/ / What is vasectomy and why is it needed?

What is vasectomy and why is it needed?

Not all are aware of what vasectomy is in the CIS countries. At the same time in the US, and in Western Europe, this surgical intervention is gradually gaining popularity.

What is a vasectomy?

What is a vasectomy?

This operation is the removal of partor simply crossing the vas deferens. That is, a man who made a vasectomy becomes unable to conceive a child. It should be understood that the results of such a surgical intervention can not always be abolished and the normal functioning of the reproductive system can be restored. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to such an operation only in truly extreme cases.

The essence of this surgical intervention

The main purpose of the operation in this case iscreation of such conditions that will not allow sperm to enter the seminal fluid. The fact is that with this, the onset of pregnancy becomes impossible. Most often, you just need to cut the vas deferens. In more rare cases, the doctor has to remove small parts of them.

Vasectomy price

Progress of the operation

Those who wish to learn about what isvasectomy, it will be interesting to get more information about the specific actions of the surgeon. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. In this case, the anesthetic is injected directly into the scrotum. And anesthesia is made for both the left and the right half of it. After the anesthetic will work, the surgeon makes a cut on the side wall of the scrotum. Then he outputs through the resulting opening the vas deferens. In the future, either its usual cutting, or the removal of a small area. To date, there is no data that would speak in favor of one or the second option, so each surgeon chooses one of them, based on the current situation. Then, the ends of the divided vas deferens are ligated. In the end, the edges of the cut are pulled together by stitches. After the operation on one side is completed, the doctor performs a similar surgical procedure on the second half of the scrotum.

Has made a vasectomy


Few know what vasectomy is,but even fewer people correctly assess all the risks associated with carrying out such an operation. First of all, it should be noted the possibility of excessive hemorrhage during surgical intervention. Also, as a result of the operation, a situation may arise where an infection will be introduced into the body. This promises the development of quite unpleasant complications in the form of local inflammatory reactions or even a common infectious disease. Another problem can be the recanalization of the vas deferens. This happens infrequently, but ultimately can cause sperm to appear in the semen. This means that the reproductive abilities of a man will be restored, and his partner may have a pregnancy.

If a person still decided on such an operation,as a vasectomy, the price will largely depend on the way it is conducted. Ordinary surgical intervention will be more accessible than a special operation performed without a significant incision. So, those who want to know what vasectomy is, not from idle interest, but for voluntary sterilization, it is necessary to take into account this circumstance.