/ / Natural preparation "Ovesol": instructions for use

Natural preparation "Ovesol": instruction for use

The drug "Ovesol", the instructions for which are detaileddescribes its action, is a complex dietary supplement. Its reception contributes to the separation of bile, dissolution and painless removal from the biliary tract of small stones. In addition, according to the description attached to the drug "Ovesol", it contributes to the detoxification of the liver, relieves spasms, has anti-inflammatory effect. The therapeutic effect of this medicinal product is due to the properties of its components - components of plant origin.

The composition of the dietary supplement "Ovesol" instruction describesas follows: it contains a grass of an oats of a sowing plant and a volodushka stranded, as well as peppermint leaves, immortelle flowers and turmeric. This tool is available in the form of drops - it contains ethyl alcohol.

Oat grass used for productioncontains vitamins, micro and macronutrients, amino acids, enzymes, saponins, etc. This raw material is collected during the period when the grass has not fully matured (the so-called “milky ripeness”), which ensures the most complete absorption of its beneficial substances. The extract from the grass of oats helps to eliminate toxins from the liver and intestines and normalize bile formation.

Describing the properties of volodushki grass multicore,part of the drug "Ovesol", the instruction says about its powerful anti-inflammatory effect, due to the presence of ascorbic acid, essential oils and saponins. In addition, due to the content of flavonoids and tannins, this component of the drug enhances its choleretic effect. Multicore volodushka is traditionally used in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases of the pancreas and liver. In addition, it has a tonic effect and can significantly improve the patient's well-being.

Turmeric root enhances the production of bile andgastric juice, resulting in improved digestion. This plant is an effective natural antibacterial drug and has a depressant effect on the pathogenic bacteria, retarding their growth. In addition, turmeric has a powerful hepatoprotective and choleretic action, normalizes cholesterol levels, effectively cleanses the blood and improves its circulation.

Peppermint leaves, part of the drug"Ovesol" (the instruction emphasizes its antispasmodic properties) is traditionally used in the treatment of colitis, liver, urinary and biliary tract diseases. This is due to its ability to provide analgesic effect and relax the smooth muscles of the internal organs, as well as its strong antiseptic properties. The healing properties of mint are caused by the essential oils contained in it, the main active ingredient of which is menthol. In addition, peppermint can cure headaches. It improves appetite and has a pronounced sedative effect.

As for the immortelle sandy,substances entering it tone up the gallbladder and increase bile secretion, have anti-inflammatory and carminative effect. Thus, the natural drug "Ovesol" (instructions for use confirms this) is an effective tool that helps cleanse and improve the liver and, as a consequence, the whole body.

"Ovesol" is taken twice a day with meals.A single dose - 15-20 drops, the treatment lasts 3-4 weeks. This drug is especially indicated for use by those suffering from chronic gastrointestinal diseases, poorly nourished, works with toxic substances. Supplement "Ovesol" is not prescribed to children and pregnant women, as well as those who have an individual intolerance to one of its components.