Few people think about what is in somewomen are so attracted to men, and in others are repulsive. And it's not even in the figure or the length of the hair, let alone the size of the breast. Yes, of course, this is important, but only in the first 30 minutes of communication, but here begins the science of pheromones.
Each individual has its own intimate scent, which is perceived by the subcortex as pleasant or unpleasant. This is how men and women fall in love - in the smell of each other.
Lovely ladies, do not believe stories and sayings in the worldwide networks that convince you that intimate allocation should not smell. And how do you think people meet and get married?
To begin with, the odor of the secretions of the sexual glandswomen can "tell" whether the woman is healthy or sick. But here's the snag: everyone after all describes the smell in their own way. Someone thinks that normal mucous smells like a fresh fish, and someone that has milk.
Therefore, it is best to determine how the pathological female discharge smells.
The sour smell of secretions most often occurs whendysbiosis or thrush, when the acidity of the microflora changes. In addition to this symptom, a woman may be troubled by abundant discharge, similar to flakes or coagulated milk. They will irritate the vaginal mucosa, and lead to its inflammation. Almost always, patients experience unpleasant symptoms in the form of burning in the labia and vagina.
Once you have discovered such symptoms,you should immediately consult a doctor. Diagnosis is the smear microscopy and the determination of microflora. A doctor can offer you an analysis for sexually transmitted infections. the unpleasant odor of discharge can be a symptom of many diseases.
When the diagnosis is established accurately, you can carry out treatment. Remember, in the treatment of genital diseases, the main thing is to undergo a full course of treatment to avoid relapses and complications.
Unpleasant odor of excrement rotten or stalefish can occur with bacterial vaginosis (BV). This disease is a consequence of dysbiosis and brings a lot of inconvenience to a woman. The smell is so intense that sometimes even the surrounding can feel it. BV often leads to severe complications: infertility, endometriosis, peritonitis and sepsis, and can also be complicated by abscesses and bartholinitis. It is important in time to see a doctor and start an adequate antibiotic therapy in time, otherwise complications can not be avoided.
Unpleasant odor of discharge can occur whendecay of tumor tissues. Of course, this phenomenon is nonsense today. There are only a few cases among elderly patients. At the same time, in addition to the smell, there are abundant blood-purulent discharge. A woman observes the pain in the pelvic region, the general poor state of health.
Abscesses, phlegmon and boils are very rarephenomena among young girls, but all these processes also cause an unpleasant odor of discharge. In addition, the patient will notice objective signs of inflammation, she will be disturbed by the general symptoms of intoxication: temperature, weakness, lack of appetite.
Подводя итоги, необходимо отметить, что запах female allotments are different, and the concept of pleasant and unpleasant too differs. A woman should pay attention to the change in odor, perhaps intensification of its intensity or vice versa, or a variation in the nature of the olfactory sensations. For example, all the time there was a weak milk intimate smell, and then changed to more intense sour. In this situation, you should see a doctor. In addition, do not forget to pay attention to the attendant symptoms. They can be more serious than changing the intimate smell.