/ / White discharge in women: a reason to think?

White discharge in women: an occasion to reflect?

Every woman should closely monitortheir health and make friends with such a branch of medicine as gynecology. White discharge, lower abdominal pain and other symptoms should be a reason to contact the appropriate doctor.

Vaginal secretions can be both normal and pathological, but first, let's look at what is in their composition:

  • Slime. It is secreted by glands located along the cervical canal.
  • Microorganisms.There is always a certain microflora in the vagina, and it is represented by numerous species: from 5 to 12. In a healthy woman, these are mainly lactic acid bacteria. White discharge from women can appear just because of them. In addition, there are other microbes, the presence of which is not yet talking about the disease.
  • Cells They are exfoliated from the walls of the cervical canal, vagina.

To begin, consider the normal selection.Certain white discharge in women may be the norm, but in girls before the onset of menses there should be almost no. With the advent of the monthly presence on the panties of certain substances is associated with age, the nature of sexuality, hormonal status, as well as the menstrual cycle.

In the first 12-13 days of the cycle, the woman markspale, watery or slimy discharge whitish or yellowish. They have a uniform texture, odorless or slightly sour. The next 1-2 days approximately in the middle of the cycle ovulation occurs. Changing the nature of discharge. They are abundant, viscous and slimy, their shade can be beige.

In the following days, the amount of discharge gradually decreases, it has a creamy or kissel-like character. But a couple of days before the end of the menstrual cycle, the amount of discharge increases again.

Such cycling is observed throughoutreproductive age of the woman. However, women should know that there are many factors that can change the nature of discharge. This is normal and should not be scared. Consider them in more detail. Firstly, the onset of sexual activity or a change of partner leads to the fact that unfamiliar microorganisms to this place get into the vagina of women, to which you need to get used. In connection with this abundant white discharge may appear, their habitual consistency may change. Secondly, sexual intercourse itself has some influence. If there was unprotected sex, then after it there are clotted discharge, which are then replaced by more liquid. Also, hormonal contraceptives and pregnancy have their influence. During her discharge abundant and liquid.

Now consider the pathological side of the issue.There are a number of diseases that are accompanied by various changes. It may be white discharge from women, a strange and unpleasant smell, unusual texture. The most likely causes of such changes are diseases of the genital organs. These manifestations can be a reason to think, because a diagnosis can only be made with the help of survey data.

Abundant white discharge in women can beassociated with diseases such as trichomoniasis, candidiasis, or thrush, bacterial vaginosis. Allocations in these pathologies can be not only white, but also yellowish, greenish. In addition, they can vary in smell, texture. That is why examination by a professional is so important. In some pathologies, there are discharge with an admixture of blood. Sometimes they can be harmless, but you should still contact a gynecologist, since they can talk about menstrual disorders, be a manifestation of a disease like vaginitis.

Thus, vaginal discharge -normal, but do not forget that they can serve as a clue for a woman, drawing attention to that, she will go to the doctor and will not receive an unpleasant surprise at the most inopportune moment.