To combat warts, apply a variety ofMeans: medicines, folk recipes, removal with the help of various devices. The cause of warts is the human papillomavirus (HPV). Anyone can become infected with them, and when creating favorable factors, the virus manifests itself as formations on the skin. To get rid of skin growths and defeat the virus, it is necessary to carry out the treatment of warts, using medicines and traditional methods that affect the cause of the pathology.
Features of warts
The infection assimilates to the skin cells, forcing them to forcefully divide. You can become infected with a virus in public places, through household items. The virus enters the body through wounds, abrasions.
Pathology is manifested by the formation on the skin of bizarre growths of the most different forms. It usually grows inside the skin and in breadth. Above the skin surface, warts do not protrude strongly - no more than a centimeter.
All formations that appear on the skin are divided into several types. Treatment of warts begins only after determining the type.
- Warts are common, youthful.
- Genital warts. Most often, this type is manifested in the genitals.
- Senile, caused by age-related changes.
- Plantar.
According to statistics, HPV is infected with more than halfpopulation of the planet, but not all people have growths. This is due to the work of the immune system. If a person has one or several warts, this indicates the need to immediately take tests for HPV and begin treatment of warts.
It usually does not require the treatment of the disease, since the immune system itself is able to cope with the virus. But there are cases when the immediate help of a doctor is necessary:
- the growth does not disappear for a long time;
- warts become many, they multiply;
- education causes discomfort, soreness.
In these situations, you must contact your dermatologist. He will conduct research and prescribe treatment.
Medications, traditional medicine, and surgical removal methods can be prescribed for the treatment of warts. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.
For treating warts at homeAntiviral and immunostimulating agents are used. Before conducting surgical treatment of pathology, it is necessary to get rid of the virus by conducting antiviral therapy. Then measures are taken to strengthen the immunity. It is necessary that the body itself began to struggle with pathology.
Strengthening the immune system
For the treatment of warts at home used a variety of drugs. Most commonly prescribed:
- "Izoprinozin" tablets.The drug has an immunostimulating effect. The drug is taken only by prescription in a strict dosage. This drug is prescribed in case of weakened immunity. The drug is taken in courses for two weeks with breaks per month. The daily dosage for an adult is two tablets three times a day. After several doses, patients notice improvements: the formations begin to shrink and gradually disappear completely. It is possible to accept means to children older than three years in the dosage strictly appointed by the doctor. The drug has contraindications. It can not be used for arrhythmias, gout, kidney failure, individual intolerance to the components.
- "Viferon".For the treatment of flat warts on the face and other types, this medication is considered one of the best. It stimulates the production of interferon protein, which fights the virus. The drug is taken twice a day in the dosage that the doctor picked up. Treatment usually lasts about a month.
- "Pyrogenal". It is a solution for intramuscular injection. The tool is used to improve immunity. Injections are included in complex therapy.
HPV Solutions
These types of medications are used with specialcaution. These solutions are used for cauterization of warts. They can damage healthy skin. Despite this, with the home treatment of warts in some cases it is possible to get rid of the problem from the first time.
Before burning the growths should be gluedhealthy skin around them, and the warts themselves steamed. Then the liquid gently drip onto the formation. These funds are not used for the removal of formations in children.
In this group, the most effective means is “Ferezol”. Around the growth of the skin is treated with a fat cream, and then sealed.
Helps to remove warts "Verrukatsid".It has a more gentle effect on healthy skin without causing burns. Fresh and small growths can be removed the first time, and old and large warts are displayed in several stages.
To soften the growths using "Kollomak". In its composition salicylic acid. You can use this tool no longer than a week.
Helps cauterize warts known iodine. This remedy has necrotic properties. Burning education, it is necessary to ensure that iodine does not fall on healthy skin.
Antiviral Medicines
It is not enough to get rid of skin lesions,It is also necessary to treat the cause of warts on the fingers and other parts of the body, namely the effect on the virus from the inside. To protect the organisms use tablets, ointments, creams, solutions for external use, solutions for injection.
Good results in the treatment of warts givesdrug "Allokin Alpha." This is an antiviral drug of domestic production, which in 98% of cases helps to cope with HPV. Also, this tool helps against the herpes virus, with influenza, hepatitis B. This tool is available only in the form of injections, it is not in tablets.
Proven methods
For the treatment of warts on the face applyoxolinic ointment. It has anti-infective action. This tool is used to treat growths several times a day for a month, and sometimes even longer. Ointment differs from other means of low price and availability: the tool can be purchased at any pharmacy. The disadvantage of this tool - the need for long-term treatment. During the application of the ointment should be aware that it leaves greasy marks on clothes.
Helps to cope with warts "Viruxin".This is an antiviral agent of plant origin. It contains a large number of extracts of medicinal plants that provide antiviral effects on the body and increase immune protection.
The tablets produced drug "Groprinosin". He is appointed in conjunction with ointments, gels.
Можно использовать гель «Панавир» от бородавок.It has antiviral action, removes warts. The substances contained in the cream penetrate deep into the layers of the skin and affect the root of the formation.
Good help drops "Celandine". They have a devastating effect on the virus, killing them. This preparation gently grease growths. Apply drops can be no longer than a week.
There are pills and ointment for warts "Acyclovir." This tool can be used for children.
In complex therapy, immunostimulants are used, such as Cycloferon, Interferon, Reaferon, and others. All antiviral drugs stimulate the immune system.
Quick delete
According to reviews, the treatment of warts is carried out quickly only by surgery. For this purpose, laser, nitrogen removal and other methods are used.
Laser removal of vulgar warts is performed by gradual evaporation of growth tissues. Then a small crust appears on the site of the wart. Over time, it disappears.
When nitrogen is removed, the tissue is frozen. After this method, a small blister resembles a burn on the skin. He gradually heals, the wart falls off, healthy skin remains.
Used as a surgical removalradio wave method. It produces a high frequency wave effect, evaporating tissue. This method is somewhat similar to laser removal, but is rarely used so far.
Outdated methods
Некоторые виды наростов удаляют методом electrocoagulation. The surgeon makes anesthesia Novocain, and then performs excision of the wart with a metal thread under the current. This method is performed only in the clinic under local anesthesia. This technology is slightly outdated and rarely used, as is the method of wart removal with a scalpel.
Traditional methods of treatment
Treatment warts folk methods carried out in thosecases when they only begin to appear and do not exceed the size of a match head. To cauterize growths, use fresh celandine juice. For treating growths, in the warm season, lubricate the damaged surface with the sap of the plant. This procedure is carried out several times a day. After a few weeks, the warts disappear.
Прекрасно справляется с бородавками чеснок.It is cut into thin plates and applied to the growth. A patch is applied on top. This procedure is carried out every day. After a month, see the result.
Other recipes
For the treatment of flat warts applypotato broth. To prepare it, you need to remove sprouts from sprouted root crops. They will need a glass and pour the same amount of boiling water. Then the composition is put on a slow fire and boiled until it becomes two times less liquid. The finished product is rubbed into the warts twice a day. This tool helps to get rid of adolescent growths.
For the treatment of plantar warts in the homeAcetic acid can be used in conditions, but scars can remain after it. Acid is applied drop by drop to each build-up with a pipette. During the procedure, it is important to avoid contact with vinegar on a healthy area of the skin.
Sparing treatment methods
To treat warts with drugsburning property is unsafe. To reduce the impact on healthy tissue, it is necessary to close healthy tissue during growth treatment. For this, an adhesive plaster is taken, a hole is cut out on it, corresponding to the size of the wart. The patch is glued to the body so that the resulting growth peeps through the resulting hole.
This method of protection will not allow to cause burningremedy for healthy skin. Next, take a mixture of garlic and vinegar, to give a thick slurry, flour is added to it. A piece of this dough is taken and applied to the wart. From above everything is covered with polyethylene and fixed with a bandage. The procedure is carried out every day, making such compresses for the night.
When treating masses with other drugs and medicines, the skin should also be covered with a plaster.
Castor oil and aloe
Helps to get rid of warts castor oil.This tool has many healing properties, it has a good effect on the skin. To remove warts, it is necessary to wash the oil twice a day in the affected skin.
Helps to get rid of aloe warts.For the preparation of funds, a teaspoon of soda is taken, diluted in a glass of water. In the resulting solution, moisten the swab and apply it to the wart for twenty minutes. After the aloe leaf is taken a small piece and fixed on the wart with a bandage. The procedure is carried out every day before bed for a week.
To no longer occur warts, it is necessary to improve the immune system. It will protect the body from human papillomavirus.
If the pathology is manifested in children, then you needrevise the diet of the child: it includes juices, fruits, vitamins. Be sure to exclude stressful situations. In the cold season, it is recommended to brew herbal teas with the addition of fresh-frozen berries, honey. Be sure to teach your child to follow the rules of personal hygiene, especially in public places.
In those cases when the warts appear again, it is necessary to immediately begin to improve the immune system, and the skin formations to heal.
Treatment of warts by any means shouldbe carried out only under the supervision of a physician and only according to the scheme determined by the doctor. Many people ignore visiting a dermatologist and try to cure the growth on their own. After a series of failures, burns, it is possible to remove the cosmetic manifestation of the virus, but with the slightest decrease in immunity, HPV is again manifested by formations on the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to affect the wart not only outside, removing skin defects, but also to kill the virus inside the body.