/ / Pawns ears. What to do? What are the reasons for this?

Pawns ears. What to do? What are the reasons for this?

Very often people face a problem whensuddenly pawns ears. What to do in this situation? To begin with, of course, we need to find out why all this happened at all. In general, the external auditory organs of man have a rather unusual structure. The ears are sensitive enough to various kinds of changes, for example, of a climatic nature. In addition, it should be noted that even very small jumps of atmospheric pressure can lead to the fact that a person lays his ears. What to do, how to get rid of the feeling of vacuum? Let's try to understand this question.

So, as already mentioned above, ears are veryuneasy organ. The human ear is directly connected to the so-called pharynx with the Eustachian tube. If a person lays his ears, the reasons for this are simply necessary. This is often the so-called tubo-otitis. This is how specialists refer to the disease, which causes inflammation of the Eustachian tube. Often, a flu or a severe cold causes this inflammatory process in the hearing. In addition, the cause of tubopotitis can be polyps, adenoids or sinusitis.

Patients often complain to their doctors thatalmost every day they lay their ears. What to do in such a situation, only an experienced specialist can tell. In most cases, this situation is typical for people who experience sharp jumps in blood pressure, brain trauma or ischemic disease. It is for this reason, if you are laying down ears, what to do, and what causes this phenomenon you do not know, and there are no signs of flu or cold, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Many people in their childhood endure suchdiseases like otitis in severe form. As a result, a person simply generates a large number of scars on the so-called eardrum. Subsequently, in a man who has been ill with this form of otitis, he periodically lays his ears. Unfortunately, it is impossible to cope with this in a similar situation with the help of any medication.

Ears can also be pawned by people who do notsuffer from any of the diseases described above. For example, when driving in an elevator or a flight on an airplane, a sharp drop and an increase in atmospheric pressure occurs. As a result, people may not hear the sounds surrounding them for a while. This phenomenon is considered the norm, do not worry about it. After a few minutes, your hearing will be restored.

Probably many at least once in my life in my earswater was falling. The liquid then penetrates the Eustachian tube. If this happened to you, try to clean it gently with an ordinary cotton swab. He will quickly absorb all the excess moisture, and the rumor will return.

If none of the above is suitable foryour situation, and find out why lays the ears is simply necessary, try to carefully clean the auricle with cotton buds. Some people can form so-called sulfur plugs, which create a sense of vacuum.

In conclusion, I would like to note that to monitorEverybody should be their health. Remember that various colds contribute to the onset of inflammatory processes not only in the respiratory organs and the nasal cavity, but also in the auditory organs. Do not use sharp objects when cleaning ears. You can damage not only the tympanic membrane, but also the surface of the ear, which will have a negative effect on the hearing itself. In addition, you must necessarily cure even minor colds. This is the only way to keep good ears.