/ / Ovesol. Contraindications? There are almost no

Ovesol. Contraindications? There are almost no

The main function of the liver is the purification of ourorganism from toxic substances formed in the process of vital activity. At the same time, the liver, like other organs, is subject to negative influences and diseases, and its purifying abilities eventually weaken. In medical practice, well known preparations "Ovesol" and "Gepatrin", which help the liver function normally.

When choosing which of the followingprefer at a certain moment, it should be understood that these funds do not replace, but complement each other. Therefore, the opposition of drugs "Ovesol" or "Gepatrin" is not entirely correct. Since the vegetable ingredients that make up the formulations of these preparations are different, respectively, and their healing and healing properties are different.

Modern means "Gepatrin" has a triple action: hepatoprotective, choleretic and restorative.

It contains artichoke extract, whichquickly removes from the body excess, and even unnecessary substances (such as alcohol) and does not allow them to accumulate. Extract of milk thistle protects the liver from the negative effects of alcohol, poison, toxins, side effects of drugs. Lecithin is actively involved in the repair of already damaged liver cells.

The use of hepatrin is highly recommended inthe time of holidays, traditionally burdened by excessive use of alcohol, fatty and spicy food. These factors severely injure the liver, and it needs help.

Ovesol is an effective remedy,contributing to the normal functioning of the liver. For people who want to maintain their health, this drug is very important as a source of flavonoids and emodin necessary for our body. It acts as a detoxifier, choleretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Oatsol - not a cure.It is a biologically active additive to food and, like any other drug, not everyone is shown. The "Ovesol" has contraindications: the device is not recommended for people who have undergone an operation to remove the gallbladder, since the drug has a mild choleretic effect, i.e. in this case, the already absent organ is stimulated.

The composition of the oats is composed of various vegetablecomponents such as milk oats, turmeric, immortelle, peppermint. These medicinal plants have long been widely used in medicine and homeopathy. As part of the oats, the proportions are precisely observed, in which the properties of each plant "work" with the greatest impact. But it is their characteristics that are determined in such a preparation as "Ovesol" contraindications. They consist in the individual intolerance of a particular component. This intolerance can be expressed in allergic reactions, so you should be careful in taking those who have allergies to turmeric, mint, immortelle or oats. If you do not know exactly which of the ovesola components you have a reaction to, contact an allergist to determine it.

When such an allergen is found, if desired, you can find an analogue of oats with similar composition, but without this ingredient.

When using a drug such as "Ovesol", contraindications are minimal. Nevertheless, remember that it weakens the effect of contraceptives, and be careful.

It is recommended to take an oceol for a month,and for prevention it is necessary to conduct courses of admission two or three times a year. Supplements "Ovesol" is available in the form of drops and tablets for oral administration. Take the drug should be twice a day with meals. Drops are a water-alcohol solution (40%) of the herbal extract. Take drops in the proportion: twenty drops per 50 milliliters of water before eating twice a day. Given the presence of alcohol in the drops "Ovesol", contraindications may include individual alcohol intolerance.

Gepatrine and ovesol are affordable and effective drugs. With their help, you can protect, restore and maintain liver health, but do not forget to consult with a specialist.