This result can be obtained in the shade, in the attic, in the ventilated room or on the balcony. On the issue of how to dry peppermint correctly, lemon balm, there are often disagreements between beginners and experienced collectors.

Одни предлагают поместить ненадолго листья в oven or microwave. Others say that with this method a significant part of the active ingredients is lost. You can use the oven, but the vegetable collection will really lose its natural flavor and benefits. Useful substances are preserved when storing washed and dried twigs in the refrigerator. Decomposed plants gradually lose water.

how to dry mint and lemon balm

How to dry mint in the microwave?Plant collection is prepared in the same way as for the method described above. The leaves need to lay out a thin layer on cotton textiles, cover with the same cloth on top, place on a plate in the microwave. Turn it on for about 2 minutes, plus or minus 20-30 seconds. When the leaves are completely dry, you can still hold them in the room for a day, then store them in a glass jar or bag of fabric for storage.

How to distinguish quality dried mint

Signs by which it is determined that the grass of mint and lemon balm is ready for threshing and consumption:

  • natural green color;
  • the stems are dry, break when lightly pressed;
  • there is a specific flavor;
  • preserved hot, spicy taste.

Raw materials ready for use after threshingdry shoots, is a whole or partially crushed leaves. If you put them in a glass jar, close, store in a dark and cool place, then wonderful herbs - peppermint and lemon balm - two years will not lose their properties.